# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'helper' module BibTeX class BibliographyTest < Minitest::Spec describe 'when newly created' do it 'should not be nil' do assert Bibliography.new end it 'should be empty' do assert Bibliography.new.empty? end end describe '.open' do it 'accepts a block and save the file after execution' do tmp = Tempfile.new('bibtex') tmp.close b = BibTeX.open(Test.fixtures(:bibdesk)).save_to(tmp.path) BibTeX.open(tmp.path) do |bib| bib.delete(:rails) end assert_equal b.length - 1, BibTeX.open(tmp.path).length end end describe '.parse' do it 'accepts filters' do Bibliography.parse("@misc{k, title = {\\''u}}", :filter => 'latex')[0].title.must_be :==, 'ü' end it 'accepts filters in an array' do Bibliography.parse("@misc{k, title = {\\''u}}", :filter => ['latex'])[0].title.must_be :==, 'ü' end end describe 'given a populated biliography' do before do @bib = BibTeX.parse <<-END @book{rails, address = {Raleigh, North Carolina}, author = {Ruby, Sam, and Thomas, Dave, and Hansson Heinemeier, David}, booktitle = {Agile Web Development with Rails}, edition = {third}, keywords = {ruby, rails}, publisher = {The Pragmatic Bookshelf}, series = {The Facets of Ruby}, title = {Agile Web Development with Rails}, year = {2009} } @book{flanagan2008, title={{The ruby programming language}}, author={Flanagan, D. and Matsumoto, Y.}, keywords = {ruby}, year={2008}, publisher={O'Reilly} } @article{segaran2007, title={{Programming collective intelligence}}, author={Segaran, T.}, year={2007}, publisher={O'Reilly} } @string{ foo = "foobar" } @misc{flanagan-1, title={{Foo Bar}}, author={Flanagan, Dav and Thomas Segaran} } @misc{flanagan-2, title={{Foo Bar}}, author={Flanagan, David and Matsumoto, Yukihiro} } END end describe '#entries_at' do it 'returns a list of all entries identified by the passed-in keys' do assert_equal [@bib['segaran2007'], @bib['rails']], @bib.entries_at('segaran2007', :rails) end end describe '#extend_initials' do it 'extends the initials in matching names' do @bib.names.map(&:to_s).wont_include 'Flanagan, Dave' @bib.extend_initials(['Dave', 'Flanagan']) @bib.names.map(&:to_s).must_include 'Flanagan, Dave' end end describe '#extend_initials!' do it 'extends the initials of all names to the longest prototype' do assert_equal "Ruby, Sam Thomas, Dave Hansson Heinemeier, David Flanagan, David Matsumoto, Yukihiro Segaran, Thomas", @bib.extend_initials!.names.map(&:sort_order).uniq.join(' ') end end describe '#unify' do it 'sets all fields matching the given pattern to the passed-in value' do @bib.unify :publisher, /reilly/i, 'OReilly' assert_equal 'OReilly', @bib['segaran2007'].publisher assert_equal 'OReilly', @bib['flanagan2008'].publisher end it 'does not change the value of fields that do not match' do @bib.unify :publisher, /reilly/i, 'OReilly' assert_equal 'The Pragmatic Bookshelf', @bib['rails'].publisher end it 'passes each entry with matching fields to the block if given' do years = [] @bib.unify(:publisher, /reilly/i) { |e| years << e.year.to_s } assert_equal ['2007','2008'], years.sort end it 'returns the bibliography' do assert_equal @bib, @bib.unify(:publisher, /reilly/i, 'OReilly') end end describe '#group_by' do it 'returns an empy hash by default' do assert_equal({}, Bibliography.new.group_by) assert_equal({}, Bibliography.new.group_by(:a, :b)) end it 'returns a hash with all the entries mapped to their default digest' do assert_equal @bib.entries.length, @bib.group_by.length end it 'uses the given block to determine the key' do assert_equal @bib.entries.length, (@bib.group_by { 'x' })['x'].length end end it 'supports access by index' do assert_equal 'ruby', @bib[1].keywords end it 'supports access by range' do assert_equal %w{2008 2007}, @bib[1..2].map(&:year) end it 'supports access by index and offset' do assert_equal %w{2008 2007}, @bib[1,2].map(&:year) end it 'supports queries by symbol key' do refute_nil @bib[:rails] assert_nil @bib[:ruby] end it 'supports queries by symbol key and selector' do assert_equal 1, @bib.q(:all, :rails).length refute_nil @bib.q(:first, :rails) assert_nil @bib.q(:first, :railss) end it 'supports queries by string key' do refute_nil @bib['rails'] assert_nil @bib['ruby'] end it 'supports queries by type string' do assert_equal 2, @bib['@book'].length assert_equal 1, @bib['@article'].length assert_equal 0, @bib['@collection'].length assert_equal 1, @bib['@string'].length end it 'supports queries by negated type string' do assert_equal 4, @bib['!