package Class::MOP::Overload; our $VERSION = '2.2203'; use strict; use warnings; use overload (); use Scalar::Util qw( blessed weaken ); use Try::Tiny; use parent 'Class::MOP::Object'; my %Operators = ( map { $_ => 1 } grep { $_ ne 'fallback' } map { split /\s+/ } values %overload::ops ); sub new { my ( $class, %params ) = @_; unless ( defined $params{operator} ) { $class->_throw_exception('OverloadRequiresAnOperator'); } unless ( $Operators{ $params{operator} } ) { $class->_throw_exception( 'InvalidOverloadOperator', operator => $params{operator}, ); } unless ( defined $params{method_name} || $params{coderef} ) { $class->_throw_exception( 'OverloadRequiresAMethodNameOrCoderef', operator => $params{operator}, ); } if ( $params{coderef} ) { unless ( defined $params{coderef_package} && defined $params{coderef_name} ) { $class->_throw_exception('OverloadRequiresNamesForCoderef'); } } if ( $params{method} && !try { $params{method}->isa('Class::MOP::Method') } ) { $class->_throw_exception('OverloadRequiresAMetaMethod'); } if ( $params{associated_metaclass} && !try { $params{associated_metaclass}->isa('Class::MOP::Module') } ) { $class->_throw_exception('OverloadRequiresAMetaClass'); } my @optional_attrs = qw( method_name coderef coderef_package coderef_name method associated_metaclass ); return bless { operator => $params{operator}, map { defined $params{$_} ? ( $_ => $params{$_} ) : () } @optional_attrs }, $class; } sub operator { $_[0]->{operator} } sub method_name { $_[0]->{method_name} } sub has_method_name { exists $_[0]->{method_name} } sub method { $_[0]->{method} } sub has_method { exists $_[0]->{method} } sub coderef { $_[0]->{coderef} } sub has_coderef { exists $_[0]->{coderef} } sub coderef_package { $_[0]->{coderef_package} } sub has_coderef_package { exists $_[0]->{coderef_package} } sub coderef_name { $_[0]->{coderef_name} } sub has_coderef_name { exists $_[0]->{coderef_name} } sub associated_metaclass { $_[0]->{associated_metaclass} } sub is_anonymous { my $self = shift; return $self->has_coderef && $self->coderef_name eq '__ANON__'; } sub attach_to_class { my ( $self, $class ) = @_; $self->{associated_metaclass} = $class; weaken $self->{associated_metaclass}; } sub clone { my $self = shift; my $clone = bless { %{$self}, @_ }, blessed($self); weaken $clone->{associated_metaclass} if $clone->{associated_metaclass}; $clone->_set_original_overload($self); return $clone; } sub original_overload { $_[0]->{original_overload} } sub _set_original_overload { $_[0]->{original_overload} = $_[1] } sub _is_equal_to { my $self = shift; my $other = shift; if ( $self->has_coderef ) { return unless $other->has_coderef; return $self->coderef == $other->coderef; } else { return $self->method_name eq $other->method_name; } } 1; # ABSTRACT: Overload Meta Object __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Class::MOP::Overload - Overload Meta Object =head1 VERSION version 2.2203 =head1 SYNOPSIS my $meta = Class->meta; my $overload = $meta->get_overloaded_operator('+'); if ( $overload->has_method_name ) { print 'Method for + is ', $overload->method_name, "\n"; } else { print 'Overloading for + is implemented by ', $overload->coderef_name, " sub\n"; } =head1 DESCRIPTION This class provides meta information for overloading in classes and roles. =head1 INHERITANCE C is a subclass of L. =head1 METHODS =head2 Class::MOP::Overload->new(%options) This method creates a new C object. It accepts a number of options: =over 4 =item * operator This is a string that matches an operator known by the L module, such as C<""> or C<+>. This is required. =item * method_name The name of the method which implements the overloading. Note that this does not need to actually correspond to a real method, since it's okay to declare a not-yet-implemented overloading. Either this or the C option must be passed. =item * method A L object for the method which implements the overloading. This is optional. =item * coderef A coderef which implements the overloading. Either this or the C option must be passed. =item * coderef_package The package where the coderef was defined. This is required if C is passed. =item * coderef_name The name of the coderef. This can be "__ANON__". This is required if C is passed. =item * associated_metaclass A L object for the associated class or role. This is optional. =back =head2 $overload->operator Returns the operator for this overload object. =head2 $overload->method_name Returns the method name that implements overloading, if it has one. =head2 $overload->has_method_name Returns true if the object has a method name. =head2 $overload->method Returns the L that implements overloading, if it has one. =head2 $overload->has_method Returns true if the object has a method. =head2 $overload->coderef Returns the coderef that implements overloading, if it has one. =head2 $overload->has_coderef Returns true if the object has a coderef. =head2 $overload->coderef_package Returns the package for the coderef that implements overloading, if it has one. =head2 $overload->has_coderef Returns true if the object has a coderef package. =head2 $overload->coderef_name Returns the sub name for the coderef that implements overloading, if it has one. =head2 $overload->has_coderef_name Returns true if the object has a coderef name. =head2 $overload->is_anonymous Returns true if the overloading is implemented by an anonymous coderef. =head2 $overload->associated_metaclass Returns the L (class or role) that is associated with the overload object. =head2 $overload->clone Clones the overloading object, setting C in the process. =head2 $overload->original_overload For cloned objects, this returns the L object from which they were cloned. This can be used to determine the source of an overloading in a class that came from a role, for example. =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * Stevan Little =item * Dave Rolsky =item * Jesse Luehrs =item * Shawn M Moore =item * יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) =item * Karen Etheridge =item * Florian Ragwitz =item * Hans Dieter Pearcey =item * Chris Prather =item * Matt S Trout =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut