## 0.4.12 - Change the version of OpenBLAS to be downloaded to 0.3.25. ## 0.4.11 - Change the version of OpenBLAS to be downloaded to 0.3.24. ## 0.4.10 - Refactor extconf.rb with RuboCop. - Change to check download file with MD5. - Add vendor/bin directory to OpenBLAS load directory for Windows ([#2](https://github.com/yoshoku/numo-openblas/pull/2)). - Since the author does not have a Windows PC, the operation cannot be confirmed. ## 0.4.9 - Change the version of OpenBLAS to be downloaded to 0.3.23. ## 0.4.8 - Change the version of OpenBLAS to be downloaded to 0.3.21. ## 0.4.7 - Refactor codes and configs with RuboCop. ## 0.4.6 - Change the version of OpenBLAS to be downloaded to 0.3.20. - Introduce conventional commits. ## 0.4.5 - Change the version of OpenBLAS to be downloaded to 0.3.19. ## 0.4.4 - Change the version of OpenBLAS to be downloaded to 0.3.18. ## 0.4.3 - Change the version of OpenBLAS to be downloaded to 0.3.17. - Refactor build script. ## 0.4.2 - Change the version of OpenBLAS to be downloaded to 0.3.16. - Fix API documentation. ## 0.4.1 - Remove dependent gem's type declaration file from installation files. ## 0.4.0 - Add type declaration file: sig/numo/openblas.rbs ## 0.3.2 - Change the version of OpenBLAS to be downloaded to 0.3.15. ## 0.3.1 - Change the version of OpenBLAS to be downloaded to 0.3.13. ## 0.3.0 - Simplified code for loading of OpenBLAS library. ## 0.2.2 - Change the version of OpenBLAS to be downloaded to 0.3.12. ## 0.2.1 - Change the version of OpenBLAS to be downloaded to 0.3.11. ## 0.2.0 - Add constant values about OpenBLAS. - Change to download and build OpenBLAS when building native extension. ## 0.1.1 - Fix to check downloaded file's SHA1. ## 0.1.0 - First release.