var _editor; (function () { var _positionVar = ['Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'Left']; var _pageUsedElem = new Hash(); var imagePreviewBoxId = + '_imgPreview'; function distPreview(dlg, cssText) { var prw1 = CKEDITOR.document.getById(imagePreviewBoxId); var prw2 = CKEDITOR.document.getById(imagePreviewBoxId + '2'); var prw3 = CKEDITOR.document.getById(imagePreviewBoxId + '3'); var prw4 = CKEDITOR.document.getById(imagePreviewBoxId + '4'); var prw5 = CKEDITOR.document.getById(imagePreviewBoxId + '5'); var prw6 = CKEDITOR.document.getById(imagePreviewBoxId + '6'); var prw7 = CKEDITOR.document.getById(imagePreviewBoxId + '7'); var prw8 = CKEDITOR.document.getById(imagePreviewBoxId + '8'); var prw9 = CKEDITOR.document.getById(imagePreviewBoxId + '9'); var prwH1 = dlg.getContentElement('page1', 'stylePreview'); var prwH2 = dlg.getContentElement('page2', 'stylePreview'); var prwH3 = dlg.getContentElement('page3', 'stylePreview'); var prwH4 = dlg.getContentElement('page4', 'stylePreview'); var prwH5 = dlg.getContentElement('page5', 'stylePreview'); var prwH6 = dlg.getContentElement('page6', 'stylePreview'); var prwH7 = dlg.getContentElement('page7', 'stylePreview'); var prwH8 = dlg.getContentElement('page8', 'stylePreview'); var prwH9 = dlg.getContentElement('page9', 'stylePreview'); prwH1.setValue(cssText); prwH2.setValue(cssText); prwH3.setValue(cssText); prwH4.setValue(cssText); prwH5.setValue(cssText); prwH6.setValue(cssText); prwH7.setValue(cssText); prwH8.setValue(cssText); prwH9.setValue(cssText); prw1.$.style.cssText = cssText; prw2.$.style.cssText = cssText; prw3.$.style.cssText = cssText; prw4.$.style.cssText = cssText; prw5.$.style.cssText = cssText; prw6.$.style.cssText = cssText; prw7.$.style.cssText = cssText; prw8.$.style.cssText = cssText; prw9.$.style.cssText = cssText; } function getParentTabName(elem) { var element = elem.getInputElement(), cursor = element; while ((cursor = cursor.getParent()) && cursor.$'cke_dialog_page_contents') == -1) { /*jsl:pass*/ } if (!cursor) return null; return cursor.getAttribute('name'); } function getParentTabElem(dlg, pageName) { for (var i = 0; i <$.children.length; i++) { if ($.children[i].id.indexOf('cke_' + pageName) != -1) { return$.children[i]; } } return null; } function isPageUsed(pageName, curStyle, cnt) { if (cnt == 1) { if (!_pageUsedElem.hasItem(curStyle)) _pageUsedElem.setItem(curStyle, pageName); return true; } else { _pageUsedElem.removeItem(curStyle); } for (var itm in _pageUsedElem.items) { if (_pageUsedElem.getItem(itm) == pageName) return true; } return false; } function boldTab(elem) { var dlg = elem.getDialog(); var pageUsed = false; var relTab = getParentTabElem(dlg, getParentTabName(elem)); var pageName = getParentTabName(elem); var _vl = elem.getValue(); //if (_vl != ' ') { if ((_vl == '') || (_vl == ' ')) { pageUsed = isPageUsed(pageName,, -1) } else { pageUsed = isPageUsed(pageName,, +1) } if (pageUsed) { = 'bold'; = '#990000'; } else { = ''; = ''; } //} } function findElement(dlg, elemId) { for (var i = 0; i < dlg.definition.contents.length; i++) { var elem = dlg.getContentElement(dlg.definition.contents[i].id, elemId); if (elem != null) { return elem; } } } function gestUm(elem) { var dialog = elem.getDialog(); var um = findElement(dialog, + 'Um'); if (um != null) { if (elem.isEnabled()) { if (isNumeric(elem.getValue())) um.enable(); else um.disable(); } else { um.disable(); } } } function arContains(arr, obj) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].value == obj) return i; } return -1; } function selectOnKeyDownAll(elem, pre, post, page, ev) { var dialog = elem.getDialog(); var _val = elem.getValue(); var _topElem = dialog.getContentElement(page, pre + 'Top' + post); for (var i = 0; i < _positionVar.length; i++) { if (_positionVar[i] != 'Top') { var elem = dialog.getContentElement(page, pre + _positionVar[i] + post); selectOnKeyDown(elem, ev); } } } function selectOnKeyUpAll(elem, pre, post, page, ev) { var dialog = elem.getDialog(); var _val = elem.getValue(); var _topElem = dialog.getContentElement(page, pre + 'Top' + post); for (var i = 0; i < _positionVar.length; i++) { if (_positionVar[i] != 'Top') { var elem = dialog.getContentElement(page, pre + _positionVar[i] + post); selectOnKeyUp(elem, ev); } } } function selectOnKeyPressAll(elem, pre, post, page, ev) { var dialog = elem.getDialog(); var _val = elem.getValue(); var _topElem = dialog.getContentElement(page, pre + 'Top' + post); for (var i = 0; i < _positionVar.length; i++) { if (_positionVar[i] != 'Top') { var elem = dialog.getContentElement(page, pre + _positionVar[i] + post); selectOnKeyPress(elem, ev); } } } function setAll(elem, pre, post, page) { var dialog = elem.getDialog(); var _val = elem.getValue(); var _topElem = dialog.getContentElement(page, pre + 'Top' + post); for (var i = 0; i < _positionVar.length; i++) { if (_positionVar[i] != 'Top') { var elem = dialog.getContentElement(page, pre + _positionVar[i] + post); if (_val) { elem.disable(); elem.setValue(_topElem.getValue()); } else { elem.enable(); } } } } function elemSetup(elem, _style) { var _value = _style[]; var editor = elem.getDialog().getParentEditor(); var overType = editor.lang.CKCss.value; if ('clipTop') _value = _style['clip']; if ((_value != undefined) && (_value != '')) { if ('clipTop') { var dialog = elem.getDialog(); var values = _style['clip'].replace('rect(','').replace(')','').split(','); var page = getParentTabName(elem); for (var i = 0; i < _positionVar.length; i++) { var elemClip = dialog.getContentElement(page,'clip' + _positionVar[i]); selectSetValue(elemClip,values[i]); } } else { switch (elem.type) { case 'select': selectSetValue(elem,_value); break; default: elem.setValue(_value, _value); break; } } } else { switch (elem.type) { case 'select': gestUm(elem); } } boldTab(elem); } function selectSetValue(elem,_value) { gestUm(elem); if (arContains(elem.getInputElement().$.options, _value) > -1) { elem.setValue(_value, _value); } else { if (arContains(elem.getInputElement().$.options, ' ') > -1) { elem.remove(0); } var dialog = elem.getDialog(); var um = findElement(dialog, + 'Um'); if (um != null) { if (_value.length > 2) { var _umValue = _value.substring(_value.length - 2, _value.length) var _value = _value.replace(_umValue, ''); } if (isNumeric(_value)) { um.setValue(_umValue); um.enable(); } else { um.disable(); } } elem.add(_value, _value, null); elem.setValue(_value); } } function selectOnKeyDown(elem, ev) { var obj = elem.getInputElement().$; ev =$; fnKeyDownHandler_A(obj, ev); } function selectOnKeyUp(elem, ev) { var obj = elem.getInputElement().$; ev =$; fnKeyUpHandler_A(obj, ev); gestUm(elem); preview(elem); } function selectOnKeyPress(elem, ev) { var obj = elem.getInputElement().$; ev =$; return fnKeyPressHandler_A(obj, ev); } function selectOnChange(elem, ev) { var obj = elem.getInputElement().$; ev =$; fnChangeHandler_A(obj, ev); preview(elem); var sel = elem.getInputElement(); var editor = elem.getDialog().getParentEditor(); var overType = editor.lang.CKCss.value; var selIndex = obj.selectedIndex; var selectedtxt = obj.options[selIndex].text; var opts = sel.getChildren(); var opt = opts.getItem(selIndex); if(selectedtxt == overType || opt.hasClass('cssEditable')) { var className = sel.getAttribute('class') sel.setAttribute('class',className +' selectOvertype'); opt.setAttribute('class','cssEditable'); } else { var className = sel.getAttribute('class'); className = className.replace(' selectOvertype',''); sel.setAttribute('class',className); } } function preview(elem) { var dialog = elem.getDialog(); var prw = CKEDITOR.document.getById(imagePreviewBoxId); var _vl = elem.getValue(); var; var dlg=elem.getDialog(); //files if ((_style == 'backgroundImage') || (_style == 'listStyleImage')) { if(!_vl.match(/:\/\//)) _vl = _editor.config.baseHref + _vl; _vl = 'url(\'' + _vl + '\')'; } //clip:rect if ((_style=='clipLeft')||(_style=='clipTop')||(_style=='clipBottom')||(_style=='clipRight')) { var _notSet=true; var elemPage=getParentTabName(elem); var cur=_style.replace('clip',''); _vl='rect('; for (var i = 0; i < _positionVar.length; i++) { var cElem=dlg.getContentElement(elemPage,'clip' + _positionVar[i] ); var cElemUm=dlg.getContentElement(elemPage,'clip' + _positionVar[i] + "Um"); var _tmp=cElem.getValue(); if ((_tmp!=' ') && (_tmp!='')) { _notSet=false; if (isNumeric(_tmp)) _tmp+=cElemUm.getValue(); else _tmp='auto'; } else{ _tmp='auto'; } _vl+=_tmp + ','; } _style='clip'; if (!_notSet) { _vl=_vl.substr(0,_vl.length-1) + ')'; } else { /* ie non consente di impostare clip=''*/ if ( { _vl='rect(auto,auto,auto,auto)'; } else { _vl=''; } } } if ((_vl != ' ') && (_vl != '')) { if (isNumeric(_vl)) { var um = findElement(dialog, _style + 'Um'); if (um != null) { _vl = _vl + um.getValue(); } } prw.setStyle(_style, _vl); } else { prw.removeStyle(_style); } prw.$.style.cssText = prw.$.style.cssText.replace(/\/administrator\//g,'/'); distPreview(dialog, prw.$.style.cssText); boldTab(elem); // var prwH = dialog.getContentElement('page1', 'stylePreview'); // prwH.setValue(prw.