require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') #require 'rubygems' #require 'parslet' #require 'spec' #require 'spec/autorun' #load '../../lib/parsing_nesting/grammar.rb' #load '../../lib/parsing_nesting/tree.rb' module SolrQuerySpecHelper def parse(s, arg=nil) if arg ParsingNesting::Tree.parse(s, arg) else ParsingNesting::Tree.parse(s) end end # yields localparam string, and the actual internal query def local_param_match(query) query.should =~ /^ *_query_:\"\{([^}]+)\}(.*)" *$/ query =~ /^ *_query_:\"\{([^}]+)\}(.*)" *$/ (param_str = $1).should_not be_nil (query = $2).should_not be_nil yield [param_str, query] if block_given? end def bare_local_param_match(query) query.should =~ / *\{([^}]+)\}(.*)/ query =~ /\{([^}]+)\}(.*)/ (param_str = $1).should_not be_nil (query = $2).should_not be_nil yield [param_str, query] if block_given? end # Convenience for matching a lucene query combining nested queries, # and getting out the nested queries as matches. # pass in a string representing a regexp that uses $QUERY as placeholder where # a nested _query_: will be. # # * Any parens in your passed in regexp will # be paren literals, don't escape em yourself -- you can't do your # own captures, because if the regexp passes, it'll yield to a block # with a list, in order, of nested queries. # # # * Can include $ALL to represent literal "*:*" # # Yes, the regexp matching isn't as robust as it could be, hard # to deal with like escaped end-quotes and stuff in a regexp, but # should mostly work. def query_template_matcher(top_query, regexp_str) nested_re = '(_query_:".+")' regexp_str = regexp_str.gsub("(", '\(').gsub(')', '\)').gsub("$QUERY", nested_re).gsub("$ALL", "\\*\\:\\*") regexp ='^ *' + regexp_str + ' *$') top_query.should match( regexp ) yield *regexp.match(top_query).captures if block_given? end end describe "NestingParser" do describe "Translating to Solr" do include SolrQuerySpecHelper describe "with basic simple query" do before do @query = parse("one two three").to_query(:qf => "field field2^5", :pf=>"$pf_title") end it "should include LocalParams" do local_param_match(@query) do |params, query| params.should include("pf=$pf_title") params.should include('qf=\'field field2^5\'') end end it "should include the query" do local_param_match(@query) do |params, query| query.should == "one two three" end end end describe "with custom qf" do it "should insist on dismax for nested query" do query = parse("one two three").to_query(:defType => "field", :qf=>"$qf") local_param_match(query) do |params, query| params.should match(/^\!dismax /) params.should_not match(/field/) end end it "should insist on edismax for nested query" do query = parse("one two three", 'edismax').to_query(:defType => "field", :qf=>"$qf") local_param_match(query) do |params, query| params.should match(/^\!edismax qf=\$qf/) params.should_not match(/field/) end end end describe "with simple mandatory/excluded terms" do before do @inner_query = 'red +army -"soviet union" germany' @full_query = parse(@inner_query).to_query(:qf => "foo", :pf=>"bar") end it "should include query" do local_param_match(@full_query) do |params, query| query.should == @inner_query.gsub('"', '\\\\"') end end end describe "with embeddable AND query" do before do @query = parse("one two AND three").to_query({:qf => "$qf"}) end it "should flatten to one dismax query" do local_param_match(@query) do |params, query| query.should == "one +two +three" end end describe ", with mandatory/excluded" do before do @query = parse("one -two AND +three").to_query({:qf=>"$qf"}) end it "should preserve +/- operators" do local_param_match(@query) do |params, query| query.should == "one -two +three" end end end describe ", deeply nested" do before do @query = parse("blue (green AND -violet) AND (+big AND (-small AND medium))").to_query({:qf=>"$qf"}) end it "should flatten into dismax" do local_param_match(@query) do |params, query| query.should == "blue +green -violet +big -small +medium" end end end it "for simple OR list, forcing mm=1" do query = parse("one OR two OR three").to_query(:qf => "$qf", :mm=>"50%") local_param_match(query) do |params, query| params.should include("mm=1") query.should == "one two three" end end end describe "that needs to create multiple nested queries" do it "for two lists, OR'd" do query = parse("(one two three) OR (red -green +blue)").to_query(:qf => "$qf") query_template_matcher(query, "( *$QUERY +OR +$QUERY *)" ) do |first_half, second_half| local_param_match(first_half) do |params, query| params.should include("qf=$qf") query.should == "one two three" end local_param_match(second_half) do |params, query| params.should include("qf=$qf") query.should == "red -green +blue" end end end it "for AND list that can not be flattened" do params = {:qf=>"$qf", :pf=>"$pf", :mm=>"50%"} query = parse("a OR b AND x OR y").to_query( params ) query_template_matcher(query, "( *$QUERY +AND +$QUERY *)" ) do |first, second| first.should == parse("a OR b").to_query(params) second.should == parse("x OR y").to_query(params) end end it "for AND of two lists" do params = {:qf => "$qf", :pf=>"$pf", :mm=>"50%"} query = parse("(one +two three) AND (four five -six)").to_query( params ) query_template_matcher(query, "( *$QUERY +AND +$QUERY *)" ) do |first, second| first.should == parse("one +two three").to_query(params) second.should == parse("four five -six").to_query(params) end end it "for crazy complicated query" do query = parse("red AND dawn OR (-night -afternoon) AND NOT (moscow OR beach) ").to_query(:qf => "$qf", :pf =>"$pf", :mm=>"50%") query_template_matcher(query, "( *$QUERY +AND +( *$QUERY +OR +($ALL AND NOT $QUERY *) *) +AND NOT $QUERY *)") do |red_q, dawn_q, night_q, moscow_q| local_param_match(red_q) { |params, query| query.should == "red" } local_param_match(dawn_q) { |params, query| query.should == "dawn"} local_param_match(night_q) do |params, query| params.should include("mm=1") query.should == "night afternoon" end local_param_match(moscow_q) do |params, query| params.should include("mm=1") query.should == "moscow beach" end end end end describe "for NOT operator" do it "simple" do query = parse("NOT frog").to_query query_template_matcher(query, "NOT $QUERY") do |q| q.should == parse("frog").to_query end end it "binds tightly" do query = parse("one NOT two three").to_query query_template_matcher(query, "$QUERY AND NOT $QUERY") do |q1, q2| local_param_match(q1) do |params, query| query.should == "one three" end local_param_match(q2) do |params, query| query.should == "two" end end end it "complicated operand" do query = parse("one OR two NOT (three OR four AND five)").to_query #"_query_:'{!dismax mm=1}one two' AND NOT ( _query_:'{!dismax mm=1}three four' AND _query_:'{!dismax }five' )" query_template_matcher(query, "$QUERY +AND NOT +( *$QUERY +AND +$QUERY *)") do |external_or, internal_or, internal_term| external_or.should == parse("one OR two").to_query internal_or.should == parse("three OR four").to_query internal_term.should == parse("five").to_query end end it "uses workaround on NOT as operand to OR" do query = parse("two OR (NOT (three))").to_query query_template_matcher(query, "( *$QUERY +OR +($ALL +AND +NOT +$QUERY) *)") end end describe "for pure negative" do it "should convert simple pure negative" do query = parse('-one -two -"a phrase"').to_query(:qf => "$qf", :mm => "100%") query_template_matcher(query, " *NOT $QUERY") do |query| local_param_match(query) do |params, query| params.should include("mm=1") query.should == 'one two \\"a phrase\\"' end end end it "should convert pure negative AND" do query = parse("-one AND -two AND -three").to_query(:qf => "$qf", :mm => "100%") query_template_matcher(query, "NOT $QUERY") do |query| local_param_match(query) do |params, query| params.should =~ /mm=1 |$/ query.should == 'one two three' end end end it "should convert pure negative OR" do query = parse("-one OR -two OR -three").to_query query_template_matcher(query, "NOT $QUERY") do |query| local_param_match(query) do |params, query| params.should include("mm=100%") query.should == "one two three" end end end it "should convert crazy pure negative combo" do query = parse("(-one -two) OR -three OR (-five AND -six)").to_query query_template_matcher(query, "( *($ALL +AND +NOT +$QUERY) +OR +( *$ALL +AND +NOT +$QUERY *) +OR +( *$ALL +AND +NOT +$QUERY *) *)") end end # When a single parse will be the whole query, we use # different more compact production describe "Single Query" do before do @solr_local_params = {"qf" => "$title_qf", "pf" => "$title_pf"} end describe "simple search" do it "should work with local params" do hash = parse("one +two -three").to_single_query_params(@solr_local_params) hash[:defType].should == "dismax" bare_local_param_match(hash[:q]) do |params, query| query.should == "one +two -three" params.should include("pf=$title_pf") params.should include("qf=$title_qf") end end it "should work without local params" do hash = parse("one +two -three").to_single_query_params({}) hash[:defType].should == "dismax" hash[:q].should == "one +two -three" end end describe "simple pure negative" do it "should be nested NOT" do hash = parse("-one -two").to_single_query_params({}) hash[:defType].should == "dismax" query_template_matcher(hash[:q], "NOT $QUERY") do |query| local_param_match(query) do |params, query| query.should == "one two" params.should include("mm=1") end end end end describe "complex query" do it "should parse" do hash = parse("one AND (two OR three)").to_single_query_params({}) hash[:defType].should == "lucene" query_template_matcher(hash[:q], "( *$QUERY +AND +$QUERY *)") do |first, second| local_param_match(first) do |params, query| params.should include("dismax") query.should == "one" end local_param_match(second) do |params, query| params.should include("mm=1") params.should include("dismax") query.should == "two three" end end end end end end end