require 'chef_metal_vsphere/vsphere_driver' require 'chef_metal/chef_machine_spec' # A file named config.rb in the same directory as this spec file # must exist containing the driver options to use for the test. # Here is an example: # { # :driver_options => { # :host => '', # :user => 'vmapi', # :password => 'SuperSecureP@ssw0rd', # :insecure => true # }, # :machine_options => { # :start_timeout => 600, # :create_timeout => 600, # :bootstrap_options => { # :datacenter => 'QA1', # :template_name => 'UBUNTU-12-64-TEMPLATE', # :vm_folder => 'DLAB', # :num_cpus => 2, # :network_name => 'vlan152_172.21.152', # :memory_mb => 4096, # :resource_pool => 'CLSTR02/DLAB', # :ssh => { # :user => 'root', # :password => 'SuperSecureP@ssw0rd', # :paranoid => false, # :port => 22 # }, # :convergence_options => {} # } # } # } describe "vsphere_driver" do include ChefMetalVsphere::Helpers before :all do @vm_name = "cmvd-test-#{SecureRandom.hex}" @metal_config = eval'../config.rb', __FILE__)) Cheffish.honor_local_mode do chef_server = Cheffish.default_chef_server(Cheffish.profiled_config) puts "chef server:#{chef_server}" @machine_spec ={'name' => @vm_name}, chef_server) @driver = ChefMetal.driver_for_url("vsphere://#{@metal_config[:driver_options][:host]}", @metal_config) action_handler = @driver.allocate_machine(action_handler, @machine_spec, @metal_config[:machine_options]) @metal_config[:machine_options][:convergence_options] = {:chef_server => chef_server} machine = @driver.ready_machine(action_handler, @machine_spec, @metal_config[:machine_options]) @server_id = @machine_spec.location['server_id'] @connection = vim(@metal_config[:driver_options]) @vm = find_vm_by_id(@server_id, @connection) end end context 'when allocating a machine' do it "adds machine to the correct folder" do expect( eq(@metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:vm_folder]) end it "has a matching id with the machine_spec" do expect(@vm.config.instanceUuid).to eq(@machine_spec.location['server_id']) end it "has the correct name" do now = trimmed_name = @vm.config.guestId.start_with?('win') ? @vm_name.byteslice(0,15) : @vm_name expected_name="#{trimmed_name}.#{@metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:customization_spec][:domain]}" until ( - now) > 30 || (@vm.guest.hostName == expected_name) do print "." sleep 5 end expect(@vm.guest.hostName).to eq(expected_name) end it "has the correct number of CPUs" do expect(@vm.config.hardware.numCPU).to eq(@metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:num_cpus]) end it "has the correct amount of memory" do expect(@vm.config.hardware.memoryMB).to eq(@metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:memory_mb]) end it "is on the correct networks" do expect( {|n|}).to include(@metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:network_name][0]) expect( {|n|}).to include(@metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:network_name][1]) end it "is on the correct datastore" do expect(@vm.datastore[0].name).to eq(@metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:datastore]) end it "is in the correct resource pool" do if @metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options].has_key?(:resource_pool) expect( eq(@metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:resource_pool].split('/')[1]) end end it "is in the correct host" do if @metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options].has_key?(:host) expect( eq(@metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:host].split('/')[1]) end end it "is in the correct cluster" do if @metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options].has_key?(:resource_pool) expect( eq(@metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:resource_pool].split('/')[0]) end end it "is in the correct datacenter" do expect(@connection.serviceInstance.find_datacenter(@metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:datacenter]).find_vm("#{}/#{@vm_name}")).not_to eq(nil) end it "has an added disk of the correct size" do disk_count = @vm.disks.count expect(@vm.disks[disk_count-1].capacityInKB).to eq(@metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:additional_disk_size_gb] * 1024 * 1024) end it "has hot add cpu enabled" do expect(@vm.config.cpuHotAddEnabled).to eq(true) end it "has hot remove cpu enabled" do expect(@vm.config.cpuHotRemoveEnabled).to eq(true) end it "has hot add memory enabled" do expect(@vm.config.memoryHotAddEnabled).to eq(true) end it "has the correct IP address" do if @vm.guest.toolsRunningStatus != "guestToolsRunning" now = until ( - now) > 30 || (@vm.guest.toolsRunningStatus == "guestToolsRunning" && == 2 &&[1].ipAddress[1] == @metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:customization_spec][:ipsettings][:ip]) do print "." sleep 5 end end expect( { |net| net.ipAddress}.flatten).to include(@metal_config[:machine_options][:bootstrap_options][:customization_spec][:ipsettings][:ip]) end end # context "destroy_machine" do # it "removes the machine" do # Cheffish.honor_local_mode do # chef_server = Cheffish.default_chef_server(Cheffish.profiled_config) # driver = ChefMetal.driver_for_url("vsphere://#{@metal_config[:driver_options][:host]}", @metal_config) # action_handler = # machine_spec ={'name' => @vm_name}, chef_server) # machine_spec.location = { 'driver_url' => driver.driver_url, # 'server_id' => @server_id} # driver.destroy_machine(action_handler, machine_spec, @metal_config[:machine_options]) # end # vm = find_vm_by_id(@server_id, @connection) # expect(vm).to eq(nil) # end # end end