$.style.cssText); } function isNumeric(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } var exampleDialog = function (editor) { _editor=editor; var _fontName = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''],['Arial', 'arial, helvetica, sans-serif'], ['Comic Sans MS', 'comic sans ms, cursive'], ['Courier New', 'courier new, courier, monospace'], ['Georgia', 'georgia, serif'], ['Lucida Sans Unicode', 'lucida sans unicode, lucida grande, sans-serif'], ['Tahoma', 'tahoma, geneva, sans-serif'], ['Times New Roman', 'times new roman, times, serif'], ['Trebuchet MS', 'trebuchet ms, helvetica, sans-serif'], ['Verdana', 'verdana, geneva, sans-serif']]; var _fontSize = [[editor.lang.CKCss.value, ' '], ['xx-small', 'xx-small'], ['x-small', 'x-small'], ['small', 'small'], ['medium', 'medium'], ['large', 'large'], ['x-large', 'x-large'], ['xx-large', 'xx-large'], ['smaller', 'smaller'], ['larger', 'larger'], [editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, '']]; var _um = [['px', 'px'], ['pt', 'pt'], ['in', 'in'], ['cm', 'cm'], ['mm', 'mm'], ['pc', 'pc'], ['em', 'em'], ['ex', 'ex'], ['%', '%']]; var _fontWeight = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['normal', 'normal'], ['bold', 'bold'], ['lighter', 'lighter'], ['bolder', 'bolder'], ['100', '100'], ['200', '200'], ['300', '300'], ['400', '400'], ['500', '500'], ['600', '600'], ['700', '700'], ['800', '800'], ['900', '900']] var _fontStyle = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['italic', 'italic'], ['normal', 'normal'], ['oblique', 'oblique']] var _fontVariant = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['normal', 'normal'], ['small-caps', 'small-caps']] var _textTransform = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['capitalize', 'capitalize'], ['lowercase', 'lowercase'], ['none', 'none'], ['uppercase', 'uppercase']] var _textDecoration = [['underline', 'underline'], ['overline', 'overline'], ['line-through', 'line-through'], ['blink', 'blink'], ['none', 'none']] var _common2 = [[editor.lang.CKCss.value, ' '], [editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, '']]; var _common3 = [[editor.lang.CKCss.value, ' '], ['auto', 'auto'], [editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, '']]; var _common = [[editor.lang.CKCss.value, ' '], ['normal', 'normal'], [editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, '']]; var _verticalAlign = [[editor.lang.CKCss.value, ' '], ['baseline', 'baseline'], ['bottom', 'bottom'], ['middle', 'middle'], ['sub', 'sub'], ['super', 'super'], ['text-bottom', 'text-bottom'], ['text-top', 'text-top'], ['top', 'top'], [editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, '']]; var _textAlign = [['center', 'center'], ['justify', 'justify'], ['left', 'left'], ['right', 'right'], [editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, '']]; var _whiteSpace = [['normal', 'normal'], ['nowrap', 'nowrap'], ['pre', 'pre'], ['pre-line', 'pre-line'], ['pre-wrap', 'pre-wrap'], [editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, '']]; var _backgroundRepeat = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['no-repeat', 'no-repeat'], ['repeat', 'repeat'], ['repeat-x', 'repeat-x'], ['repeat-y', 'repeat-y']]; var _backgroundAttachment = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['fixed', 'fixed'], ['scroll', 'scroll']]; var _backgroundPositionX = [[editor.lang.CKCss.value, ' '], ['center', 'center'], ['left', 'left'], ['right', 'right'], [editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, '']]; var _backgroundPositionY = [[editor.lang.CKCss.value, ' '], ['bottom', 'bottom'], ['center', 'center'], ['top', 'top'], [editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, '']]; var _borderStyle = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['dashed', 'dashed'], ['dotted', 'dotted'], ['double', 'double'], ['groove', 'groove'], ['hidden', 'hidden'], ['inset', 'inset'], ['none', 'none'], ['outset', 'outset'], ['ridge', 'ridge'], ['solid', 'solid']]; var _borderWidth = [[editor.lang.CKCss.value, ' '], ['thin', 'thin'], ['medium', 'medium'], ['thick', 'thick'], [editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, '']]; var _position = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['absolute', 'absolute'], ['fixed', 'fixed'], ['relative', 'relative'], ['static', 'static']]; var _visibility = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['collapse', 'collapse'], ['hidden', 'hidden'], ['visible', 'visible']]; var _overflow = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['auto', 'auto'], ['hidden', 'hidden'], ['scroll', 'scroll'], ['visible', 'visible']]; var _display = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['block', 'block'], ['inline', 'inline'], ['inline-block', 'inline-block'], ['inline-table', 'inline-table'], ['list-item', 'list-item'], ['none', 'none'], ['run-in', 'run-in'], ['table', 'table'], ['table-caption', 'table-caption'], ['table-cell', 