@book'].length assert_equal 5, @bib['!@article'].length assert_equal 6, @bib['!@collection'].length assert_equal 1, @bib['!@*'].length assert_equal 4, @bib['!@misc'].length assert_equal 5, @bib['!@string'].length end it 'supports queries by type string and selector' do assert_equal 2, @bib.q(:all, '@book').length refute_nil @bib.q(:first, '@book') assert_equal 1, @bib.q(:all, '@article').length refute_nil @bib.q(:first, '@article') assert_equal 0, @bib.q(:all, '@collection').length assert_nil @bib.q(:first, '@collection') end it 'supports queries by pattern' do assert_equal 0, @bib[/reilly/].length assert_equal 2, @bib[/reilly/i].length end it 'supports queries by type string and conditions' do assert_equal 1, @bib['@book[keywords=ruby]'].length end it 'supports queries with negative conditions' do assert_equal 4, @bib['@*[keywords!=ruby]'].length end it 'supports queries with pattern conditions' do assert_equal 1, @bib['@*[keywords~=rails]'].length end it 'supports queries with attribute conditions' do assert_equal 2, @bib['@*[keywords]'].length assert_equal 0, @bib['@*[foobar]'].length end it 'supports queries with start-pattern conditions' do assert_equal 2, @bib['@*[keywords^=ruby]'].length end it 'supports queries with numeric conditions' do assert_equal 3, @bib['@*[year<=2010]'].length assert_equal 3, @bib['@*[year<=2009]'].length assert_equal 2, @bib['@*[year>=2008]'].length assert_equal 0, @bib['@*[year>=2010]'].length end it 'supports queries by bibtex element' do entry = Entry.parse(<<-END).first @article{segaran2007, title = {{Programming collective intelligence}}, author = {Segaran, T.}, year = {2007}, publisher = {O'Reilly} } END assert_equal 1, @bib[entry].length entry.year = '2006' assert_equal 0, @bib[entry].length end it 'supports query and additional block' do assert_equal 1, @bib.q('@book') { |e| e.keywords.split(/,/).length > 1 }.length end it 'supports saving the bibliography to a file' do tmp = Tempfile.new('bibtex') tmp.close @bib.save_to(tmp.path) assert_equal @bib.length, BibTeX.open(tmp.path).length end describe '#query' do it 'returns all elements when passed no arguments' do @bib.query.length.must_be :==, 6 end it 'returns all elements when passed :all and an empty condition' do @bib.query(:all, '').length.must_be :==, 6 end it 'returns all entries when passed a * wildcard' do @bib.query('@*').length.must_be :==, 5 end end describe 'duplicates' do it 'understands select_duplicates_by' do assert_equal 1, @bib.select_duplicates_by.length end it 'understands duplicates?' do assert @bib.duplicates? end end describe 'given a filter' do before do @filter = Object def @filter.apply (value); value.is_a?(::String) ? value.upcase : value; end end it 'supports arbitrary conversions' do @bib.convert(@filter) assert_equal 'RUBY, RAILS', @bib[:rails].keywords end it 'supports conditional arbitrary conversions' do @bib.convert(@filter) { |e| e.key != 'rails' } assert_equal 'ruby, rails', @bib[:rails].keywords assert_equal 'RUBY', @bib[:flanagan2008].keywords end end describe 'LaTeX filter' do before do @bib['rails'].keywords = 'r\\"uby' end it 'converts LaTeX umlauts' do @bib.convert(:latex)['rails'].keywords.must_be :==, 'rüby' end end describe 'BibTeXML export' do before { @bibtexml = Tempfile.new('bibtexml') } after { @bibtexml.unlink } it 'supports exporting to BibTeXML' do @bib.to_xml.write(@bibtexml, 2) @bibtexml.rewind xml = REXML::Document.new(@bibtexml) xml.root.namespace.must_be :==, 'http://bibtexml.sf.net/' xml.root.get_elements('//bibtex:entry').wont_be_empty end it 'supports exporting to extended BibTeXML' do @bib.to_xml(:extended => true).write(@bibtexml, 2) @bibtexml.rewind xml = REXML::Document.new(@bibtexml) xml.root.namespace.must_be :==, 'http://bibtexml.sf.net/' xml.root.get_elements('//bibtex:person').wont_be_empty end end end end end