# encoding: UTF-8 module Passworks class RequestProxy include Passworks::Inflector # @return [Passworks::Client] fsdfsd fsf sdfsd fsdf attr_reader :client # @return [String] Current collection name (ex: assets, campaigns, boarding_passes, coupons, event_tickets) attr_reader :collection_name # @return [String] Collection UUID attr_reader :collection_uuid def initialize(client, collection_name, collection_uuid=nil, options={}) @collection_name = collection_name @collection_uuid = collection_uuid @client = client @options = options end # Fetch all instances of a given collection (Assests, Boarding Passes, Coupons, Generics and Store Cards) # @param options [Hash] options # @option options [Integer] :per_page Changes the number of results per page # @option options [Integer] :offset 0 The offset to start from # @example Fetching the very first coupon (campaign) without having to pull all the elements first from the server # client.coupons.all(per_page: 1).first # @example Fetching the very first coupon pass from the first coupon (campaign) without having to pull all the elements first from the server # client.coupons.all(per_page: 1).first.passes.all(per_page: 1).first # @return [Passworks::CollectionProxy] def all(options={}) options = { query: options } unless options.empty? CollectionProxy.new(client, collection_name, collection_uuid, options) end # Finds a given campaing or passe given the context # @param uuid [String] The campaign or pass UUID # @example Fetching a coupon campaign # coupon_campaign = client.coupons.find('c3d5fc64-3a43-4d3a-a167-473dfeb1edd3') # @example Fetching a pass for the first coupon campaign # pass = client.coupons.all(per_page: 1).first.passes.find('c3d5fc64-3a43-4d3a-a167-473dfeb1edd3') # @return [PassResource.new or CampaignResource] def find(uuid) if collection_uuid fetch_url = "#{collection_name}/#{collection_uuid}/passes/#{uuid}" else fetch_url = "#{collection_name}/#{uuid}" end response = client.get(fetch_url) resource_class.new(client, collection_name, response.data) end # Creates a campaing instance (Assests, Boarding Passes, Coupons, Generics and Store Cards) or a passe depending of the caller context # @param data [Hash] data Campaign or pass data # @param params [Hash] params Extra arguments to send with the request # @option params [Boolean] merge: (true) Merge passed pass data with the campaign incase you are creating a passe instance. # @example Create a coupon (campaign) # client.coupons.create({ # name: 'My First Coupon', # icon_id: 'c3d5fc64-3a43-4d3a-a167-473dfeb1edd3' # }) # @example Create a "empty" passe for the first coupon campaign # client.coupons.all(per_page: 1).first.passes.create() # @return [Passworks::CampaignResource or Passworks::PassResource] depending of the calling a {Passworks::CampaignResource} or {Passworks::PassResource} is returned. def create(data={}, params={}) if collection_name.to_s == 'assets' && collection_uuid.nil? raise Passworks::Exceptions::FileNotFound.new("Can't find file #{data[:file]}") unless data.has_key?(:file) && File.exists?(data[:file]) data[:file] = ::Faraday::UploadIO.new(data[:file], content_type_for(data[:file])) end if collection_uuid content = { body: { 'pass' => data }.merge(params) } fetch_url = "#{collection_url}/passes" else content = { body: { single_name.to_sym => data }.merge(params) } fetch_url = collection_url end response = client.post(fetch_url, content) resource_class.new(client, collection_name, response.data) end # Delets a campaing (Assests, Boarding Passes, Coupons, Generics and Store Cards campaign) or a pass instance # @param uuid [String] the UUID of the campaign or pass to delete # @return [Boolean] def delete(uuid) if collection_uuid client.delete("#{collection_name}/#{collection_uuid}/passes/#{uuid}").ok? else client.delete("#{collection_name}/#{uuid}").ok? end end # @!visibility private def collection_url if collection_uuid "#{collection_name}/#{collection_uuid}" else collection_name end end def content_type_for(filename) file_extension = filename.split('.').last.downcase content_types = { "jpg" => "image/jpeg", "jpeg" => "image/jpeg", "png" => "image/png", "gif" => "image/gif", } return content_types[file_extension] end end end