'table-cell'], ['table-column', 'table-column'], ['table-column-group', 'table-column-group'], ['table-footer-group', 'table-footer-group'], ['table-header-group', 'table-header-group'], ['table-row', 'table-row'], ['table-row-group', 'table-row-group']]; var _float = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['left', 'left'], ['none', 'none'], ['right', 'right']]; var _clear = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['both', 'both'], ['left', 'left'], ['none', 'none'], ['right', 'right']]; var _cursor = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['auto', 'auto'], ['crosshair', 'crosshair'], ['default', 'default'], ['e-resize', 'e-resize'], ['help', 'help'], ['move', 'move'], ['n-resize', 'n-resize'], ['ne-resize', 'ne-resize'], ['nw-resize', 'nw-resize'], ['pointer', 'pointer'], ['progress', 'progress'], ['s-resize', 's-resize'], ['se-resize', 'se-resize'], ['sw-resize', 'sw-resize'], ['text', 'text'], ['w-resize', 'w-resize'], ['wait', 'wait']]; var _listStyleType = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['disc', 'disc'], ['circle', 'circle'], ['square', 'square'], ['decimal', 'decimal'], ['decimal-leading-zero', 'decimal-leading-zero'], ['lower-roman', 'lower-roman'], ['upper-roman', 'upper-roman'], ['lower-greek', 'lower-greek'], ['lower-latin', 'lower-latin'], ['upper-latin', 'upper-latin'], ['armenian', 'armenian'], ['georgian', 'georgian'], ['lower-alpha', 'lower-alpha'], ['upper-alpha', 'upper-alpha'], ['none', 'none']]; var _listStylePosition = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['inside', 'inside'], ['outside', 'outside']]; var _tableLayout = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['auto', 'auto'], ['fixed', 'fixed']]; var _borderCollapse = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['collapse', 'collapse'], ['separate', 'separate']]; var _emptyCells = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['hide', 'hide'], ['show', 'show']]; var _captionSide = [[editor.lang.CKCss.notSet, ''], ['bottom', 'bottom'], ['top', 'top']]; function getDialogValue(dialogName, callback) { var onOk = function () { releaseHandlers(this); callback(this, this._.parentDialog); this._.parentDialog.changeFocus(true); }; var onCancel = function () { releaseHandlers(this); this._.parentDialog.changeFocus(); }; var releaseHandlers = function (dialog) { dialog.removeListener('ok', onOk); dialog.removeListener('cancel', onCancel); }; var bindToDialog = function (dialog) { dialog.on('ok', onOk); dialog.on('cancel', onCancel); }; editor.execCommand(dialogName); if (editor._.storedDialogs.colordialog) bindToDialog(editor._.storedDialogs.colordialog); else { CKEDITOR.on('dialogDefinition', function (e) { if ( != dialogName) return; var definition =; e.removeListener(); definition.onLoad =, function (orginal) { return function () { bindToDialog(this); definition.onLoad = orginal; if (typeof orginal == 'function'); }; }); }); } } return { title: 'CKCss Editor', minWidth: 550, minHeight: 400, buttons: [CKEDITOR.dialog.okButton, CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton], onOk: function () { var elem = null; //get the current selected element var t = this; if ( !this._.selectedElement ) { if (!this._.selectedElements) { var prwH = this.getContentElement('page1', 'stylePreview'); var cssText = prwH.getValue(); // Apply style. var style = new { element : 'span', attributes : {style : cssText } } ); style.type = CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE; // need to override... dunno why. style.apply( editor.document ); } else { var elem; this._.selectedElements.forEach(function(elem) { var prwH = t.getContentElement('page1', 'stylePreview'); var cssText = prwH.getValue(); if(!cssText && !elem.hasAttribute('class') && !elem.hasAttribute('id') &&'span')) elem.setAttribute('id','data-remove-span'); //mark to remove elem.$.style.cssText = prwH.getValue(); }); delete this._.selectedElements; } } else { elem = this._.selectedElement; var prwH = this.getContentElement('page1', 'stylePreview'); var cssText = prwH.getValue(); if(!cssText && !elem.hasAttribute('class') && !elem.hasAttribute('id') &&'span')) elem.setAttribute('id','data-remove-span'); //mark to remove elem.$.style.cssText = prwH.getValue(); delete this._.selectedElement; } }, onLoad: onLoad(), onShow: function () {$.classList.add("ckcss-dialog"); var elem = null, elems = null, selection = this.getParentEditor().getSelection(); if ( selection.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT ) { elem = selection.getSelectedElement(); } else { var range = selection.getRanges( true )[ 0 ]; range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT ); var root = range.getCommonAncestor(); if(root && (root.