module FacebookAds # An ad account has many ad campaigns, ad images, and ad creatives. # class AdAccount < Base FIELDS = %w[id account_id account_status age created_time currency name].freeze class << self def all(query = {}) get('/me/adaccounts', query: query, objectify: true) end def find_by(conditions) all.detect do |object| conditions.all? do |key, value| object.send(key) == value end end end end # has_many campaigns def ad_campaigns(effective_status: ['ACTIVE'], limit: 100) AdCampaign.paginate("/#{id}/campaigns", query: { effective_status: effective_status, limit: limit }) end def create_ad_campaign(name:, objective:, status: 'ACTIVE') raise Exception, "Objective must be one of: #{AdCampaign::OBJECTIVES.join(', ')}" unless AdCampaign::OBJECTIVES.include?(objective) raise Exception, "Status must be one of: #{AdCampaign::STATUSES.join(', ')}" unless AdCampaign::STATUSES.include?(status) query = { name: name, objective: objective, status: status } result ="/#{id}/campaigns", query: query) AdCampaign.find(result['id']) end def create_dynamic_ad_campaign(name:, product_catalog_id:, status: 'ACTIVE') raise Exception, "Status must be one of: #{AdCampaign::STATUSES.join(', ')}" unless AdCampaign::STATUSES.include?(status) query = { name: name, objective: 'PRODUCT_CATALOG_SALES', status: status, promoted_object: { product_catalog_id: product_catalog_id } } result ="/#{id}/campaigns", query: query) AdCampaign.find(result['id']) end # has_many ad_images def ad_images(hashes: nil, limit: 100) if !hashes.nil? AdImage.get("/#{id}/adimages", query: { hashes: hashes }, objectify: true) else AdImage.paginate("/#{id}/adimages", query: { limit: limit }) end end def create_ad_images(urls) files = do |url| name, path = download(url) [name,] end.to_h response ="/#{id}/adimages", query: files) files.values.each { |file| File.delete(file.path) } !response['images'].nil? ? ad_images(hashes: response['images'].map { |_key, hash| hash['hash'] }) : [] end # has_many ad_creatives def ad_creatives(limit: 100) AdCreative.paginate("/#{id}/adcreatives", query: { limit: limit }) end def create_ad_creative(creative, creative_type: nil, carousel: false) # Support old deprecated carousel param return create_carousel_ad_creative(creative) if carousel case creative_type when 'carousel' create_carousel_ad_creative(creative) when 'link' create_link_ad_creative(creative) when 'image' create_image_ad_creative(creative) else create_image_ad_creative(creative) end end # has_many ad_sets def ad_sets(effective_status: ['ACTIVE'], limit: 100) AdSet.paginate("/#{id}/adsets", query: { effective_status: effective_status, limit: limit }) end # has_many ads def ads(effective_status: ['ACTIVE'], limit: 100) Ad.paginate("/#{id}/ads", query: { effective_status: effective_status, limit: limit }) end # has_many ad_audiences def ad_audiences AdAudience.paginate("/#{id}/customaudiences") end # has_many ad_insights def ad_insights(range:, level: 'ad', time_increment: 1) do |ad_campaign| ad_campaign.ad_insights(range: range, level: level, time_increment: time_increment) end.flatten end def reach_estimate(targeting:, optimization_goal:, currency: 'USD') raise Exception, "Optimization goal must be one of: #{AdSet::OPTIMIZATION_GOALS.join(', ')}" unless AdSet::OPTIMIZATION_GOALS.include?(optimization_goal) if targeting.is_a?(AdTargeting) if targeting.validate! targeting = targeting.to_hash else raise Exception, 'The provided targeting spec is not valid.' end end query = { targeting_spec: targeting.to_json, optimize_for: optimization_goal, currency: currency } self.class.get("/#{id}/reachestimate", query: query, objectify: false) end def delivery_estimate(targeting:, optimization_goal:, currency: 'USD') raise Exception, "Optimization goal must be one of: #{AdSet::OPTIMIZATION_GOALS.join(', ')}" unless AdSet::OPTIMIZATION_GOALS.include?(optimization_goal) if targeting.is_a?(AdTargeting) if targeting.validate! targeting = targeting.to_hash else raise Exception, 'The provided targeting spec is not valid.' end end query = { targeting_spec: targeting.to_json, optimization_goal: optimization_goal, currency: currency } self.class.get("/#{id}/delivery_estimate", query: query, objectify: false) end # has_many applications def applications self.class.get("/#{id}/advertisable_applications", objectify: false) end # hash_many ad_audiences def create_ad_audience_with_pixel(name:, pixel_id:, event_name:, subtype: 'WEBSITE', retention_days: 15) query = { name: name, pixel_id: pixel_id, subtype: subtype, retention_days: retention_days, rule: { event: { i_contains: event_name } }.to_json, prefill: 1 } result ="/#{id}/customaudiences", query: query) AdAudience.find(result['id']) end private def create_carousel_ad_creative(creative) required = %i[name page_id link message assets call_to_action_type multi_share_optimized multi_share_end_card] unless (keys = required - creative.keys) raise Exception, "Creative is missing the following: #{keys.join(', ')}" end raise Exception, "Creative call_to_action_type must be one of: #{AdCreative::CALL_TO_ACTION_TYPES.join(', ')}" unless AdCreative::CALL_TO_ACTION_TYPES.include?(creative[:call_to_action_type]) query = if creative[:product_set_id].present? AdCreative.product_set( name: creative[:name], page_id: creative[:page_id], link: creative[:link], message: creative[:message], headline: creative[:headline], description: creative[:description], product_set_id: creative[:product_set_id] ) else AdCreative.carousel(creative) end result ="/#{id}/adcreatives", query: query) AdCreative.find(result['id']) end def create_image_ad_creative(creative) required = %i[name page_id message link link_title image_hash call_to_action_type] unless (keys = required - creative.keys) raise Exception, "Creative is missing the following: #{keys.join(', ')}" end raise Exception, "Creative call_to_action_type must be one of: #{AdCreative::CALL_TO_ACTION_TYPES.join(', ')}" unless AdCreative::CALL_TO_ACTION_TYPES.include?(creative[:call_to_action_type]) query = result ="/#{id}/adcreatives", query: query) AdCreative.find(result['id']) end def create_link_ad_creative(creative) required = %i[name title body object_url link_url image_hash] unless (keys = required - creative.keys) raise Exception, "Creative is missing the following: #{keys.join(', ')}" end query = result ="/#{id}/adcreatives", query: query) AdCreative.find(result['id']) end def download(url) pathname = name = "#{pathname.dirname.basename}.jpg" # @FIXME: Need to handle exception here. data = RestClient.get(url).body file ="/tmp/#{name}", 'w') # Assume *nix-based system. file.binmode file.write(data) file.close [name, file.path] end end end