require "spec_helper" describe Docks do subject { Docks } it "has a config property" do expect(subject.config).to be Docks::Configuration.instance end describe ".configure" do it "yields the configuration object" do yielded = nil subject.configure { |config| yielded = config } expect(yielded).to be Docks::Configuration.instance end it "pre- and post-configures before configuration" do expect(subject).to receive(:pre_configuration) expect(subject).to receive(:post_configuration) subject.configure {} end it "only runs the pre-configuration steps if it hasn't already been configured" do expect(subject).to receive(:pre_configuration).once subject.configure {} subject.configure {} end it "configures itself with the default config file if no block is passed" do expect(subject).to receive(:configure_with).with Docks::CONFIG_FILE subject.configure end end end describe Docks::Configuration do subject { Docks::Configuration.instance } it "has the default configuration" do expect(subject.sources).to eq [ subject.root + "styles/**/*.{css,scss,sass,less,styl}", subject.root + "scripts/**/*.{js,coffee,coffeescript}" ] expect(subject.compiled_assets).to eq [] expect(subject.github_repo).to be nil expect(subject.root).to eq Pathname.pwd expect(subject.destination).to eq subject.root + "public" expect(subject.cache_location).to eq subject.root + ".#{Docks::Cache::DIR}" expect(subject.templates).to eq subject.root + "#{Docks::ASSETS_DIR}/templates" expect(subject.asset_folders).to eq "styles", scripts: "scripts") expect(subject.mount_at).to eq "pattern-library" expect(subject.theme).to be false end describe "#root=" do it "updates all root-dependent paths for a new root" do test_dir_name = ".foo" FileUtils.rm_rf(test_dir_name) FileUtils.mkdir(test_dir_name) subject.root = File.join(Dir.pwd, test_dir_name) subject.sources = %w(styles/foo.css) expect(subject.root).to eq expect(subject.destination).to eq subject.root + "public" expect(subject.cache_location).to eq subject.root + ".#{Docks::Cache::DIR}" expect(subject.templates).to eq subject.root + "#{Docks::ASSETS_DIR}/templates" expect(subject.sources).to eq [subject.root + "styles/foo.css"] FileUtils.rm_rf(test_dir_name) end end describe "#destination=" do it "allows setting root-relative paths" do subject.destination = "out" expect(subject.destination).to eq subject.root + "out" end it "allows setting non-root-relative paths" do destination = Dir[File.join(Dir.pwd, "*")].first subject.destination = destination expect(subject.destination).to eq end end describe "#asset_folders=" do it "merges the default asset folders" do defaults = subject.asset_folders expect { subject.asset_folders = { scripts: "javascripts" } }.not_to change { defaults.styles } expect(subject.asset_folders.scripts).to eq "javascripts" end end describe "#custom_languages" do it "yields the language manager" do expect { |block| subject.custom_languages(&block) }.to yield_with_args Docks::Languages end end describe "#custom_templates" do it "yields the template manager" do expect { |block| subject.custom_templates(&block) }.to yield_with_args Docks::Templates end end describe "#custom_templates=" do it "passes the templates to Templates.register" do templates = { foo: "bar", bar: "baz" } expect(Docks::Templates).to receive(:register).with(templates) subject.custom_templates = templates end end describe "#custom_tags" do it "yields the tag manager" do expect { |block| subject.custom_tags(&block) }.to yield_with_args Docks::Tags end end describe "#custom_symbol_sources" do it "yields the symbol source manager" do expect { |block| subject.custom_symbol_sources(&block) }.to yield_with_args Docks::SymbolSources end end describe "#custom_parsers" do it "yields the parser manager" do expect { |block| subject.custom_parsers(&block) }.to yield_with_args Docks::Parser end end describe "#github_repo" do it "returns nil when there is no github repo" do expect(subject.github_repo).to be nil end it "returns the URL for a github repo when provided" do subject.github_repo = "" expect(subject.github_repo).to eq "" end it "constructs the github URL when the repo was specified" do subject.github_repo = "lemonmade/docks" expect(subject.github_repo).to eq "" end end describe "#naming_convention=" do it "asks the naming convention manager for the new naming convention" do expect(Docks::NamingConventions).to receive(:for).with(:foo).and_return(:bar) subject.naming_convention = :foo expect(subject.naming_convention).to eq :bar end end describe "#theme=" do it "asks the theme manager to set the new theme" do expect(Docks::Themes).to receive(:for).with(:foo).and_return(:bar) subject.theme = :foo expect(subject.theme).to eq :bar end end describe "#pattern_id=" do it "passes the pattern ID block to the Docks class method" do identifier = Docks.instance_variable_get(:@pattern_id) expect(Docks).to receive(:pattern_id=).with(identifier) subject.pattern_id = identifier end end describe "#pattern_id" do it "calls the core pattern ID method" do expect(Docks).to receive(:pattern_id).with("foo").and_return "foo" expect(subject.pattern_id("foo")).to eq "foo" end end end