--- http_interactions: - request: method: post uri: https://bedrock-runtime.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/model/anthropic.claude-instant-v1/invoke body: encoding: UTF-8 string: '{"prompt":"\n\nHuman: Give me a short list of steps for creating a Ruby gem\n\nAssistant:","max_tokens_to_sample":300,"temperature":0.5,"top_k":250,"top_p":1,"stop_sequences":["\\n\\nHuman"],"anthropic_version":"bedrock-2023-05-31"}' headers: Accept-Encoding: - '' Content-Type: - application/json Accept: - "*/*" User-Agent: - aws-sdk-ruby3/3.189.0 ua/2.0 api/bedrock_runtime#1.4.0 os/macos#22 md/arm64 lang/ruby#3.2.2 md/3.2.2 cfg/retry-mode#legacy Host: - bedrock-runtime.us-east-1.amazonaws.com Content-Length: - '232' response: status: code: 200 message: OK headers: Date: - Wed, 06 Dec 2023 05:48:47 GMT Content-Type: - application/json Content-Length: - '1104' Connection: - keep-alive X-Amzn-Requestid: - f542bb49-8e80-4c7b-926b-222edd1d7bf9 X-Amzn-Bedrock-Invocation-Latency: - '5724' X-Amzn-Bedrock-Output-Token-Count: - '261' X-Amzn-Bedrock-Input-Token-Count: - '21' body: encoding: UTF-8 string: '{"completion":" Here are the basic steps to create a Ruby gem:\n\n1. Generate the gem skeleton using the gem command:\n\n `gem build `\n\n2. This will create a directory with the gem name, containing basic files like the gemspec, Rakefile, lib directory etc.\n\n3. Define the gem functionality by writing code/classes in the lib directory.\n\n4. Document the gem usage, classes, and methods using YARD syntax in the code. \n\n5. Update the gemspec file with metadata like name, version, description etc.\n\n6. Add development and test dependencies to the gemspec.\n\n7. Write tests for the gem functionality in a tests directory.\n\n8. Add a Rake task to run the tests.\n\n9. Publish the gem to a gem host like RubyGems with `gem push ` after testing.\n\n10. Market and distribute the gem so others can install and use it with `gem install `.\n\n11. Maintain and update the gem as needed with new versions/features.\n\nSo in summary - generate skeleton, add code, document, test, publish, distribute and maintain updates.","stop_reason":"stop_sequence","stop":"\n\nHuman:"}' recorded_at: Wed, 06 Dec 2023 05:48:46 GMT recorded_with: VCR 6.2.0