### Copyright 2019 Pixar ### ### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") ### with the following modification; you may not use this file except in ### compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: ### Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: ### ### 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade ### names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor ### and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of ### the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. ### ### You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at ### ### http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ### ### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ### distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is ### distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ### KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific ### language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. ### ### ### module JSS # Mixin Modules ##################################### # This module provides the ability to work with MDM commands for objects that # can receive them. # # Objects mixing in this module MUST: # # - Define the constant MDM_COMMAND_TARGET - One of: # :computers, :computergroups, :mobiledevices, :mobiledevicegroups # # # # module MDM # Constants ##################################### #### target types # These targets are computers COMPUTER_TARGETS = %i[computers computergroups].freeze # The API resource for sending computer commands COMPUTER_RSRC = 'computercommands'.freeze # These targets are mobile devices DEVICE_TARGETS = %i[mobiledevices mobiledevicegroups].freeze # the API resource for sending device commands DEVICE_RSRC = 'mobiledevicecommands'.freeze # These targets are groups, and need their member ids expanded for sending commands GROUP_TARGETS = %i[computergroups mobiledevicegroups].freeze #### The commands # Both computers & devices BLANK_PUSH = 'BlankPush'.freeze DEVICE_LOCK = 'DeviceLock'.freeze ERASE_DEVICE = 'EraseDevice'.freeze UNMANGE_DEVICE = 'UnmanageDevice'.freeze # UPDATE_OS = 'UpdateOS'.freeze # computers only DELETE_USER = 'DeleteUser'.freeze UNLOCK_USER_ACCOUNT = 'UnlockUserAccount'.freeze # devices SETTINGS = 'Settings'.freeze CLEAR_PASSCODE = 'ClearPasscode'.freeze UPDATE_INVENTORY = 'UpdateInventory'.freeze CLEAR_RESTRICTIONS_PASSWORD = 'ClearRestrictionsPassword'.freeze ENABLE_DATA_ROAMING = 'SettingsEnableDataRoaming'.freeze DISABLE_DATA_ROAMING = 'SettingsDisableDataRoaming'.freeze ENABLE_VOICE_ROAMING = 'SettingsEnableVoiceRoaming'.freeze DISABLE_VOICE_ROAMING = 'SettingsDisableVoiceRoaming'.freeze # shared ipads only PASSCODE_LOCK_GRACE_PERIOD = 'PasscodeLockGracePeriod'.freeze # supervised devices WALLPAPER = 'Wallpaper'.freeze DEVICE_NAME = 'DeviceName'.freeze SHUTDOWN_DEVICE = 'ShutDownDevice'.freeze RESTART_DEVICE = 'RestartDevice'.freeze ENABLE_LOST_MODE = 'EnableLostMode'.freeze DISABLE_LOST_MODE = 'DisableLostMode'.freeze DEVICE_LOCATION = 'DeviceLocation'.freeze PLAY_LOST_MODE_SOUND = 'PlayLostModeSound'.freeze ENABLE_APP_ANALYTICS = 'SettingsEnableAppAnalytics'.freeze DISABLE_APP_ANALYTICS = 'SettingsDisableAppAnalytics'.freeze ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC_SUBMISSION = 'SettingsEnableDiagnosticSubmission'.freeze DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC_SUBMISSION = 'SettingsDisableDiagnosticSubmission'.freeze #### Groupings of commands # The MDM commands applicable to computers COMPUTER_COMMANDS = [ BLANK_PUSH, DEVICE_LOCK, ERASE_DEVICE, UNMANGE_DEVICE, DELETE_USER, UNLOCK_USER_ACCOUNT ].freeze # The MDM commands applicable to all mobile devices ALL_DEVICE_COMMANDS = [ BLANK_PUSH, DEVICE_LOCK, ERASE_DEVICE, UNMANGE_DEVICE, SETTINGS, CLEAR_PASSCODE, UPDATE_INVENTORY, ENABLE_DATA_ROAMING, DISABLE_DATA_ROAMING, ENABLE_VOICE_ROAMING, DISABLE_VOICE_ROAMING, PASSCODE_LOCK_GRACE_PERIOD ].freeze # The MDM commands applicable to supervised mobile devices SUPERVISED_DEVICE_COMMANDS = [ WALLPAPER, DEVICE_NAME, SHUTDOWN_DEVICE, RESTART_DEVICE, CLEAR_RESTRICTIONS_PASSWORD, ENABLE_LOST_MODE, DISABLE_LOST_MODE, DEVICE_LOCATION, PLAY_LOST_MODE_SOUND, ENABLE_APP_ANALYTICS, DISABLE_APP_ANALYTICS, ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC_SUBMISSION, DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC_SUBMISSION ].freeze # The MDM commands applicable to mobile