require 'fourflusher/simctl' require 'json' require 'rubygems/version' module Fourflusher # Metadata about an installed Xcode simulator class Simulator attr_reader :id attr_reader :name attr_reader :os_version def os_name @os_name.downcase.to_sym end def compatible?(other_version) other_version <= os_version end def to_s "#{@name} (#{@id}) - #{@os_name} #{@os_version}" end # Compare function for sorting simulators in order by # - OS Name: ascending # - OS Version: descending # - Device type: iPhone first, then ascending # - Model: ascending def sim_list_compare(other) return os_name.to_s <=> other.os_name.to_s unless os_name == other.os_name return other.os_version <=> os_version unless os_version == other.os_version device1, model1 = device_and_model device2, model2 = other.device_and_model return device_compare(device1, device2) unless device1 == device2 return model1 <=> model2 unless model1.nil? || model2.nil? model2.nil? ? 1 : -1 end def device_compare(my_device, other_device) return -1 if my_device == 'iPhone' return 1 if other_device == 'iPhone' return my_device <=> other_device unless my_device.nil? || other_device.nil? other_device.nil? ? 1 : -1 end # Returns the [device, model] for use during sorting # Examples: [iPhone, 5s], [iPhone, 6s Plus], [Apple Watch Series 2, 38mm] def device_and_model if os_name == :watchos # Sample string: Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm name.split ' - ' else # Sample string: "iPhone 5s" or "iPhone 6 Plus" or "iPad Air 2" if name.start_with? 'Apple TV' # The last part is the model, and the rest is the device parts = name.rpartition(' ').reject { |str| str.strip.empty? } [parts[0...-1].join(' '), parts.drop(parts.count - 1).join(' ')].map(&:strip) else # The first part is device, and the rest is the model name.split ' ', 2 end end end private def initialize(device_json, os_name, os_version) @id = device_json['udid'] @name = device_json['name'] @os_name = os_name @os_version = os_version end end # { # "devices" : { # "iOS 10.0" : [ # { # "state" : "Shutdown", # "availability" : "(available)", # "name" : "iPhone 5", # "udid" : "B7D21008-CC16-47D6-A9A9-885FE1FC47A8" # }, # { # "state" : "Shutdown", # "availability" : "(available)", # "name" : "iPhone 5s", # "udid" : "38EAE7BD-90C3-4C3D-A672-3AF683EEC5A2" # }, # ] # } # } # Executes `simctl` commands class SimControl def simulator(filter, os_name = :ios, minimum_version = '1.0') usable_simulators(filter, os_name, minimum_version).first end def usable_simulators(filter = nil, os = :ios, minimum_version = '1.0') sims = fetch_sims oses = os = os.downcase.to_sym unless oses.include?(os) fail "Could not find a `#{os}` simulator (valid values: #{oses.join(', ')}). Ensure that "\ "Xcode -> Window -> Devices has at least one `#{os}` simulator listed or otherwise add one." end return sims if filter.nil? minimum_version = sims = { |sim| sim.os_name == os && sim.compatible?(minimum_version) } return [sims.min_by(&:os_version)] if filter == :oldest found_sims = { |sim| == filter } return found_sims if found_sims.count > 0 { |sim| } end private # Gets the simulators and transforms the simctl json into Simulator objects def fetch_sims device_list = JSON.parse(list(['-j', 'devices']))['devices'] unless device_list.is_a?(Hash) msg = "Expected devices to be of type Hash but instated found #{device_list.class}" fail Fourflusher::Informative, msg end device_list.flat_map do |runtime_str, devices| # This format changed with Xcode 10.2. if runtime_str.start_with?('') # Sample string: _unused, os_info = runtime_str.split '' os_name, os_major_version, os_minor_version = os_info.split '-' os_version = "#{os_major_version}.#{os_minor_version}" else # Sample string: iOS 9.3 os_name, os_version = runtime_str.split ' ' end do |device| device_is_available = device['isAvailable'] == 'YES' || device['isAvailable'] == true if device['availability'] == '(available)' || device_is_available, os_name, os_version) end end end.compact.sort(&:sim_list_compare) end end end