# A visitor for checking that all nodes are properly nested. class Sass::Tree::Visitors::CheckNesting < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base protected def visit(node) if error = (@parent && ( try_send("invalid_#{node_name @parent}_child?", @parent, node) || try_send("invalid_#{node_name node}_parent?", @parent, node))) || (@real_parent && ( try_send("invalid_#{node_name @real_parent}_real_child?", @real_parent, node) || try_send("invalid_#{node_name node}_real_parent?", @real_parent, node))) raise Sass::SyntaxError.new(error) end super rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.modify_backtrace(:filename => node.filename, :line => node.line) raise e end CONTROL_NODES = [Sass::Tree::EachNode, Sass::Tree::ForNode, Sass::Tree::IfNode, Sass::Tree::WhileNode] SCRIPT_NODES = [Sass::Tree::ImportNode, Sass::Tree::MixinNode] + CONTROL_NODES def visit_children(parent) old_parent = @parent @parent = parent unless is_any_of?(parent, SCRIPT_NODES) old_real_parent, @real_parent = @real_parent, parent super ensure @parent = old_parent @real_parent = old_real_parent end def visit_root(node) yield rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.sass_template ||= node.template raise e end def visit_import(node) yield rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.modify_backtrace(:filename => node.children.first.filename) e.add_backtrace(:filename => node.filename, :line => node.line) raise e end def invalid_charset_parent?(parent, child) "@charset may only be used at the root of a document." unless parent.is_a?(Sass::Tree::RootNode) end VALID_EXTEND_PARENTS = [Sass::Tree::RuleNode, Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode] def invalid_extend_parent?(parent, child) unless is_any_of?(parent, VALID_EXTEND_PARENTS) "Extend directives may only be used within rules." end end def invalid_function_parent?(parent, child) "Functions may only be defined at the root of a document." unless parent.is_a?(Sass::Tree::RootNode) end VALID_FUNCTION_CHILDREN = [ Sass::Tree::CommentNode, Sass::Tree::DebugNode, Sass::Tree::ReturnNode, Sass::Tree::VariableNode, Sass::Tree::WarnNode ] + CONTROL_NODES def invalid_function_child?(parent, child) unless is_any_of?(child, VALID_FUNCTION_CHILDREN) "Functions can only contain variable declarations and control directives." end end VALID_IMPORT_PARENTS = [ Sass::Tree::IfNode, Sass::Tree::ForNode, Sass::Tree::WhileNode, Sass::Tree::EachNode, Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ] def invalid_import_parent?(parent, child) if is_any_of?(@real_parent, VALID_IMPORT_PARENTS) return "Import directives may not be used within control directives or mixins." end return if parent.is_a?(Sass::Tree::RootNode) return "CSS import directives may only be used at the root of a document." if child.css_import? # If this is a nested @import, we need to make sure it doesn't have anything # that's legal at top-level but not in the current context (e.g. mixin defs). child.imported_file.to_tree.children.each {|c| visit(c)} nil rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.modify_backtrace(:filename => child.imported_file.options[:filename]) e.add_backtrace(:filename => child.filename, :line => child.line) raise e end def invalid_import_real_parent?(parent, child) end def invalid_mixindef_parent?(parent, child) "Mixins may only be defined at the root of a document." unless parent.is_a?(Sass::Tree::RootNode) end VALID_PROP_CHILDREN = [Sass::Tree::CommentNode, Sass::Tree::PropNode, Sass::Tree::MixinNode] + CONTROL_NODES def invalid_prop_child?(parent, child) unless is_any_of?(child, VALID_PROP_CHILDREN) "Illegal nesting: Only properties may be nested beneath properties." end end VALID_PROP_PARENTS = [Sass::Tree::RuleNode, Sass::Tree::PropNode, Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode, Sass::Tree::DirectiveNode] def invalid_prop_parent?(parent, child) unless is_any_of?(parent, VALID_PROP_PARENTS) "Properties are only allowed within rules, directives, or other properties." + child.pseudo_class_selector_message end end def invalid_return_parent?(parent, child) "@return may only be used within a function." unless parent.is_a?(Sass::Tree::FunctionNode) end private def is_any_of?(val, classes) for c in classes return true if val.is_a?(c) end return false end def try_send(method, *args, &block) return unless respond_to?(method) send(method, *args, &block) end end