devices DEVICE_COMMANDS = ALL_DEVICE_COMMANDS + SUPERVISED_DEVICE_COMMANDS # Symbols that can be used to represent the commands to the # {.send_mdm_command} Class method. # Alternates are provided to match both the actual API command, # and the command label in the JSS web UI, as well as common # variants. # e.g. the DeviceLock command in the API, is recognized as: # :device_lock and :lock_device, and just :lock # COMMANDS = { # all objects blank_push: BLANK_PUSH, send_blank_push: BLANK_PUSH, noop: BLANK_PUSH, device_lock: DEVICE_LOCK, lock_device: DEVICE_LOCK, lock: DEVICE_LOCK, erase_device: ERASE_DEVICE, wipe_device: ERASE_DEVICE, wipe_computer: ERASE_DEVICE, wipe: ERASE_DEVICE, erase: ERASE_DEVICE, unmanage_device: UNMANGE_DEVICE, remove_mdm_profile: UNMANGE_DEVICE, # computers only unlock_user_account: UNLOCK_USER_ACCOUNT, delete_user: DELETE_USER, # mobile devices only settings: SETTINGS, # not yet implemented as its own method update_inventory: UPDATE_INVENTORY, recon: UPDATE_INVENTORY, clear_passcode: CLEAR_PASSCODE, clear_restrictions_password: CLEAR_RESTRICTIONS_PASSWORD, enable_data_roaming: ENABLE_DATA_ROAMING, disable_data_roaming: DISABLE_DATA_ROAMING, enable_voice_roaming: ENABLE_VOICE_ROAMING, disable_voice_roaming: DISABLE_VOICE_ROAMING, # supervized mobile devices only device_name: DEVICE_NAME, # implemented as part of MobileDevice.name= wallpaper: WALLPAPER, set_wallpaper: WALLPAPER, passcode_lock_grace_period: PASSCODE_LOCK_GRACE_PERIOD, shut_down_device: SHUTDOWN_DEVICE, shutdown_device: SHUTDOWN_DEVICE, shut_down: SHUTDOWN_DEVICE, shutdown: SHUTDOWN_DEVICE, restart_device: RESTART_DEVICE, restart: RESTART_DEVICE, enable_app_analytics: ENABLE_APP_ANALYTICS, disable_app_analytics: DISABLE_APP_ANALYTICS, enable_diagnostic_submission: ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC_SUBMISSION, disable_diagnostic_submission: DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC_SUBMISSION, enable_lost_mode: ENABLE_LOST_MODE, disable_lost_mode: DISABLE_LOST_MODE, device_location: DEVICE_LOCATION, # not yet implemented as its own method play_lost_mode_sound: PLAY_LOST_MODE_SOUND }.freeze ### Command Data COMMAND_DATA = { DEVICE_LOCK => :passcode, # 6 char passcode ERASE_DEVICE => String, # 6 char passcode DELETE_USER => String, # username UNLOCK_USER_ACCOUNT => String, # username }.freeze WALLPAPER_LOCATIONS = { lock_screen: 1, home_screen: 2, lock_and_home_screen: 3 }.freeze ### Status # the status to flush for 'pending' PENDING_STATUS = 'Pending'.freeze # the status to flush for 'failed' FAILED_STATUS = 'Failed'.freeze # the status to flush for both pending and failed PENDINGFAILED_STATUS = 'Pending+Failed'.freeze FLUSHABLE_STATUSES = { pending: PENDING_STATUS, failed: FAILED_STATUS, pending_failed: PENDINGFAILED_STATUS }.freeze BLANK_PUSH_RESULT = 'Command sent'.freeze # xml elements GENERAL_ELEMENT = 'general'.freeze COMMAND_ELEMENT = 'command'.freeze TARGET_ID_ELEMENT = 'id'.freeze COMPUTER_COMMAND_ELEMENT = 'computer_command'.freeze COMPUTER_ID_ELEMENT = 'computer_id'.freeze COMPUTER_COMMAND_UDID_ELEMENT = 'command_uuid'.freeze DEVICE_COMMAND_ELEMENT = 'mobile_device_command'.freeze DEVICE_LIST_ELEMENT = 'mobile_devices'.freeze DEVICE_ID_ELEMENT = 'id'.freeze DEVICE_COMMAND_STATUS_ELEMENT = 'status'.freeze # Mixin Class Methods ########################### # See # https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/23637/mixin-both-instance-and-class-methods-in-ruby # for discussion of this technique for mixing in both # Class and Instance methods when including a module. # module ClassMethods # Send an MDM command to one or more targets without instantiating them. # # This general class method, and all the specific ones that all it, have # matching instance methods. Use the class method when you don't have, or # don't want to retrieve, instances of all the targets. # # If you do have an instance or a target, call the matching instance method # to send commands to that specific target. # # @example send a blank push to mobiledevice id 12 without instantiating: # # JSS::MobileDevice.send_blank_push 12 # # @example send a blank push to mobiledevice id 12 with instantiating: # # device = JSS::MobileDevice.fetch id: 12 # device.send_blank_push # # @example send a blank push to computers in computer groups # 'SpecialMacs' and 'FooBarGroup' # # JSS::ComputerGroup.send_blank_push ['SpecialMacs', 