# frozen_string_literal: true
# Copyright 2019 OpenTelemetry Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
require 'opentelemetry/sdk/trace/samplers/decision'
require 'opentelemetry/sdk/trace/samplers/result'
require 'opentelemetry/sdk/trace/samplers/constant_sampler'
require 'opentelemetry/sdk/trace/samplers/parent_or_else'
require 'opentelemetry/sdk/trace/samplers/probability_sampler'
module OpenTelemetry
module SDK
module Trace
# The Samplers module contains the sampling logic for OpenTelemetry. The
# reference implementation provides a {ProbabilitySampler}, {ALWAYS_ON},
# {ALWAYS_OFF}, and {ParentOrElse}.
# Custom samplers can be provided by SDK users. The required interface is:
# should_sample?(trace_id:, parent_context:, links:, name:, kind:, attributes:) -> Result
# description -> String
# Where:
# @param [String] trace_id The trace_id of the {Span} to be created.
# @param [OpenTelemetry::Trace::SpanContext] parent_context The
# {OpenTelemetry::Trace::SpanContext} of a parent span, typically
# extracted from the wire. Can be nil for a root span.
# @param [Enumerable] links A collection of links to be associated
# with the {Span} to be created. Can be nil.
# @param [String] name Name of the {Span} to be created.
# @param [Symbol] kind The {OpenTelemetry::Trace::SpanKind} of the {Span}
# to be created. Can be nil.
# @param [Hash] attributes Attributes to be attached
# to the {Span} to be created. Can be nil.
# @return [Result] The sampling result.
module Samplers
RECORD_AND_SAMPLED = Result.new(decision: Decision::RECORD_AND_SAMPLED)
NOT_RECORD = Result.new(decision: Decision::NOT_RECORD)
RECORD = Result.new(decision: Decision::RECORD)
SAMPLING_HINTS = [Decision::NOT_RECORD, Decision::RECORD, Decision::RECORD_AND_SAMPLED].freeze
APPLY_PROBABILITY_TO_SYMBOLS = %i[root_spans root_spans_and_remote_parent all_spans].freeze
# Returns a {Result} with {Decision::RECORD_AND_SAMPLED}.
ALWAYS_ON = ConstantSampler.new(result: RECORD_AND_SAMPLED, description: 'AlwaysOnSampler')
# Returns a {Result} with {Decision::NOT_RECORD}.
ALWAYS_OFF = ConstantSampler.new(result: NOT_RECORD, description: 'AlwaysOffSampler')
# Returns a new sampler. It either respects the parent span's sampling
# decision or delegates to delegate_sampler for root spans.
# @param [Sampler] delegate_sampler The sampler to which the sampling
# decision is delegated for root spans.
def self.parent_or_else(delegate_sampler)
# Returns a new sampler. The probability of sampling a trace is equal
# to that of the specified probability.
# @param [Numeric] probability The desired probability of sampling.
# Must be within [0.0, 1.0].
# @param [optional Boolean] ignore_parent Whether to ignore parent
# sampling. Defaults to not ignore parent sampling.
# @param [optional Symbol] apply_probability_to Whether to apply
# probability sampling to root spans, root spans and remote parents,
# or all spans. Allowed values include :root_spans, :root_spans_and_remote_parent,
# and :all_spans. Defaults to :root_spans_and_remote_parent.
# @raise [ArgumentError] if probability is out of range
# @raise [ArgumentError] if apply_probability_to is not one of the allowed symbols
def self.probability(probability,
ignore_parent: false,
apply_probability_to: :root_spans_and_remote_parent)
raise ArgumentError, 'probability must be in range [0.0, 1.0]' unless (0.0..1.0).include?(probability)
raise ArgumentError, 'apply_probability_to' unless APPLY_PROBABILITY_TO_SYMBOLS.include?(apply_probability_to)
ignore_parent: ignore_parent,
apply_to_remote_parent: apply_probability_to != :root_spans,
apply_to_all_spans: apply_probability_to == :all_spans)