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&'div') || CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&'td'))) elem = root; if(elem == null){ range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT ); root = range.getCommonAncestor(); if(root && root.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&'p')) elem = root; if(elem == null) elem = root.getAscendant( 'a', true ); if(elem == null) elem = root.getAscendant( 'span', true ); } if (elem == null) { var iterator = range.createIterator(), enterMode = editor.config.enterMode; iterator.enforceRealBlocks = true; iterator.enlargeBr = enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; var block; elems = []; while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph( enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? 'p' : 'div' ) ) ) { elems.push(block); } } } if (elem != null) { //var prw = CKEDITOR.document.getById(imagePreviewBoxId); //var prwH = this.getContentElement('page1', 'stylePreview'); //prwH.setValue(elem.$.style.cssText); //prw.$.style.cssText = elem.$.style.cssText; this._.selectedElement = elem; distPreview(this, elem.$.style.cssText); this.setupContent(elem.$.style); } else if (elems != null) { this._.selectedElements = elems; distPreview(this, elems[0].$.style.cssText); this.setupContent(elems[0].$.style); } }, onHide: onHide(), onCancel: onCancel(), resizable: 'none' /* none,width,height or both */, contents: [{ id: 'page1', label: editor.lang.CKCss.tabPage1, accessKey: 'P', elements: [{ type: 'vbox', padding: 3, children: [{ id: 'fontFamily', type: 'select', labelLayout: 'horizontal', widths: ['100px'], label: 'font-family', 'default': '', items: _fontName, onChange: function (event) { selectOnChange(this, event); }, setup: function (_style) { elemSetup(this, _style); } }, { type: 'hbox', style: 'width:305px;float:left', widths: ['200px', '50px'], children: [{ id: 'fontSize', type: 'select', labelLayout: 'horizontal', widths: ['100px'], label: 'font-size', 'default': '', items: _fontSize, onKeyDown: function (event) { selectOnKeyDown(this, event); }, onKeyUp: function (event) { selectOnKeyUp(this, event); }, onKeyPress: function (event) { return selectOnKeyPress(this, event); }, onChange: function (event) { gestUm(this); selectOnChange(this, event); }, setup: function (_style) { elemSetup(this, _style); } }, { id: 'fontSizeUm', type: 'select', labelLayout: 'horizontal', style: 'width:50px', label: '', 'default': 'px', items: _um, onChange: function () { var dialog = this.getDialog(); var relElement = dialog.getContentElement('page1',, - 2)); preview(relElement); } }] }, { id: 'fontWeight', type: 'select', labelLayout: 'horizontal', widths: ['100px'], label: 'font-weight', 'default': '', items: _fontWeight, onChange: function () { preview(this); }, setup: function (_style) { elemSetup(this, _style); } }, { id: 'fontStyle', type: 'select', labelLayout: 'horizontal', widths: ['100px'], label: 'font-style', 'default': '', items: _fontStyle, onChange: function () { preview(this); }, setup: function (_style) { elemSetup(this, _style); } }, { id: 'fontVariant', type: 'select', labelLayout: 'horizontal', widths: ['100px'], label: 'font-variant', 'default': '', items: _fontVariant, onChange: function () { preview(this); }, setup: function (_style) { elemSetup(this, _style); } }, { type: 'hbox', padding: 0, widths: ['60px', '50px'], children: [ { type: 'text', id: 'color', label: 'color', labelLayout: 'horizontal', widths: ['100px'], 'default': '', setup: function (_style) { elemSetup(this, _style); }, onChange: function () { preview(this); } }, { type: 'button', id: 'txcolorChoose', label: editor.lang.CKCss.choose, style: 'margin-left: 10px', onClick: function () { var self = this; editor.getColorFromDialog(function(val) { var destElem = self.getDialog().getContentElement('page1', 'color'); destElem.setValue(val); preview(destElem); }); } } ] }, { id: 'textTransform', type: 'select', labelLayout: 'horizontal', widths: ['100px'], label: 'text-transform', 'default': '', items: _textTransform, onChange: function () { preview(this); }, setup: function (_style) { elemSetup(this, _style); } }, { id: 'textDecoration', type: 'select', labelLayout: 'horizontal', widths: ['100px'], label: 'text-decoration', multiple: true, size: 5, items: _textDecoration, onChange: function () { preview(this); }, setup: function (_style) { elemSetup(this, _style); } }, { type: 'html', style: 'width:95%;', html: + '