'FooBarGroup'] # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] # the name or id of the device(s), or devicegroup(s) to receive the # command, or an array of such names or ids. NOTE: when calling this on a # Group class, the targets are the groups themselves, not the individual # members - the membership will be expanded. # # @param command[Symbol] the command to send, one of the keys # of COMMANDS # # @param opts[Hash] Some commands require extra data, e.g. a device name. # Put it here # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API connection to use. Defaults to the # currently active API, see {JSS::APIConnection} # # @return [Hash{Integer=>String}] Keys are the target device ids. # Values depend on the kind of target: # - Computers will have the udid of the command sent to that computer. # The udid can be used to later retrieve info about the command. # - Mobile Devices seem to only have one command udid returned - for the # last device to have the command sent to it. (even in the Database, # not just in the API). So instead, the Hash value is the status of # the command for that device, most often 'Command sent' # Blank pushes do not generate return values, so Hash values are # always 'Command sent' (an error will be raised if there are problems # sending) # def send_mdm_command(targets, command, opts: {}, api: JSS.api) command = validate_command(command) rsrc = "#{send_command_rsrc}/command/#{command}" targets = raw_targets_to_ids targets, api: api cmd_xml = mdm_command_xml(command, opts, targets) if JSS.devmode? puts "Sending XML:\n" REXML::Document.new(cmd_xml).write STDOUT, 2 puts "\n\nTo rsrc: #{rsrc}" end result = api.post_rsrc rsrc, cmd_xml if command == BLANK_PUSH hash = {} targets.each { |t| hash[t] = BLANK_PUSH_RESULT } elsif COMPUTER_TARGETS.include? self::MDM_COMMAND_TARGET hash = process_computer_xml_result(result) elsif DEVICE_TARGETS.include? self::MDM_COMMAND_TARGET hash = process_mobiledevice_xml_result(result) end hash end # Convert the result of senting a computer MDM command into # the appropriate hash # # @param result [String] The raw XML from POSTing a computer command # # @return (see #send_mdm_command) # def process_computer_xml_result(result) hash = {} REXML::Document.new(result).elements[COMPUTER_COMMAND_ELEMENT].each_element do |cmd| compid = cmd.elements[COMPUTER_ID_ELEMENT].text.to_i udid = cmd.elements[COMPUTER_COMMAND_UDID_ELEMENT].text hash[compid] = udid end hash end # Convert the result of senting a device MDM command into # the appropriate hash # # @param result [String] The raw XML from POSTing a device command # # @return (see #send_mdm_command) # def process_mobiledevice_xml_result(result) hash = {} mds = REXML::Document.new(result).elements[DEVICE_COMMAND_ELEMENT].elements[DEVICE_LIST_ELEMENT] mds.each_element do |md| id = md.elements[DEVICE_ID_ELEMENT].text.to_i status = md.elements[DEVICE_COMMAND_STATUS_ELEMENT].text hash[id] = status end hash end # The API rsrc for sending MDM commands to this kind of target # # @return [String] The API rsrc. # def send_command_rsrc case self::MDM_COMMAND_TARGET when *COMPUTER_TARGETS COMPUTER_RSRC when *DEVICE_TARGETS DEVICE_RSRC else raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Unknown MDM command target: #{self::MDM_COMMAND_TARGET}" end end # Convert the targets provided for sending a command into # the final list of computers or mobile devices. # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array] See {#send_mdm_command} # # @param expand_groups[Boolean] Should groups be expanded into member ids? # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] an API connection to use. # # @return [Array<Integer>] The ids of the target devices for a command # def raw_targets_to_ids(targets, api: JSS.api, expand_groups: true) targets = targets.is_a?(Array) ? targets : [targets] # make sure its an array of ids targets.map! do |md| id = valid_id md, api: api raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "No #{self} matches identifier: #{md}" unless id id end # map! # expand group members if needed if expand_groups && GROUP_TARGETS.include?