require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'open-uri' require 'zip' module Bundler class GemHelper def tag_version sh "git tag -s -m \"Version #{version}\" #{version_tag}" Bundler.ui.confirm "Tagged #{version_tag}." yield if block_given? rescue Bundler.ui.error "Untagging #{version_tag} due to error." sh_with_code "git tag -d #{version_tag}" raise end end end desc 'Update to the latest version of Highcharts' task :update, :version do |_, args| # After highcharts 5.0.0, chart code was was seperated into to files: code/ # containing classic mode with styling in the code, and code/js containing # styled mode, where presentational code is removed. Prior to 5.0.0 this code # was contained in the js/ folder MODULE_MAPPING = %w( accessibility annotations boost broken-axis canvas-tools data drilldown exporting funnel gant grid-axis heatmap no-data-to-display offline-exporting overlapping-datalabels series-label solid-gauge stock treemap xrange-series ).map do |name| ["modules/#{name}.src.js", "highcharts/modules/#{name}.js"] end.to_h MAPPINGS = { 'highcharts.src.js' => 'highcharts.js', 'highcharts-more.src.js' => 'highcharts/highcharts-more.js', 'highcharts-3d.src.js' => 'highcharts/highcharts-3d.js' }.merge(MODULE_MAPPING).map { |src, dst| ["code/#{src}", dst] }.to_h.freeze version = args[:version] url = "{version}.zip" puts "Fetching #{url}" open(url) do |stream| Zip::File.open_buffer(stream) do |file| file.each do |entry| dest_rel_path = MAPPINGS[] next unless dest_rel_path dest_path = "app/assets/javascripts/#{dest_rel_path}" FileUtils.remove(dest_path, force: true) entry.extract(dest_path) puts dest_rel_path + ' extracted' end end end end desc 'Update and release new version of Highcharts' task :dist, :version do |_, args| version = args[:version] Rake::Task['update'].invoke(version) # Put template in CHANGELOG template = "# #{version} / #{"%Y-%m-%d")}\n\n* Updated Highcharts to #{version} ()\n * ...\n\n" system "echo '#{template}' | cat - CHANGELOG.markdown > tmp/changelog && mv tmp/changelog CHANGELOG.markdown" system "open CHANGELOG.markdown -a $EDITOR" puts "CHANGELOG template added. Press Enter to continue when done editing" STDIN.gets # Update version system "sed -i '' -e 's/VERSION = \".*\"/VERSION = \"#{version}\"/' lib/highcharts/version.rb" # Commit changes print "Enter commit message: [Release v#{version}]" message = STDIN.gets.strip message = "Release v#{version}" if message == "" system "git add CHANGELOG.markdown lib/highcharts/version.rb app/assets" system "git commit -m '#{message}'" # Tag, build and release system "rake release" end