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However, you can create a script that displays keys for either browser. The following function will display each key in the status line: The "FindKey.." function receives the "event" object from the event handler and stores it in the variable "e". It checks whether the "e.which" property exists (for NetscapeFirefoxChrome), and stores it in the "keycode" variable if present. Otherwise, it assumes the browser is Internet Explorer and assigns to keycode the "e.keyCode" property. */ function FindKeyCode(e) { if(e.which) { keycode=e.which; //NetscapeFirefoxChrome } else { keycode=e.keyCode; //Internet Explorer } //alert("FindKeyCode"+ keycode); return keycode; } function FindKeyChar(e) { keycode = FindKeyCode(e); if((keycode==8)||(keycode==127)) { character="backspace" } else if((keycode==46)) { character="delete" } else { character=String.fromCharCode(keycode); } //alert("FindKey"+ character); return character; } /*---------------------------------------------- Dropdown specific global variables are: ----------------------------------------------- 1) vEditableOptionIndex_A --> this needs to be set by Programmer!! See explanation. 2) vEditableOptionText_A --> this needs to be set by Programmer!! See explanation. 3) vUseActualTexbox_A --> this needs to be set by Programmer!! See explanation. 4) vPreviousSelectIndex_A 5) vSelectIndex_A 6) vSelectChange_A --------------------------- source: */ /*---------------------------------------------- Dropdown specific functions (which manipulate dropdown specific global variables) ----------------------------------------------- 1) function fnChangeHandler_A(getdropdown) 2) function fnFocusHandler_A (getdropdown) 3) function fnKeyPressHandler_A(getdropdown, e) 4) function fnKeyUpHandler_A(getdropdown, e) 5) function fnKeyDownHandler_A(getdropdown, e) --------------------------- source: */ /*------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT: Global Variable required to be SET by programmer -------------------------- source: */ var vEditableOptionIndex_A = 0; // Give Index of Editable option in the dropdown. // For eg. // if first option is editable then vEditableOptionIndex_A = 0; // if second option is editable then vEditableOptionIndex_A = 1; // if third option is editable then vEditableOptionIndex_A = 2; // if last option is editable then vEditableOptionIndex_A = (length of dropdown - 1). // Note: the value of vEditableOptionIndex_A cannot be greater than (length of dropdown - 1) var vEditableOptionText_A = "--?--"; // Give the default text of the Editable option in the dropdown. // For eg. // if the editable option is , // then set vEditableOptionText_A = "--?--"; var vUseActualTexbox_A = "no"; // = "no" ... // default is 'no' because there is no need to use an actual textbox if using a PC (with physical keyboard) // if using iPad/iPhone or Android device, which usually have a virtual soft keyboard, then textbox will automatically show up next to dropdown on those devices // = "yes" ... // set this to 'yes' if and only if you want an actual textbox to show up next to dropdown at all times (even on devices with physical keyboards) /*------------------------------------------------ Global Variables required for fnChangeHandler_A(), fnKeyPressHandler_A() and fnKeyUpHandler_A() for Editable Dropdowns -------------------------- source: */ var vPreviousSelectIndex_A = 0; // Contains the Previously Selected Index, set to 0 by default var vSelectIndex_A = 0; // Contains the Currently Selected Index, set to 0 by default var vSelectChange_A = 'MANUAL_CLICK'; // Indicates whether Change in dropdown selected option // was due to a Manual Click // or instead due to System properties of dropdown. // vSelectChange_A = 'MANUAL_CLICK' indicates that // the jump to a non-editable option in the dropdown was due // to a Manual click (i.e.,changed on purpose by user). // vSelectChange_A = 'AUTO_SYSTEM' indicates that // the jump to a non-editable option was due to System properties of dropdown // (i.e.,user did not change the option in the dropdown; // instead an automatic jump happened due to inbuilt // dropdown properties of browser on typing of a character ) /*------------------------------------------------ Functions required for Editable Dropdowns -------------------------- source: */ function fnSanityCheck_A(getdropdown) { if(vEditableOptionIndex_A>(getdropdown.options.length-1)) { alert("PROGRAMMING ERROR: The value of variable vEditableOptionIndex_... cannot be greater than (length of dropdown - 1)"); return false; } } function fnKeyDownHandler_A(getdropdown, e) { fnSanityCheck_A(getdropdown); // Press [ <- ] and [ -> ] arrow keys on the keyboard to change alignment/flow. // ...go to Start : Press [ <- ] Arrow Key // ...go to End : Press [ -> ] Arrow Key // (this