(self::MDM_COMMAND_TARGET) target_ids = [] targets.each { |group_id| target_ids += fetch(id: group_id).member_ids } targets = target_ids end # make sure all of them are managed, or else the API will raise a 400 # 'Bad Request' when sending the command to an unmanaged target all_mgd = self.map_all_ids_to(:managed).select { |_id, mgd| mgd }.keys targets.each do |target_id| raise JSS::UnmanagedError, "#{self} with id #{target_id} is not managed. Cannot send command." unless all_mgd.include? target_id end targets end # Generate the XML to send to the API, sending the MDM command to the targets # # @param command [Symbol] the command to be sent, a key from COMMANDS # # @param options [Hash] different commands require different options, # see each command method # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @return [String] The XML content to send to the API # def mdm_command_xml(command, options, targets) raise JSS::MissingDataError, 'Targets cannot be empty' if targets.empty? case self::MDM_COMMAND_TARGET when *COMPUTER_TARGETS command_elem = COMPUTER_COMMAND_ELEMENT target_list_elem = JSS::Computer::RSRC_LIST_KEY.to_s target_elem = JSS::Computer::RSRC_OBJECT_KEY.to_s when *DEVICE_TARGETS command_elem = DEVICE_COMMAND_ELEMENT target_list_elem = JSS::MobileDevice::RSRC_LIST_KEY.to_s target_elem = JSS::MobileDevice::RSRC_OBJECT_KEY.to_s else raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "Unknonwn MDM command target: #{self::MDM_COMMAND_TARGET}" end # case xml = REXML::Document.new JSS::APIConnection::XML_HEADER cmd_xml = xml.add_element command_elem general = cmd_xml.add_element GENERAL_ELEMENT general.add_element(COMMAND_ELEMENT).text = command options.each do |opt, val| general.add_element(opt.to_s).text = val.to_s end # do opt val tgt_list = cmd_xml.add_element target_list_elem targets.each do |tgt_id| tgt = tgt_list.add_element(target_elem) tgt.add_element(TARGET_ID_ELEMENT).text = tgt_id.to_s end xml.to_s end # self.mdm_command_xml(command, options) # Validate that this command is known and can be sent to this kind of # object, raising an error if not. # # @param command[Symbol] One of the symbolic commands as keys in COMMANDS # # @return [String] the matching value for the command symbol given # def validate_command(command) raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "Unknown command '#{command}'" unless COMMANDS.keys.include? command command = COMMANDS[command] case self::MDM_COMMAND_TARGET when *COMPUTER_TARGETS return command if COMPUTER_COMMANDS.include? command raise JSS::UnsupportedError, "'#{command}' cannot be sent to computers or computer groups" when *DEVICE_TARGETS return command if DEVICE_COMMANDS.include? command raise JSS::UnsupportedError, "'#{command}' cannot be sent to mobile devices or mobile device groups" end raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "'#{command}' is known, but not available for computers or mobile devices. This is a bug. Please report it." end ###### The individual commands # NOTE: not implementing Settings and Location until I know more what they do # Commands for both computers and devices ################################ # Send a blank push to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command)] # def blank_push(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :blank_push, api: api end alias send_blank_push blank_push alias noop blank_push # Send a Device Lock to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param passcode[String] a six-char passcode, required for computers & computergroups # # @param message[String] An optional message to display on mobiledevices & mobiledevicegroups # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def device_lock(targets, passcode: '', message: nil, api: JSS.api) case self::MDM_COMMAND_TARGET when *COMPUTER_TARGETS raise JSS::InvalidDataError, 'Locking computers requires a 6-character String passcode' unless passcode.size == 6 opts = { passcode: passcode } when *DEVICE_TARGETS opts = {} opts[:lock_message] = message if message end # case send_mdm_command targets, :device_lock, opts: opts, api: api end alias lock_device device_lock alias lock device_lock # Send an Erase Device command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param passcode[String] a six-char passcode, required for computers & computergroups # # @param preserve_data_plan[Boolean] Should the data plan of the mobile device be preserved? # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def erase_device(targets, passcode: '', preserve_data_plan: false, api: JSS.api) case self::MDM_COMMAND_TARGET when *COMPUTER_TARGETS raise JSS::InvalidDataError, 'Erasing computers requires