unless $tester.v93k? # Pattern to define subroutines if $tester.respond_to?('start_subroutine') Pattern.create(:subroutine_pat => true) do # Define execute subr $dut.execute(:define => true) # Define match_pin $dut.match(:define => true, :type => :match_pin) # Define match_2pins $dut.match(:define => true, :type => :match_2pins) # Define match_done subr $dut.match(:define => true, :type => :match_done, :delay_in_us => 5) # Define match_done subr with longer timeout of 7mS $dut.match(:subr_name => 'match_done2', :define => true, :type => :match_done, :delay_in_us => 7000) # Define match_done subr with longer timeout of 7sec $dut.match(:subr_name => 'match_done3', :define => true, :type => :match_done, :delay_in_us => 7000000) # Define match_done subr with longer timeout of 72sec $dut.match(:subr_name => 'match_done4', :define => true, :type => :match_done, :delay_in_us => 72_000_000) # Define match_done subr with longer timeout of 10min $dut.match(:subr_name => 'match_done5', :define => true, :type => :match_done, :delay_in_us => 7_000_000_000) # Define match loop with multiple entries $dut.match(:subr_name => 'match_done6', :define => true, :type => :multiple_entries, :delay_in_us => 15_000_000) # Define match loop with custom jump $dut.match(:define => true, :type => :match_2pins_custom_jump) # Define handshake subr $dut.handshake(:define => true) if $tester.ultraflex? # Define digsrc_overlay_testme32 subr $dut.digsrc_overlay(:subr_name => 'digsrc_overlay_testme32', :define => true, overlay_reg: :testme32) # Define digsrc_overlay subr $dut.digsrc_overlay(:subr_name => 'digsrc_overlay', :define => true, overlay_cycle_num: 64) # test out UF keep_alive subroutine capability $dut.keepalive(define: true) # test out single module subroutine capability, integrated with other normal subroutines # only for UltraFLEX $dut.execute(define: true, name: 'overlaysub1', onemodsub: true ) $dut.execute(define: true, name: 'overlaysub2', onemodsub: true ) $dut.execute(define: true, name: 'overlaysub3', onemodsub: true ) $dut.execute(define: true, name: 'overlaysub4', onemodsub: true ) end end if $tester.ultraflex? # test out single module subroutine capability in standalone pattern # only for UltraFLEX Pattern.create(name: 'subroutines2', subroutine_pat: true) do $dut.execute(define: true, name: 'overlaysub5', onemodsub: true ) $dut.execute(define: true, name: 'overlaysub6', onemodsub: true ) $dut.execute(define: true, name: 'overlaysub7', onemodsub: true ) $dut.execute(define: true, name: 'overlaysub4', onemodsub: true ) end end end end