module Metanorma class Collection class Renderer # Resolves references to other files in the collection. Three routines: # 1. Eref to a document that has been split into multiple documents # (sectionsplit) are resolved to direct eref to the split document # 2. Indirect erefs to a file anchor in an unknwon file in the collection # (bibitem[@type = 'internal'] ) are resolved to direct eref to the # containing document # 3. Direct erefs to other files in collection # (repo(current-metanorma-collection/x) are resolved to hyperlinks # @param file [String] XML content # @param identifier [String] docid # @param internal_refs [Hash{String=>Hash{String=>String}] schema name to # anchor to filename # @return [String] XML content def update_xrefs(file, docid, internal_refs) xml, sso = update_xrefs_prep(file, docid) @nested || sso or Metanorma::Collection::XrefProcess::xref_process(xml, xml, nil, docid, @isodoc) @nested or update_indirect_refs_to_docs(xml, docid, internal_refs) @files.add_document_suffix(docid, xml) @nested or update_sectionsplit_refs_to_docs(xml, internal_refs) update_direct_refs_to_docs(xml, docid) hide_refs(xml) sso and eref2link(xml) @nested or svgmap_resolve(xml, docid) xml.to_xml end def update_xrefs_prep(file, docid) docxml = file.is_a?(String) ? Nokogiri::XML(file, &:huge) : file supply_repo_ids(docxml) sso = @files.get(docid, :sectionsplit_output) [docxml, sso] end def update_sectionsplit_refs_to_docs(docxml, internal_refs) Util::gather_citeases(docxml).each do |k, v| (@files.get(k) && @files.get(k, :sectionsplit)) or next opts = { key: @files.get(k, :indirect_key), source_suffix: docxml.root["document_suffix"], target_suffix: @files.get(k, :document_suffix) } refs = v.each_with_object({}) do |eref, m| update_sectionsplit_eref_to_doc(eref, internal_refs, m, opts) end add_hidden_bibliography(docxml, refs) end end def update_sectionsplit_eref_to_doc(eref, internal_refs, doclist, opts) a ="./localityStack/locality[@type = 'anchor']/" \ "referenceFrom")) or return doc = internal_refs[opts[:key]]["#{a.text}_#{opts[:target_suffix]}"] bibitemid = Metanorma::Utils::to_ncname("#{doc}_#{opts[:source_suffix]}") eref["bibitemid"] = bibitemid doclist[bibitemid] ||= doc doclist end def eref2link(docxml) isodoc ={}) isodoc.bibitem_lookup(docxml) isodoc.eref2link(docxml) end BIBITEM_NOT_REPO_XPATH = "//bibitem[not(ancestor::bibitem)]" \ "[not(./docidentifier[@type = 'repository'])]".freeze def supply_repo_ids(doc) doc.xpath(ns(BIBITEM_NOT_REPO_XPATH)).each do |b| b.xpath(ns("./docidentifier")).each do |docid| id = @isodoc.docid_prefix(docid["type"], docid.children.to_xml) @files.get(id) or next @files.get(id, :indirect_key) and next # will resolve as indirect key = docid_xml(id) end end end def svg_datauri(docxml, docid) rel = @files.get(docid, :rel_path) parent = @files.get(docid, :parentid) and rel = @files.get(parent, :rel_path) # if sectionsplit, use orig file dir dir = File.join(@dirname, File.dirname(rel)) datauri_encode(docxml, dir) end def svgmap_resolve(docxml, docid) ids = @files.get(docid, :ids) docxml = svg_unnest(svg_datauri(docxml, docid)) isodoc ={}) isodoc.bibitem_lookup(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//svgmap//eref")).each do |e| svgmap_resolve_eref(e, isodoc, docxml, ids) end, "").call docxml.xpath(ns("//svgmap")).each { |s| isodoc.svgmap_extract(s) } end def svg_unnest(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//svgmap//image[.//*[name() = 'image']]")).each do |i| s = i.elements.detect { |e| == "svg" } and i.replace(s) end docxml end def svgmap_resolve_eref(eref, isodoc, _docxml, ids) href = isodoc.eref_target(eref) or return href = href[:link] href == "##{eref['bibitemid']}" || (href =~ /^#/ && !ids[href.sub(/^#/, "")]) and return eref["target"] = href.strip = "link" eref.elements&.remove end # repo(current-metanorma-collection/ISO 17301-1:2016) # replaced by bibdata of "ISO 17301-1:2016" in situ as bibitem. # Any erefs to that bibitem id are replaced with relative URL # Preferably with anchor, and is a job to realise dynamic lookup # of localities. def update_direct_refs_to_docs(docxml, identifier) erefs, erefs1 = update_direct_refs_to_docs_prep(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//bibitem")).each do |b| docid ="./docidentifier[@type = 'repository']")) or next strip_unresolved_repo_erefs(identifier, docid, erefs1, b) or next update_bibitem(b, identifier) docid = docid_to_citeas(b) or next erefs[docid] and update_anchors(b, docid, erefs[docid]) end end def update_direct_refs_to_docs_prep(docxml) @ncnames = {} [Util::gather_citeases(docxml), Util::gather_bibitemids(docxml)] end # strip erefs if they are repository erefs, but do not point to a document # within the current collection. This can happen if a collection consists # of many documents, but not all are included in the current collection. # Do not do this if this is a sectionsplit collection or a nested manifest. # Return false if bibitem is not to be further processed def strip_unresolved_repo_erefs(_document_id, bib_docid, erefs, bibitem) %r{^current-metanorma-collection/(?!Missing:)}.match?