module Effective class PollQuestion < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :poll has_many :poll_question_options, -> { order(:position) }, inverse_of: :poll_question, dependent: :delete_all accepts_nested_attributes_for :poll_question_options, reject_if: :all_blank, allow_destroy: true has_rich_text :body log_changes(to: :poll) if respond_to?(:log_changes) CATEGORIES = [ 'Choose one', # Radios 'Select all that apply', # Checks 'Select upto 1', 'Select upto 2', 'Select upto 3', 'Select upto 4', 'Select upto 5', 'Date', # Date Field 'Email', # Email Field 'Number', # Numeric Field 'Long Answer', # Text Area 'Short Answer', # Text Field 'Upload File' # File field ] WITH_OPTIONS_CATEGORIES = [ 'Choose one', # Radios 'Select all that apply', # Checks 'Select upto 1', 'Select upto 2', 'Select upto 3', 'Select upto 4', 'Select upto 5' ] effective_resource do title :string category :string required :boolean position :integer timestamps end before_validation(if: -> { poll.present? }) do self.position ||= ( { |obj| obj.position }.compact.max || -1) + 1 end scope :deep, -> { with_rich_text_body_and_embeds.includes(:poll_question_options) } scope :sorted, -> { order(:position) } validates :title, presence: true validates :category, presence: true, inclusion: { in: CATEGORIES } validates :position, presence: true validates :poll_question_options, presence: true, if: -> { poll_question_option? } # Create choose_one? and select_all_that_apply? methods for each category CATEGORIES.each do |category| define_method(category.parameterize.underscore + '?') { self.category == category } end def to_s title.presence || 'New Poll Question' end def poll_question_option? WITH_OPTIONS_CATEGORIES.include?(category) end def category_partial category.to_s.parameterize.underscore end end end