[![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/nokaya.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/nokaya) # Nokaya CLI to download photos from several online services including Instagram, Imgur albums, Flickr albums, App.net, Tumblr pages, Photo.net, Deviantart, etc. Mac OS X only for the time being. ## Installation `gem install nokaya` ## Usage ### Instagram `nokaya -i url` Also accepts the IFTTT format (like 'http://ift.tt/1m2Nvz8'). Example: `nokaya -i http://instagram.com/p/noANAfjJ7B/` `nokaya -i http://ift.tt/1m2Nvz8` ### Tumblr post `nokaya -tu url` Example: `nokaya -tu http://spacequest.tumblr.com/post/83560738152/sexycomics-carlos-valenzuela` ### Tumblr page Due to the various themes and layouts existing for Tumblr galleries, this feature may not work perfectly... Nokaya will try several techniques to extract the image links, then will fallback to scraping all available links if failing at properly detecting photos. `nokaya -tal url` Example: `nokaya -tal http://brekninger.tumblr.com` Downloads all images in the visible page. ### Imgur album `nokaya -ial url` Example: `nokaya -ial http://imgur.com/a/JNzjB\#0` Downloads all images in the album (visible page). ### Flickr album `nokaya -fal url` Example: `nokaya -fal https://www.flickr.com/photos/ericdke/sets/72157644556227302/` Downloads all images in the album (visible page). ### Photo.net page `nokaya -pnet url` Example: `nokaya -pnet http://photo.net/gallery/photocritique/filter\?period\=365\&rank_by\=sum\&category\=Architecture\&store_prefs_p\=0` Downloads all images in the page. ### Deviantart gallery `nokaya -dart url` Example: `nokaya -dart http://www.deviantart.com/photography/nature/waterscapes/` Downloads all images in the gallery (visible page). ### Imageshack user gallery `nokaya -ishu url` Example: `nokaya -ishu https://imageshack.com/user/ToddGilbert` Downloads all images in the user gallery (visible page). ### Favd `nokaya favd url` Example: `nokaya favd http://pic.favd.net/29987710` ### App.net `nokaya adn url` Example: `nokaya adn https://photos.app.net/30055986/1` ### Movie Downloads a movie poster given (part of) a movie title. `nokaya movie title` Example: `nokaya movie the dark knight` Use option `-a` to get an alternative. This is useful for remakes: `nokaya movie solaris` (gives the 2002 version) `nokaya movie -a solaris` (gives the 1972 version) ## Options ### Name `--name` or `-n` Specify a name (without extension). `nokaya -i http://instagram.com/p/noANAfjJ7B/ -n happy_dog` `nokaya -i http://instagram.com/p/noANAfjJ7B/ -n 'happy dog'` ### Output `--output` or `-o` Specify an output path. `nokaya -i http://instagram.com/p/noANAfjJ7B/ -o ~/Pics` The picture(s) will be downloaded in '~/Downloads' if no output specified. ### Both Specify both. `nokaya -i http://instagram.com/p/noANAfjJ7B/ -o ~/Pics -n happy_dog`