(bib_docid.text) and return true @nested and return false erefs[bibitem["id"]]&.each { |x| x.parent and strip_eref(x) } false end # Resolve erefs to a container of ids in another doc, # to an anchor eref (direct link) def update_indirect_refs_to_docs(docxml, _docidentifier, internal_refs) bibitems, erefs = update_indirect_refs_to_docs_prep(docxml) internal_refs.each do |schema, ids| s = "#{schema}_" ids.each do |id, file| k = indirect_ref_key(s, schema, id, docxml) update_indirect_refs_to_docs1(docxml, k, file, bibitems, erefs) end end end def update_indirect_refs_to_docs_prep(docxml) @updated_anchors = {} [Util::gather_bibitems(docxml), Util::gather_bibitemids(docxml)] end def indirect_ref_key(schema_, schema, id, docxml) /^#{schema_}/.match?(id) and return id ret = schema_ + id suffix = docxml.root["document_suffix"] or return ret (k = docxml.root["type"]) && k != schema or return ret "#{ret}_#{suffix}" end #OLD def indirect_ref_key1(schema, id, docxml) /^#{schema}_/.match?(id) and return id ret = "#{schema}_#{id}" suffix = docxml.root["document_suffix"] (k = docxml.root["type"]) && k != schema && suffix and ret = "#{ret}_#{suffix}" ret end def update_indirect_refs_to_docs1(_docxml, key, file, bibitems, erefs) erefs[key]&.each do |e| e["citeas"] = file update_indirect_refs_to_docs_anchor(e, file) end update_indirect_refs_to_docs_docid(bibitems[key], file) end def update_indirect_refs_to_docs_anchor(eref, file) a =".//locality[@type = 'anchor']/referenceFrom")) or return suffix = file @files.get(file) && p = @files.get(file, :parentid) and suffix = "#{p}_#{suffix}" existing = a.text anchor = existing @files.url?(file) or anchor = Metanorma::Utils::to_ncname("#{anchor}_#{suffix}") @updated_anchors[existing] or a.children = anchor @updated_anchors[anchor] = true end def update_indirect_refs_to_docs_docid(bib, file) docid = bib&.at(ns("./docidentifier[@type = 'repository']")) or return docid.children = "current-metanorma-collection/#{file}" docid.previous = "#{file}" end # update crossrefences to other documents, to include # disambiguating document suffix on id def update_anchors(bib, docid, erefs) erefs.each do |e| if @files.get(docid) then update_anchor_loc(bib, e, docid) else msg = "** Unresolved reference to document #{docid} " \ "from eref" e << msg strip_eref(e) @log&.add("Cross-References", e, msg) end end end def update_anchor_loc(bib, eref, docid) loc =".//xmlns:locality[@type = 'anchor']") or return update_anchor_create_loc(bib, eref, docid) a = @files.get(docid, :anchors) or return ref = loc.elements&.first or return anchor = suffix_anchor(ref.text, docid) a.values.detect { |x| x.value?(anchor) } or return ref.content = anchor end #OLD def update_anchor_loc1(bib, eref, docid) loc =".//xmlns:locality[@type = 'anchor']") or return update_anchor_create_loc(bib, eref, docid) ref ="./xmlns:referenceFrom") or return anchor = suffix_anchor(ref, docid) a = @files.get(docid, :anchors) or return a.inject([]) { |m, (_, x)| m + x.values } .include?(anchor) or return ref.content = anchor end def suffix_anchor(ref, docid) @ncnames[docid] ||= "#{Metanorma::Utils::to_ncname(docid)}_" @files.url?(docid) or return ref @ncnames[docid] + ref end #OLD def suffix_anchor1(ref, docid) @ncnames[docid] ||= Metanorma::Utils::to_ncname(docid) anchor = ref.text @files.url?(docid) or anchor = "#{@ncnames[docid]}_#{anchor}" anchor end # if there is a crossref to another document, with no anchor, retrieve the # anchor given the locality, and insert it into the crossref def update_anchor_create_loc(_bib, eref, docid) ins ="./localityStack")) or return type ="./locality/@type"))&.text type = "clause" if type == "annex" ref ="./locality/referenceFrom"))&.text a = @files.get(docid, :anchors).dig(type, ref) or return ins << "#{a.sub(/^_/, '')}" \ "" end end end end