AllCops: Include: - Gemfile - Rakefile - bin/* - index_html.gemspec - lib/**/*.rb - spec/index_html/**/*.rb - spec/spec_helper.rb # Avoid long parameter lists ParameterLists: Max: 5 CountKeywordArgs: true MethodLength: CountComments: false Max: 15 # Avoid more than `Max` levels of nesting. BlockNesting: Max: 4 # Align with the style guide. CollectionMethods: PreferredMethods: collect: 'map' inject: 'reduce' find: 'detect' find_all: 'select' AccessModifierIndentation: Enabled: false # Limit line length LineLength: Enabled: false # Disable documentation checking until a class needs to be documented once Documentation: Enabled: false # Enforce Ruby 1.8-compatible hash syntax HashSyntax: Enabled: true # Spaces inside hash literals SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces: EnforcedStyle: space # Allow dots at the end of lines DotPosition: Enabled: false # Don't require magic comment at the top of every file Encoding: Enabled: false EmptyLinesAroundAccessModifier: Enabled: true # Align ends correctly EndAlignment: AlignWith: variable # Indentation of when/else CaseIndentation: IndentWhenRelativeTo: end IndentOneStep: false DoubleNegation: Enabled: false PercentLiteralDelimiters: PreferredDelimiters: '%': () '%i': () '%q': () '%Q': () '%r': '{}' '%s': () '%w': '[]' '%W': '[]' '%x': () StringLiterals: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes