require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb' require 'reply' require 'topic' require 'author' describe "Fake Arel" do it "should accomplish basic where" do Reply.where(:id => 1) == 1 Reply.where("id = 1") == 1 Reply.where("id = ?", 1) == 1 Reply.recent.size.should == 1 Reply.recent_limit_1.all.size.should == 1 end it "should be able to use where and other named scopes within named scopes" do Reply.arel_id.size.should == 1 == 1 end it "should be able to use where and other named scopes within a lambda" do Reply.arel_id_with_lambda(1).size.should == 1 Reply.arel_id_with_lambda(1) == 1 end it "should be able to use where and other named scopes within a nested lambda" do Reply.arel_id_with_nested_lambda(1).size.should == 1 Reply.arel_id_with_nested_lambda(1) == 1 end it "should be all chainable" do replies ="content,id").where("id > 1").order("id desc").limit(1) replies.all.size.should == 1 end it "should work with scope and with exclusive scope" do == [2,3,4,5,6] end it "should be able to output sql" do sql ='content').joins(:replies).limit(1).order('id desc').where(:author_id => 1).to_sql sql.should =~ /SELECT content/i sql.should =~ /JOIN "replies"/i sql.should =~ /"author_id" = 1/ sql.should =~ /LIMIT 1/i sql.should =~ /ORDER BY id desc/i sql = Reply.topic_4_id_desc.to_sql sql.should =~ /"topic_id" = 4/ sql.should =~ /ORDER BY id desc/i end it "should not dublication conditions" do sql ='content').joins(:replies).limit(1).order('id desc').where(:author_id => 1).to_sql sql.should_not =~ /"author_id" = 1.+"author_id" = 1/ end it "should be able to chain named scopes within a named_scope" do Reply.recent_with_content_like_ar.should == Reply.find(:all, :conditions => "id = 5") Reply.recent_with_content_like_ar_and_id_4.should == [] Reply.recent_joins_topic.topic_title_is("ActiveRecord").first.should == Reply.find(5) Reply.recent_joins_topic.topic_title_is("Nothin").first.should == nil end it "should be able to join multiple items" do Reply.filter_join_topic_and_author.all.should == Reply.find(:all, :conditions => "id in (5,6)") Reply.filter_join_topic_and_author.recent_with_content_like_ar.all.should == Reply.find(:all, :conditions => "id = 5") end it "should be able to take a select after a where" do replies = Reply.where("id = 5").select(:id).all replies.size.should == 1 replies[0].attributes.should == {"id" => 5} end it "should properly chain order scope in definitions" do Reply.topic_4_id_asc.all.should == Reply.find(:all, :conditions => {:topic_id => 4}, :order=>'id asc') Reply.topic_4_id_desc.all.should == Reply.find(:all, :conditions => {:topic_id => 4}, :order=>'id desc') end it "should properly chain scope in definitions by lambda" do Reply.recent_topic_id(4).all.should == Reply.find_all_by_id(5) end it "should properly chain order scope in definitions by lambda" do Reply.topic__id_asc(4).all.should == Reply.find(:all, :conditions => {:topic_id => 4}, :order=>'id asc') Reply.order('id desc').topic_id(4).all.should == Reply.find(:all, :conditions => {:topic_id => 4}, :order=>'id desc') topic_4_id_desc = Reply.find(:all, :conditions => {:topic_id => 4}, :order=>'id desc') Reply.topic__id_desc(4).all.should == topic_4_id_desc Reply.topic__id_desc1(4).all.should == topic_4_id_desc Reply.topic__id_desc2(4).all.should == topic_4_id_desc Reply.topic__id_desc3(4).all.should == topic_4_id_desc end it "should chain order scopes" do # see # it works now in reverse order to comply with ActiveRecord 3 Reply.order('topic_id asc').order('created_at desc').all.should == Reply.find(:all, :order=>'topic_id asc, created_at desc') Reply.order('topic_id asc').id_desc.all.should == Reply.find(:all, :order=>'topic_id asc, id desc') Reply.topic_id_asc.id_desc.all.should == Reply.find(:all, :order=>'topic_id asc, id desc') Reply.topic_id_asc_id_desc.all.should == Reply.find(:all, :order=>'topic_id asc, id desc') Reply.lam_topic_id_asc_id_desc.all.should == Reply.find(:all, :order=>'topic_id asc, id desc') Reply.with_scope(:find=>{:order=>'topic_id asc'}) do Reply.with_scope(:find=>{:order=>'created_at desc'}) do Reply.all end