require 'spec_helper' module Spree describe Api::UsersController, :type => :controller do render_views let(:user) { create(:user, spree_api_key: rand) } let(:stranger) { create(:user, :email => '') } let(:attributes) { [:id, :email, :created_at, :updated_at] } context "as a normal user" do it "can get own details" do api_get :show, id:, token: user.spree_api_key expect(json_response['email']).to eq end it "cannot get other users details" do api_get :show, id:, token: user.spree_api_key assert_not_found! end it "can learn how to create a new user" do api_get :new, token: user.spree_api_key expect(json_response["attributes"]).to eq( end it "can create a new user" do user_params = { :email => '', :password => 'spree123', :password_confirmation => 'spree123' } api_post :create, :user => user_params, token: user.spree_api_key expect(json_response['email']).to eq '' end # there's no validations on LegacyUser? xit "cannot create a new user with invalid attributes" do api_post :create, :user => {}, token: user.spree_api_key expect(response.status).to eq(422) expect(json_response["error"]).to eq("Invalid resource. Please fix errors and try again.") errors = json_response["errors"] end it "can update own details" do country = create(:country) api_put :update, id:, token: user.spree_api_key, user: { email: "", bill_address_attributes: { first_name: 'First', last_name: 'Last', address1: '1 Test Rd', city: 'City', country_id:, state_id: 1, zipcode: '55555', phone: '5555555555' }, ship_address_attributes: { first_name: 'First', last_name: 'Last', address1: '1 Test Rd', city: 'City', country_id:, state_id: 1, zipcode: '55555', phone: '5555555555' } } expect(json_response['email']).to eq '' expect(json_response['bill_address']).to_not be_nil expect(json_response['ship_address']).to_not be_nil end it "cannot update other users details" do api_put :update, id:, token: user.spree_api_key, user: { :email => "" } assert_not_found! end it "can delete itself" do api_delete :destroy, id:, token: user.spree_api_key expect(response.status).to eq(204) end it "cannot delete other user" do api_delete :destroy, id:, token: user.spree_api_key assert_not_found! end it "should only get own details on index" do 2.times { create(:user) } api_get :index, token: user.spree_api_key expect(Spree.user_class.count).to eq 3 expect(json_response['count']).to eq 1 expect(json_response['users'].size).to eq 1 end end context "as an admin" do before { stub_authentication! } sign_in_as_admin! it "gets all users" do allow(Spree::LegacyUser).to receive(:find_by).with(hash_including(:spree_api_key)) { current_api_user } 2.times { create(:user) } api_get :index expect(Spree.user_class.count).to eq 2 expect(json_response['count']).to eq 2 expect(json_response['users'].size).to eq 2 end it 'can control the page size through a parameter' do 2.times { create(:user) } api_get :index, :per_page => 1 expect(json_response['count']).to eq(1) expect(json_response['current_page']).to eq(1) expect(json_response['pages']).to eq(2) end it 'can query the results through a paramter' do expected_result = create(:user, :email => '') api_get :index, :q => { :email_cont => 'brian' } expect(json_response['count']).to eq(1) expect(json_response['users'].first['email']).to eq end it "can create" do api_post :create, :user => { :email => "", :password => 'spree123', :password_confirmation => 'spree123' } expect(json_response).to have_attributes(attributes) expect(response.status).to eq(201) end it "can destroy user without orders" do user.orders.destroy_all api_delete :destroy, :id => expect(response.status).to eq(204) end it "cannot destroy user with orders" do create(:completed_order_with_totals, :user => user) api_delete :destroy, :id => expect(json_response["exception"]).to eq "Spree::Core::DestroyWithOrdersError" expect(response.status).to eq(422) end end end end