a 6-character String passcode' unless passcode.size == 6 opts = { passcode: passcode } when *DEVICE_TARGETS opts = {} opts[:preserve_data_plan] = 'true' if preserve_data_plan end # case send_mdm_command targets, :erase_device, opts: opts, api: api end alias wipe erase_device alias wipe_device erase_device alias erase erase_device alias wipe_computer erase_device # Send an Unmanage Device command to one or more targets # # NOTE: when used with computers, the mdm profile will probably # be re-installed immediately unless the computer is also no longer # managed by Jamf Pro itself. To fully unmanage a computer, use # the {JSS::Computer#make_unmanaged} instance method. # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def unmanage_device(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :unmanage_device, api: api end alias remove_mdm_profile unmanage_device # Commands for computers only ################################ # Send an unlock_user_account command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param user[String] the username of the acct to unlock # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def unlock_user_account(targets, user, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :unlock_user_account, opts: { user_name: user }, api: api end # Send a delete_user command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param user[String] the username of the acct to delete # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def delete_user(targets, user, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :delete_user, opts: { user_name: user }, api: api end # Commands for mobile devices only ################################ # Send an update_inventory command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def update_inventory(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :update_inventory, api: api end alias recon update_inventory # Send an clear_passcode command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def clear_passcode(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :clear_passcode, api: api end # Send an clear_restrictions_password command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def clear_restrictions_password(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :clear_restrictions_password, api: api end # Send an enable_data_roaming command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def enable_data_roaming(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :enable_data_roaming, api: api end # Send andisable_data_roaming command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def disable_data_roaming(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :disable_data_roaming, api: api end # Send an enable_voice_roaming command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def enable_voice_roaming(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :enable_voice_roaming, api: api end # Send a disable_voice_roaming command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def disable_voice_roaming(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :disable_voice_roaming, api: api end # Commands for supervized mobile devices only ################################ # Send a device_name command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param name[String] The new name # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def device_name(targets, name, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :device_name, opts: { device_name: name }, api: api end alias set_name device_name alias set_device_name device_name # Send a wallpaper command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param wallpaper_setting[Symbol] :lock_screen, :home_screen, or :lock_and_home_screen # # @param wallpaper_content[String,Pathname] The local path to a .png or .jpg to use # as the walpaper image, required if no wallpaper_id # # @param wallpaper_id[Symbol] The id of an Icon in Jamf Pro to use as the wallpaper image, # required if no wallpaper_content # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def wallpaper(targets, wallpaper_setting: nil, wallpaper_content: nil, wallpaper_id: nil, api: JSS.api) raise ArgumentError, "wallpaper_setting must be one of: :#{WALLPAPER_LOCATIONS.keys.join ', :'}" unless WALLPAPER_LOCATIONS.keys.include? wallpaper_setting opts = { wallpaper_setting: WALLPAPER_LOCATIONS[wallpaper_setting] } if