## activeadmin-settings


Easy to use general purpose settings backend for activeadmin. At the moment only [activeadmin-mongoid](https://github.com/elia/activeadmin-mongoid/) is suported. ActiveRecord support is not in my plans, so everyone interested is welcome on a board.

![ActiveadminSettings Demo](https://raw.github.com/alexkravets/activeadmin-settings/master/img/activeadmin-settings-demo.jpg)

### Installation

Add to `Gemfile`:

    gem "activeadmin-settings"

Run installer:

    $ rails g activeadmin_settings:install

### Configuration

After installation you should find a new **Settings** menu in the admin. If no configuration found in `config/activeadmin_settings.yml` only *Admins* tab is shown. *Admin* tab implements basic functionality of editing *AdminUser* objects.

To add some settings go to `config/activeadmin_settings.yml`. Settings are splitted into groups, each setting name concidered to be uniq, e.g.:

      Website Keywords:
        description:    These keywords are included in homepage header meta tag
        default_value:  lorem ipsum simply dummy text printing

      Website Description:
        type:           text
        description:    Website description is used as value for header meta tag on homepage
        default_value:  Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

There are a few types of settings:

* `string` (default) - a regular text input
* `link` - text input with a format: `(TITLE) URL`
* `text` - textarea input
* `html` - textarea with [redactor.js](http://redactorjs.com/)
* `file` - input for file upload

Some examples:

    Types Examples:
      Logo Image:
        type:           file
        description:    Please make sure logo image size is 287x140 pixels
        default_value:  home/home-logo.jpg

      CEO Message:
        type:           html
        description:    This text is used for the "CEO Message" page
        default_value:  >
                          <p><strong>Lorem Ipsum</strong> is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.</p>
                          <p>Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.</p>

      Facebook Link:
        type:           link
        description:    Company facebook page link
        default_value:  (Facebook) https://www.facebook.com/

Settings could be integrated into templates as well as models or controllers code using `settings_value` helper. For example:

* `<%= settings_value("CEO Message") %>` - provides html
* `<%= image_tag setting_value("Logo Image") %>` - provides an image url: `<img src="/production-assets-path/home/home-logo.jpg" />`
* `<%= settings_value("Facebook Link") %>` - provides link: `<a href="https://www.facebook.com/" title="Facebook">Facebook</a>`

If setting value is `null` or an empty string default setting value is used which is defined in `config/activeadmin_settings.yml`.


I'm going to add types:

* `Boolean` - checkbox or dropdown with two values
* `Dropdown` - dropdown with options
* `List` - list bases selection

Issues or feature requests are [welcome](https://github.com/alexkravets/activeadmin-settings/issues?state=open).

### GLHF