== 2.1.0 2009-03-25 2 major enhancements: * Ruby 1.9 compatibility. * Removed dependency on ancient Unicode gem. == 2.0.4 2009-02-12 * 1 major enhancment: * You can now pass in your own custom slug generation blocks while setting up friendly_id. == 2.0.3 2009-02-11 * 1 minor enhancment: * Fixed to_param returning an empty string for non-slugged models with a null friendly_id. == 2.0.2 2009-02-09 * 2 major enhancements: * Made FriendlyId depend only on ActiveRecord. It should now be possible to use FriendlyId with Camping or any other codebase that uses AR. * Overhauled creaky testing setup and switched to Shoulda. * 1 minor enhancment: * Made reserved words work for non-slugged models. == 2.0.1 2009-01-19 * 1 minor enhancements: * Fix infinite redirect bug when using .has_better_id? in your controllers (Sean Abrahams) == 2.0.0 2009-01-03 * 5 major enhancements: * Support for scoped slugs (Norman Clarke) * Support for UTF-8 friendly_ids (Norman Clarke) * Can now be installed via Ruby Gems, or as a Rails plugin (Norman Clarke) * Improved handling of non-unique slugs (Norman Clarke and Adrian Mugnolo) * 2 minor enhancements: * Shoulda macro (Josh Nichols) * Various small bugfixes, cleanups and refactorings == 2008-12-01 * Fixed bug that may return invalid records having similar id/names and using MySQL. (Emilio Tagua) * Fixed slug generation to increment only numeric extension without modifying the name on duplicated slugs. (Emilio Tagua) == 2008-10-31 * Fixed compatibility with Rails 2.0.x. (Norman Clarke) * friendly_id::make_slugs update records in chunks of 1000 to avoid running out of memory with large datasets. (Tim Kadom) * Fixed logic error with slug name collisions. Thanks to Tim Kadom for reporting this bug. == 2008-10-22 * Reverted use of UTF8Handler - was causing errors for some people (Bence Nagy) * Corrected find in case if a friendly_id begins with number (Bence Nagy) * Added ability to reserve words from slugs (Adam Cigánek) == 2008-10-09 * Moved "require"" for iconv to init.rb (Florian Aßmann) * Removed "require" for Unicode, use Rails' handler instead (Florian Aßmann) * Replaced some magic numbers with constants (Florian Aßmann) * Don't overwrite find, alias_method_chain find_one and find_some instead (Florian Aßmann) * Slugs behave more like ids now (Florian Aßmann) * Can find by mixture of ids and slugs (Florian Aßmann) * Reformatted code and comments (Florian Aßmann) * Added support for Edge Rails' Inflector::parameterize (Norman Clarke) == 2008-08-25 * Moved strip_diacritics into Slug for easier reuse/better organization. * Put class methods inside class << self block. (Norman Clarke) * Small change to allow friendly_id to work better with STI. (David Ramalho) == 2008-07-14 * Improved slug generation for friendly id's with apostrophes. (alistairholt) * Added support for namespaced models in Rakefile. (David Ramalho) == 2008-06-23 * Cached most recent slug to improve performance (Emilio Tagua). == 2008-06-10 * Added ability to find friendly_ids by array (Emilio Tagua) == 2008-05-15 * Made friendly_id raise an error if slug method returns a blank value. == 2008-05-12 * Added experimental Github gemspec. == 2008-04-18 * Improved slug name collision avoidance. == 2008-03-13 * Added :dependent => :destroy to slug relation, as suggested by Emilio Tagua. * Fixed error when renaming a slugged item back to a previously used name. * Incorporated documentation changes suggested by Jesse Crouch and Chris Nolan. == 2008-02-07 * Applied patches from blog commenter "suntzu" to fix problem with model values were being overwritten. * Applied patch from Dan Blue to make friendly_id no longer ignore options on ActiveRecordBase#find. * Added call to options.assert_valid_keys in has_friendly_id. Thanks to W. Andrew Loe III for pointing out that this was missing.