wallpaper_content file = Pathname.new wallpaper_content raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "Not a file: #{file}" unless file.file? opts[:wallpaper_content] = Base64.encode64 file.read elsif wallpaper_id opts[:wallpaper_id] = wallpaper_id else raise ArgumentError, 'Either wallpaper_id: or wallpaper_content must be provided' end send_mdm_command targets, :wallpaper, opts: opts, api: api end alias set_wallpaper wallpaper # Send a passcode_lock_grace_period command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param secs[Integer] The numer of seconds for the grace period # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def passcode_lock_grace_period(targets, secs, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :passcode_lock_grace_period, opts: { passcode_lock_grace_period: secs }, api: api end # Send a shut_down_device command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def shut_down_device(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :shut_down_device, api: api end alias shutdown_device shut_down_device alias shut_down shut_down_device alias shutdown shut_down_device # Send a restart_device command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def restart_device(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :restart_device, api: api end alias restart restart_device # Send an enable_app_analytics command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def enable_app_analytics(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :enable_app_analytics, api: api end # Send a disable_app_analytics command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def disable_app_analytics(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :disable_app_analytics, api: api end # Send an enable_diagnostic_submission command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def enable_diagnostic_submission(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :enable_diagnostic_submission, api: api end # Send a disable_diagnostic_submission command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def disable_diagnostic_submission(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :disable_diagnostic_submission, api: api end # Send a enable_lost_mode command to one or more targets # # Either or both of message and phone number must be provided # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param message[String] The message to display on the lock screen # # @param phone[String] The phone number to display on the lock screen # # @param footnote[String] Optional footnote to display on the lock screen # # @param play_sound[Boolean] Play a sound when entering lost mode # # @param enforce_lost_mode[Boolean] Re-enabled lost mode when re-enrolled after wipe. # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def enable_lost_mode( targets, message: nil, phone: nil, footnote: nil, play_sound: false, enforce_lost_mode: true, api: JSS.api ) raise ArgumentError, 'Either message: or phone_number: must be provided' unless message || phone opts = { always_enforce_lost_mode: enforce_lost_mode } opts[:lost_mode_message] = message if message opts[:lost_mode_phone] = phone if phone opts[:lost_mode_footnote] = footnote if footnote opts[:lost_mode_with_sound] = 'true' if play_sound send_mdm_command targets, :enable_lost_mode, opts: opts, api: api end # Send a play_lost_mode_sound command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def play_lost_mode_sound(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :play_lost_mode_sound, api: api end # Send a disable_lost_mode command to one or more targets # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] @see .send_mdm_command # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] the API thru which to send the command # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def disable_lost_mode(targets, api: JSS.api) send_mdm_command targets, :disable_lost_mode, api: api end # Flushing Commands ############################### # Flush pending or failed commands on devices or groups # # @param targets[String,Integer,Array<String,Integer>] # the name or id of the device or group to flush commands, or # an array of such names or ids, or a comma-separated string # of them. NOTE: when calling this on a Group class, the targets # are the groups themselves, not the individual members. # # @param status[String] a key from {JSS::Commandable::FLUSHABLE_STATUSES} # # @param api[JSS::APIConnection] an API connection to use. # Defaults to the corrently active API. See {JSS::APIConnection} # # @return [void] # def flush_mdm_commands(targets, status: nil, api: JSS.api) raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Status must be one of :#{FLUSHABLE_STATUSES.keys.join ', :'}" unless FLUSHABLE_STATUSES.keys.include? status status = FLUSHABLE_STATUSES[status] target_ids = raw_targets_to_ids targets, api: api, expand_groups: false command_flush_rsrc = "commandflush/#{self::MDM_COMMAND_TARGET}/id" flush_rsrc = "#{command_flush_rsrc}/#{target_ids.join ','}/status/#{status}" puts "Sending API DELETE: #{flush_rsrc}" if JSS.devmode? api.delete_rsrc flush_rsrc end end # module ClassMethods # Extend ourself when included # @see {JSS::MDM::ClassMethods} def self.included(klass) klass.extend JSS::MDM::ClassMethods end # Mixin Instance Methods ########################### # See https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/23637/mixin-both-instance-and-class-methods-in-ruby # for discussion of this technique for mixing in both # Class and Instance methods when including a module. # Commands for both computers and devices ################################ # Send a blank push to this object # # @return [void] # def blank_push self.class.send_blank_push @id, api: @api end alias send_blank_push blank_push alias noop blank_push # Send a dev lock to this object # # @param passcode_or_message[String] a six-char passcode, required for computers & computergroups # Or an optional message to display on mobiledevices & mobiledevicegroups # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def device_lock(passcode_or_message = '') self.class.device_lock @id, passcode: passcode_or_message, message: passcode_or_message, api: @api end alias lock device_lock alias lock_device device_lock # Send an erase device command to this object # # @param passcode[String] a six-char passcode, required for computers & computergroups # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def erase_device(passcode = '', preserve_data_plan: false) self.class.erase_device @id, passcode: passcode, preserve_data_plan: preserve_data_plan, api: @api end alias wipe_device erase_device alias wipe_computer erase_device alias wipe erase_device alias erase erase_device # Send an unmanage device command to this object # # NOTE: when used with computers, the mdm profile will probably # be re-installed immediately unless the computer is also no longer # managed by Jamf Pro itself. To fully unmanage a computer, use # the {JSS::Computer#make_unmanaged} instance method. # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def unmanage_device self.class.unmanage_device @id, api: @api end alias remove_mdm_profile unmanage_device # Commands for computers only ################################ # Send an unlock_user_account command to this computer or group # # @param user[String] the username of the acct to unlock # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def unlock_user_account(user) self.class.unlock_user_account @id, user, api: @api end # Send a delete_user command to this computer or group # # @param user[String] the username of the acct to delete # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def delete_user(user) self.class.delete_user @id, user, api: @api end # Commands for mobile devices only ################################ # mobile devices only # settings: SETTINGS, # Send an update_inventory command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def update_inventory self.class.update_inventory @id, api: @api end alias recon update_inventory # Send an clear_passcode command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def clear_passcode self.class.clear_passcode @id, api: @api end # Send an clear_restrictions_password command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def clear_restrictions_password self.class.clear_restrictions_password @id, api: @api end # Send an enable_data_roaming command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def enable_data_roaming self.class.enable_data_roaming @id, api: @api end # Send a disable_data_roaming command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def disable_data_roaming self.class.disable_data_roaming @id, api: @api end # Send an enable_voice_roaming command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def