end.should == Reply.find(:all, :order=>'created_at desc, topic_id asc') end it "should chain string join scope" do lambda { Topic.join_replies_by_string_and_author.all Topic.join_replies_by_string_and_author_lambda.all }.should_not raise_error end it "should properly chain with includes" do topics = nil lambda { topics = Topic.mentions_activerecord_with_replies.all }.should_not raise_error topics.each {|topic| topic.replies.loaded?.should be_true } end it "should properly chain with includes in lambda" do topics = nil lambda { topics = Topic.by_title_with_replies('%ActiveRecord%').all }.should_not raise_error topics.each {|topic| topic.replies.loaded?.should be_true } end it "should respond to scoped" do Reply.scoped({}).class.should == ActiveRecord::NamedScope::Scope end # Github issue #8, fake_arel was adding conditions over and over # to a names scope. it "should not add a billion parens and conditions" do pass_1 = Reply.recent.to_sql pass_2 = Reply.recent.to_sql pass_3 = Reply.recent.to_sql pass_1.should == pass_2 pass_2.should == pass_3 pass1 = Reply.filter_join_topic_and_author.to_sql pass2 = Reply.filter_join_topic_and_author.to_sql pass3 = Reply.filter_join_topic_and_author.to_sql pass_1.should == pass_2 pass_2.should == pass_3 pass1 = Reply.recent_joins_topic.topic_title_is('Nothin').to_sql pass2 = Reply.recent_joins_topic.topic_title_is('Nothin').to_sql pass3 = Reply.recent_joins_topic.topic_title_is('Nothin').to_sql pass_1.should == pass_2 pass_2.should == pass_3 end it "should be able to combine named scopes with or" do q1 = Reply.where(:id => 1) q2 = Reply.where(:id => 2) q3 = Reply.where(:id => 3) q4 = Reply.where(:id => 4) Reply.or(q1,q2) == [1,2] Reply.or(q1,q2,q3) == [1,2,3] # here's something crazy or1 = Reply.or(q1,q2) or2 = Reply.or(q3,q4) Reply.or(or1,or2) == [1,2,3,4] # an example using joins, as well as a query that returns nothing Reply.or(Reply.recent_joins_topic, Reply.topic_title_is("Nothin")) == [5] end it 'should be able to combine with "or", an empty named scope with another non-empty one' do q1 = Reply.where(:id => 0) q2 = Reply.where(:id => 2) Reply.or(q1,q2) == [2] end it "should use select like rails 3 uses select" do lambda { {|r| == 1 }}.should_not raise_error {|r| == 1 }.size.should == 1 {|r| == 1 } == 1 lambda { }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError) end it "should respond to batch_find" do 10.times {|i| Reply.create(:content => "This is reply number #{i}") } count = 0 entries = [] Reply.where("content LIKE('This is reply number%')").fakearel_find_each(:batch_size => 5) do |reply| count += 1 reply.class.should == Reply entries << reply end count.should == 10 entries.should == Reply.where("content LIKE('This is reply number%')") entries = [] Reply.order("id desc").fakearel_find_each(:batch_size => 5) do |reply| entries << reply end do |e,i| if i < entries.size e.should be > e[i+1] end end # test jumping out and not batching entries = [] Reply.order("id desc").fakearel_find_each do |reply| entries << reply end do |e,i| if i < entries.size e.should be > e[i+1] end end end describe "fakearel_destroy" do it "should destroy within a scope" do $before_destroy_called = false $after_destroy_called = false replies = Reply.where(:id => [1,2]) replies.fakearel_destroy Reply.where(:id => [1,2]).should == [] == 3 $before_destroy_called.should == true $after_destroy_called.should == true $before_destroy_called = false $after_destroy_called = false end end end describe "NameScope bug" do context "group named_scope" do it "should be equal to count(:group => '')" do'replies.topic_id').count.should == Reply.count(:group => 'replies.topic_id') end end end describe "using select with include" do it "should be able to use select with include" do Reply.create(:content => 'yeah', :topic_id => Topic.first) Topic.includes(:replies).select(" as super_topic_id").where("replies.content = 'yeah'").first.super_topic_id.should_not be_nil end it "should allow named scopes to use select and include together" do {|t| t.should_not be_nil } Topic.send(:select_only_id) {|t| t.should_not be_nil } end end