**RSyntaxTree** is a graphical syntax tree generator written in the Ruby programming language.
## Documentation
Documentation is currently available in the following languages:
- [Documentation in English](https://yohasebe.github.io/rsyntaxtree/documentation)
- [日本語ドキュメント](https://yohasebe.github.io/rsyntaxtree/documentation_ja)
- [Example Gallery](https://yohasebe.github.io/rsyntaxtree/examples)
## Web Interface
See updates and a working web interface available at .
You can run RSyntaxTree's web interface on your local machine using Docker Desktop. See [RSyntaxTree Web UI](https://github.com/yohasebe/rsyntaxtree_web)
## Examples
See [RSyntaxTree Example Gallery](https://yohasebe.github.io/rsyntaxtree/examples) page for syntax tree samples for
- Generative Grammar
- Combinatory Categorial Grammar (Experimental)
- Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (Experimental)
- Cognitive Grammar (Experimental)
**Input text**
[NP |R|<>SyntaxTree]
[V generates]
[Adj #\+multilingual\
[NP syntax\
**Output (PNG or SVG)**
## Installation
`# gem install rsyntaxtree`
## Usage
For the web interface, see Usage section of .
For the command-line interface, type `$rsyntaxtree -h` after installation. Here's what you get:
RSyntaxTree, (linguistic) syntax tree generator written in Ruby.
1) rsyntaxtree [options] "[VP [VP [V set] [NP bracket notation]] [ADV here]]"
2) rsyntaxtree [options] "/path/to/text/file"
where [options] are:
-o, --outdir= Output directory (default: ./)
-f, --format= Output format: png, gif, jpg, pdf, or svg (default: png)
-l, --leafstyle= visual style of tree leaves: auto, triangle, bar, or nothing (default: auto)
-n, --fontstyle= Font style (available when ttf font is specified): sans, serif, cjk (default: sans)
-t, --font= Path to a ttf font used to generate tree (optional)
-s, --fontsize= Size: 8-26 (default: 16)
-m, --margin= Margin: 0-10 (default: 1)
-v, --vheight= Connector Height: 0.5-5.0 (default: 2.0)
-c, --color= Color text and bars: on or off (default: on)
-y, --symmetrize= Generate radically symmetrical, balanced tree: on or off (default: off)
-r, --transparent= Make background transparent: on or off (default: off)
-p, --polyline= draw polyline connectors: on or off (default: off)
-e, --version Print version and exit
-h, --help Show this message
See the [documentation](https://yohasebe.github.io/rsyntaxtree/documentation) for more detailed info about the syntax.
## References
Please use the following BibTeX entry when referring to RSyntaxTree.
author = {Yoichiro Hasebe},
title = {RSyntaxTree: A graphical syntax tree image generator}
url = {https://yohasebe.com/rsyntaxtree},
year = {2023}
## Development
For the latest updates and downloads please visit
## Author
Yoichiro Hasebe
## License
RSyntaxTree is distributed under the [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php).