is useful when the edited-text content exceeds the ListBox-fixed-width) // This works best on Internet Explorer, and not on NetscapeFirefoxChrome var vEventKeyCode = FindKeyCode(e); // Press left/right arrow keys if(vEventKeyCode == 37) { fnLeftToRight(getdropdown); } if(vEventKeyCode == 39) { fnRightToLeft(getdropdown); } // Delete key pressed if(vEventKeyCode == 46) { if(getdropdown.options.length != 0) // if dropdown is not empty { if (getdropdown.options.selectedIndex == vEditableOptionIndex_A) // if option is the Editable field { getdropdown.options[getdropdown.options.selectedIndex].text = ''; getdropdown.options[getdropdown.options.selectedIndex].value = ''; } } } // backspace key pressed if(vEventKeyCode == 8 || vEventKeyCode == 127) { if(getdropdown.options.length != 0) // if dropdown is not empty { if (getdropdown.options.selectedIndex == vEditableOptionIndex_A) // if option is the Editable field { // make Editable option Null if it is being edited for the first time if ((getdropdown[vEditableOptionIndex_A].text == vEditableOptionText_A)||(getdropdown[vEditableOptionIndex_A].value == vEditableOptionText_A)) { getdropdown.options[getdropdown.options.selectedIndex].text = ''; getdropdown.options[getdropdown.options.selectedIndex].value = ''; } else { getdropdown.options[getdropdown.options.selectedIndex].text = getdropdown.options[getdropdown.options.selectedIndex].text.slice(0,-1); getdropdown.options[getdropdown.options.selectedIndex].value = getdropdown.options[getdropdown.options.selectedIndex].value.slice(0,-1); } } } if(e.which) //NetscapeFirefoxChrome { e.which = ''; } else //Internet Explorer { e.keyCode = ''; } if (e.cancelBubble) //Internet Explorer { e.cancelBubble = true; e.returnValue = false; } if (e.stopPropagation) //NetscapeFirefoxChrome { e.stopPropagation(); } if (e.preventDefault) //NetscapeFirefoxChrome { e.preventDefault(); } } } function fnFocusHandler_A(getdropdown) { //use textbox for devices such as android and ipad that don't have a physical keyboard (textbox allows use of virtual soft keyboard) if ( (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().search(/android|ipad|iphone|ipod/) > -1) || (vUseActualTexbox_A == 'yes') ) { if (getdropdown[(vEditableOptionIndex_A)].selected == true) { document.getElementById('textboxoption_A').style.visibility=''; document.getElementById('textboxoption_A').style.display=''; } else { document.getElementById('textboxoption_A').style.visibility='hidden'; document.getElementById('textboxoption_A').style.display='none'; } } } function fnChangeHandler_A(getdropdown) { fnSanityCheck_A(getdropdown); vPreviousSelectIndex_A = vSelectIndex_A; // Contains the Previously Selected Index vSelectIndex_A = getdropdown.options.selectedIndex; // Contains the Currently Selected Index if ((vPreviousSelectIndex_A == (vEditableOptionIndex_A)) && (vSelectIndex_A != (vEditableOptionIndex_A))&&(vSelectChange_A != 'MANUAL_CLICK')) // To Set value of Index variables - source: { getdropdown[(vEditableOptionIndex_A)].selected=true; vPreviousSelectIndex_A = vSelectIndex_A; vSelectIndex_A = getdropdown.options.selectedIndex; vSelectChange_A = 'MANUAL_CLICK'; // Indicates that the Change in dropdown selected // option was due to a Manual Click } //use textbox for devices such as android and ipad that don't have a physical keyboard (textbox allows use of virtual soft keyboard) if ( (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().search(/android|ipad|iphone|ipod/) > -1) || (vUseActualTexbox_A == 'yes') ) { fnFocusHandler_A(getdropdown); } } function fnKeyPressHandler_A(getdropdown, e) { fnSanityCheck_A(getdropdown); keycode = FindKeyCode(e); keychar = FindKeyChar(e); // Check for allowable Characters // The various characters allowable for entry into Editable option.. // may be customized by minor modifications in the code (if condition below) // (you need to know the keycode/ASCII value of the character to be allowed/disallowed. // - source: if ((keycode>47 && keycode<59)||(keycode>62 && keycode<127) ||(keycode==32)) { var vAllowableCharacter = "yes"; } else { var vAllowableCharacter = "no"; } //alert(window); alert(window.event); if(getdropdown.options.length != 0) // if dropdown is not empty if (getdropdown.options.selectedIndex == (vEditableOptionIndex_A)) // if selected option the Editable option of the dropdown { // Empty space (ascii 32) is not captured by NetscapeFirefoxChrome when .text is used // NetscapeFirefoxChrome removes extra spaces at end of string when .text is used // NetscapeFirefoxChrome allows one empty space at end of string when .value is used // Hence, use .value insead of .text var vEditString = getdropdown[vEditableOptionIndex_A].value; // make Editable option Null if it is being edited for the first time if(vAllowableCharacter == "yes") { if ((getdropdown[vEditableOptionIndex_A].text == vEditableOptionText_A)||(getdropdown[vEditableOptionIndex_A].value == vEditableOptionText_A)) vEditString = ""; } if (vAllowableCharacter == "yes") // To handle addition of a character - source: { vEditString+=String.fromCharCode(keycode); // Concatenate Enter character to Editable string // The following portion handles the "automatic Jump" bug // The "automatic Jump" bug (Description): // If a alphabet is entered (while editing) // ...which is contained as a first character in one of the read-only options // ..the focus automatically "jumps" to the read-only option // (-- this is a common property of normal dropdowns // undesirable while editing). var i=0; var vEnteredChar = String.fromCharCode(keycode); var vUpperCaseEnteredChar = vEnteredChar; var vLowerCaseEnteredChar = vEnteredChar; if(((keycode)>=97)&&((keycode)<=122)) // if vEnteredChar lowercase vUpperCaseEnteredChar = String.fromCharCode(keycode - 32); // This is UpperCase if(((keycode)>=65)&&((keycode)<=90)) // if vEnteredChar is UpperCase vLowerCaseEnteredChar = String.fromCharCode(keycode + 32); // This is lowercase if(e.which) //For NetscapeFirefoxChrome { // Compare the typed character (into the editable option) // with the first character of all the other // options (non-editable). // To note if the jump to the non-editable option was due // to a Manual click (i.e.,changed on purpose by user) // or instead due to System properties of dropdown // (i.e.,user did not change the option in the dropdown; // instead an automatic jump happened due to inbuilt // dropdown properties of browser on typing of a character ) for (i=0;i<=(getdropdown.options.length-1);i++) { if(i!=vEditableOptionIndex_A) { var vEnteredDigitNumber = getdropdown[vEditableOptionIndex_A].text.length; var vFirstReadOnlyChar = getdropdown[i].text.substring(0,1); var vEquivalentReadOnlyChar = getdropdown[i].text.substring(vEnteredDigitNumber,vEnteredDigitNumber+1); if (vEnteredDigitNumber >= getdropdown[i].text.length) { vEquivalentReadOnlyChar = vFirstReadOnlyChar; } if( (vEquivalentReadOnlyChar == vUpperCaseEnteredChar)||(vEquivalentReadOnlyChar == vLowerCaseEnteredChar) ||(vFirstReadOnlyChar == vUpperCaseEnteredChar)||(vFirstReadOnlyChar == vLowerCaseEnteredChar) ) { vSelectChange_A = 'AUTO_SYSTEM'; // Indicates that the Change in dropdown selected // option was due to System properties of dropdown break; } else { vSelectChange_A = 'MANUAL_CLICK'; // Indicates that the Change in dropdown selected // option was due to a Manual Click } } } } } // Set the new edited string into the Editable option getdropdown.options[vEditableOptionIndex_A].text = vEditString; getdropdown.options[vEditableOptionIndex_A].value = vEditString; return false; } return true; } function fnKeyUpHandler_A(getdropdown, e) { fnSanityCheck_A(getdropdown); if(e.which) // NetscapeFirefoxChrome { if(vSelectChange_A == 'AUTO_SYSTEM') { // if editable dropdown option jumped while editing // (due to typing of a character which is the first character of some other option) // then go back to the editable option. getdropdown[(vEditableOptionIndex_A)].selected=true; vSelectChange_A = 'MANUAL_CLICK'; } var vEventKeyCode = FindKeyCode(e); // if [ <- ] or [ -> ] arrow keys are pressed, select the editable option if((vEventKeyCode == 37)||(vEventKeyCode == 39)) { getdropdown[vEditableOptionIndex_A].selected=true; } } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- source: */ /*************************************************************** ***************************************************************/ function Hash() { this.length = 0; this.items = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2) { if (typeof (arguments[i + 1]) != 'undefined') { this.items[arguments[i]] = arguments[i + 1]; this.length++; } } this.removeItem = function (in_key) { var tmp_previous; if (typeof (this.items[in_key]) != 'undefined') { this.length--; var tmp_previous = this.items[in_key]; delete this.items[in_key]; } return tmp_previous; } this.getItem = function (in_key) { return this.items[in_key]; } this.setItem = function (in_key, in_value) { var tmp_previous; if (typeof (in_value) != 'undefined') { if (typeof (this.items[in_key]) == 'undefined') { this.length++; } else { tmp_previous = this.items[in_key]; } this.items[in_key] = in_value; } return tmp_previous; } this.hasItem = function (in_key) { return typeof (this.items[in_key]) != 'undefined'; } this.clear = function () { for (var i in this.items) { delete this.items[i]; } this.length = 0; } } })();