enable_voice_roaming self.class.enable_voice_roaming @id, api: @api end # Send a disable_voice_roaming command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def disable_voice_roaming self.class.disable_voice_roaming @id, api: @api end # Commands for supervized mobile devices only # # NOTE: DeviceName is sent to supervised devices when # their name is changed with #name= and they are then # updated in the JSS with #update/#save ################################ # Send a device_name command to this object # # @param name[String] The new name # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def device_name(name) self.class.device_name @id, name, api: @api end alias set_name device_name alias set_device_name device_name # Send a wallpaper command to this object # # @param wallpaper_setting[Symbol] :lock_screen, :home_screen, or :lock_and_home_screen # # @param wallpaper_content[String,Pathname] The local path to a .png or .jpg to use # as the walpaper image, required if no wallpaper_id # # @param wallpaper_id[Symbol] The id of an Icon in Jamf Pro to use as the wallpaper image, # required if no wallpaper_content # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def wallpaper(wallpaper_setting: nil, wallpaper_content: nil, wallpaper_id: nil) self.class.wallpaper( @id, wallpaper_setting: wallpaper_setting, wallpaper_content: wallpaper_content, wallpaper_id: wallpaper_id, api: @api ) end alias set_wallpaper wallpaper # Send a passcode_lock_grace_period command to this object # # @param secs[Integer] The numer of seconds for the grace period # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def passcode_lock_grace_period(secs) self.class.passcode_lock_grace_period @id, secs, api: @api end # Send a shut_down_device command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def shut_down_device self.class.shut_down_device @id, api: @api end alias shutdown_device shut_down_device alias shut_down shut_down_device alias shutdown shut_down_device # Send a restart_device command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def restart_device self.class.restart_device @id, api: @api end alias restart restart_device # Send an enable_app_analytics command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def enable_app_analytics self.class.enable_app_analytics @id, api: @api end # Send a disable_app_analytics command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def disable_app_analytics self.class.disable_app_analytics @id, api: @api end # Send an enable_diagnostic_submission command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def enable_diagnostic_submission self.class.enable_diagnostic_submission @id, api: @api end # Send a disable_diagnostic_submission command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def disable_diagnostic_submission self.class.disable_diagnostic_submission @id, api: @api end # Send a enable_lost_mode command to one or more targets # # Either or both of message and phone number must be provided # # @param message[String] The message to display on the lock screen # # @param phone_number[String] The phone number to display on the lock screen # # @param footnote[String] Optional footnote to display on the lock screen # # @param play_sound[Boolean] Play a sound when entering lost mode # # @param enforce_lost_mode[Boolean] Re-enabled lost mode when re-enrolled after wipe. # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def enable_lost_mode( message: nil, phone_number: nil, footnote: nil, enforce_lost_mode: true, play_sound: false ) self.class.enable_lost_mode( @id, message: message, phone_number: phone_number, footnote: footnote, play_sound: play_sound, enforce_lost_mode: enforce_lost_mode, api: @api ) end # Send a play_lost_mode_sound command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def play_lost_mode_sound self.class.play_lost_mode_sound @id, api: @api end # Send a disable_lost_mode command to this object # # @return (see .send_mdm_command) # def disable_lost_mode self.class.disable_lost_mode @id, api: @api end # Flushing Commands ############################### # flush pending and/or failed MDM commands for this object # # @param status[String] a key from {JSS::Commandable::FLUSHABLE_STATUSES} # # @return [void] # def flush_mdm_commands(status) self.class.flush_mdm_commands @id, status: status, api: @api end end # module MDM end # module