# Todo # ---------------- # - Have some sort of safe vs forced install - tie in with exlcuded paths # - Check that excluded paths is working in manifest # - bonethug init seems doesn't seem to update gemfile if there is one # - Gemfile, .gitignore, composer.json need to be no go zones # - for rails it should copy the gem file call bundle install, do a cleanup then call bundle exec rails new application_name # ---------------- require 'rubygems' require 'bonethug/conf' require 'fileutils' require 'find' require 'digest/md5' require 'yaml' module Bonethug class Installer include FileUtils include Digest @@bonthug_gem_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../..') @@skel_dir = @@bonthug_gem_dir + '/skel' @@conf = Conf.new.add(@@skel_dir + '/skel.yml') @@project_config_files = {editable: ['cnf.yml','schedule.rb'], generated: ['backup.rb','deploy.rb']} def self.install(type, target = '.') # @@conf = Conf.new.add(@@skel_dir + '/skel.yml') # create full path target = File.expand_path target # let the user know we are installing puts 'Installing '+ type + ' to ' + target + '...' # load the configuration unless @@conf.get('project_types').has_key? type.to_s puts "Unsupported type: " + type.to_s exit end conf = @@conf.node_merge 'base', 'project_types.' + type # set the tmp dir tmp_dir = File.expand_path target + '/.bonethug-tmp' # clean up any exisitng install tmp files if File.directory? tmp_dir puts 'Cleaning up old installer temporary files...' FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_dir end # create tmp dir puts 'Creating build directory at ' + tmp_dir FileUtils.mkdir tmp_dir FileUtils.mkdir tmp_dir + '/.bonethug' # build the file set puts 'Building ' + type + ' skeleton...' FileUtils.cp_r @@skel_dir + '/base/.', tmp_dir FileUtils.cp_r @@skel_dir + '/project_types/' + type + '/.', tmp_dir # build the manifest puts 'Creating manifest...' self.build_manifest tmp_dir # modify the manifest root manifest_path = tmp_dir + '/.bonethug/manifest' File.open(manifest_path,'w') do |file| file.puts File.read(manifest_path).gsub(/\.bonethug-tmp/,'') end # clean up the target dir puts 'Cleaning up install directory...' self.clean target # copy the files puts 'Installing build to ' + target + '...' FileUtils.cp_r tmp_dir + '/.', target # try to update the configuration files puts 'Updating build informtation...' self.save_project_meta_data(target) # clean up any exisitng install tmp files puts 'Cleaning up temporary files...' FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_dir puts "Installation Complete" # try to update the configuration files puts 'Updating configs...' self.bonethugise(target, :init) end def self.clean(target) manifest_path = target + '/.bonethug/manifest' if File.exists? manifest_path puts 'Reading manifest...' manifest = File.read(manifest_path).split("\n") puts 'Cleaning up ' + manifest.count.to_s + ' files' not_removed = [] manifest.each do |file| not_removed.push file unless self.try_delete file end if not_removed.count > 0 puts 'Retrying removal of ' + not_removed.count.to_s + ' files' failed = [] not_removed.each do |file| failed.push file unless self.try_delete file end puts 'Removal of the following' + failed.count.to_s + ' files failed' puts failed.join("\n") end else puts 'Nothing to do' end self end # Prepares init db scripts # -------------------------- def self.init_mysql_db_script(db, admin_user = 'root', admin_pass = '') script_content = " CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " + db.get('name') + "; GRANT ALL ON " + db.get('name') + ".* TO " + db.get('user') + "@" + db.get('host') + (db.get('pass') ? " IDENTIFIED BY '" + db.get('pass') + "'" : "") + "; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; " cmd = 'echo "' + script_content + '" | mysql -h ' + db.get('host') + ' -u ' + admin_user + ' -p' + admin_pass end def self.execute_init_mysql_db_script(env, admin_user = 'root', admin_pass = '', path = '.') exec_path = File.expand_path(path) conf = Bonethug::Conf.new.add(exec_path + '/config/cnf.yml') conf.add(exec_path + '/config/database.yml' => { root: 'dbs.default' }) if File.exist? exec_path + '/config/database.yml' conf.get('dbs').each do |name,envs| db = envs.get env if !db puts "No db for env " + env + " found - check your config file" exit else puts "Mysql user " + admin_user + " is creating db: " + db.get('name') + " and granting access to " + db.get('user') + "@" + db.get('host') + ", you may be prompted for the password for the user: " + admin_user puts "NB: You may be affected by this bug if your admin user pass is longer than 8 chars: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/password-too-long.html" system Bonethug::Installer.init_mysql_db_script(db, admin_user, admin_pass) end end end # Reads system setup scripts # -------------------------- def self.get_setup_script(env) exec_path = File.expand_path(path) conf = Bonethug::Conf.new.add(exec_path + '/config/cnf.yml') deploy = conf.node_merge 'deploy.common','deploy.environments.' + env os_type = 'ubuntu' os_version = '' if os = deploy.get('os') os_type = os.get('type') if os.get('type') os_version = os.get('version') if os.get('version') end os_str = os_type + (os and os_version.to_s.length ? '-' + os_version.to_s : '') @@bonthug_gem_dir + '/scripts/' + os_str end def self.get_setup_script_content(env) File.read self.get_setup_script(env) end def self.get_setup_env_cmds self.parse_sh self.get_setup_script_content(env) end def self.parse_sh(content) content.split("\n").select { |line| !(line =~ /^[\s\t]+$/ || line =~ /^[\s\t]*#/ || line.strip.length == 0) } end # --------- # Protected # --------- protected def self.try_delete(file) if (File.directory?(file) and Find.find(file).empty?) or File.file?(file) rm_rf file return false if File.exists? file return true else return false end end def self.build_manifest(dir) dir_contents = Find.find(dir).map { |p| File.expand_path(p) } manifest = dir_contents - ((@@conf.get('exlcuded_paths','Array') || []).map { |p| File.expand_path(p) }) File.open(dir + '/.bonethug/manifest','w') { |file| file.puts manifest.join("\n") } self end def self.contents_md5(file) return false unless File.exist?(file) MD5.digest File.read(file) end def self.save_project_meta_data(base_dir) meta_data = {'config_digests' => {}} @@project_config_files[:editable].each do |file| meta_data['config_digests']['example/' + file] = self.contents_md5(base_dir + '/config/example/' + file) end File.open(base_dir + '/.bonethug/data','w') { |file| file.puts meta_data.to_yaml } # return self for chaining self end def self.get_project_meta_data(base_dir) data_file = base_dir + '/.bonethug/data' return YAML.load_file data_file if File.exists? data_file return false end # mode == :init # copy cnf.yml + schedule.rb to config if possible # copy cnf.yml + schedule.rb to config/example if possible # copy backup.rb and deploy.rb to .bonethug if possible # add bonethug to gemfile if required # run bundle install # mode == :update # copy cnf.yml + schedule.rb to config if possible # force copy cnf.yml + schedule.rb to config/example # force copy backup.rb and deploy.rb to .bonethug # add bonethug to gemfile if required # run bundle install def self.bonethugise(dir='.', mode=:init, stage=0) target = File.expand_path(dir) case stage when 0 # get bonethug if mode == :update system 'bundle update bonethug' else system 'bundle init' system 'bundle install' end # kill this process and run the next step as a new process exec 'bundle exec thug ' + mode.to_s + ' ' + dir + ' ' + (stage + 1).to_s when 1 # check for the existence of required dirs and create if required [target + '/.bonethug', target + '/config', target + '/config/example'].each do |path| FileUtils.mkdir path unless File.directory? path end # insert version file File.open(target + '/.bonethug/version','w') { |file| file.puts VERSION } # Handle config files @@project_config_files.each do |type, dirs| dirs.each do |config| # vars src_file = @@bonthug_gem_dir + '/config/' + config example_file = target + '/config/example/' + config if type == :editable target_file = type == :editable ? target + '/config/' + config : target + '/.bonethug/' + config # output puts 'Handling ' + target_file # what mode are we in? if mode == :init FileUtils.cp src_file, example_file if type == :editable and !File.exist?(example_file) FileUtils.cp src_file, target_file unless File.exist?(target_file) elsif mode == :update FileUtils.cp src_file, example_file if type == :editable FileUtils.cp src_file, target_file if type == :generated or !File.exist?(target_file) else puts "Invalid bonethugise mode" exit end end end # Handle project type specific files if mode == :update target_cnf = target + '/config/cnf.yml' project_conf = Conf.new.add target_cnf project_type = project_conf.get('deploy.common.project_type') if project_type bonethug_files = @@conf.get 'project_types.' + project_type + '.bonethug_files' if bonethug_files bonethug_files.each do |index, file| # push some output puts 'Handling ' + index.to_s + ':' + file.to_s # do the copy src_file = @@bonthug_gem_dir + '/skel/project_types/' + project_type + '/' + file dst_file = target + '/' + file dir = File.dirname dst_file FileUtils.mkdir_p dir FileUtils.cp_r src_file, dst_file end end else puts "Couldn't find project type in " + target_cnf end end # handle gemfile gemfile_path = target + '/Gemfile' if File.exist? gemfile_path # extract the contents gemfile_contents = File.read(gemfile_path) # identify what we are looking for # this should have groups - i.e. dev required_gems = { 'mina' => 'nadarei/mina', 'astrails-safe' => 'astrails/safe', 'whenever' => 'javan/whenever', 'guard-erb' => 'azt3k/guard-erb', 'coffee-script' => 'josh/ruby-coffee-script', 'guard-uglify' => 'customink/guard-uglify', 'guard-concat' => 'mikz/guard-concat', 'bonethug' => nil } # look at each requirement and identify if we need things required_gems.each do |gem_name, github| add_gem = false; gem_reg = Regexp.new('gem[^"\']+["\']'+gem_name+'["\']') git_reg = Regexp.new('gem[^"\']+["\']'+gem_name+'["\'],[^,]+github: ["\']'+github+'["\']') if github if gem_reg =~ gemfile_contents puts 'Found '+gem_name+' in gem file.' if github puts 'Requires github version, checking...' unless git_reg =~ gemfile_contents puts 'Couldn\'t find '+gem_name+' (github) in gem file adding...' gemfile_contents.gsub(gem_reg,'') add_gem = true; end end else puts "Couldn't find "+gem_name+" in gem file adding..." add_gem = true; end if add_gem gemfile_contents += "\n" + 'gem "'+gem_name+'"'+(github ? ', github: "'+github+'"' : '') File.open(gemfile_path,'w') { |file| file.puts gemfile_contents } end end else puts 'No Gemfile found, creating one...' FileUtils.cp @@skel_dir + '/base/Gemfile', gemfile_path end # run bundler exec 'bundle install' end # self end def self.update(dir = '.') self.bonethugise(dir,:update) end def self.init(dir = '.') self.bonethugise(dir,:init) end end end