require 'nokogiri' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class TransFirstTransactionExpressGateway < Gateway self.display_name = 'TransFirst Transaction Express' self.homepage_url = '' self.test_url = '' self.live_url = '' self.supported_countries = ['US'] self.default_currency = 'USD' self.money_format = :cents self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa master american_express discover diners_club] V1_NAMESPACE = 'http://postilion/realtime/merchantframework/xsd/v1/' SOAPENV_NAMESPACE = '' AUTHORIZATION_FIELD_SEPARATOR = '|' APPROVAL_CODES = %w(00 10) RESPONSE_MESSAGES = { '00' => 'Approved', '01' => 'Refer to card issuer', '02' => 'Refer to card issuer, special condition', '03' => 'Invalid merchant', '04' => 'Pick-up card', '05' => 'Do not honor', '06' => 'Error', '07' => 'Pick-up card, special condition', '08' => 'Honor with identification', '09' => 'Request in progress', '10' => 'Approved, partial authorization', '11' => 'VIP Approval', '12' => 'Invalid transaction', '13' => 'Invalid amount', '14' => 'Invalid card number', '15' => 'No such issuer', '16' => 'Approved, update track 3', '17' => 'Customer cancellation', '18' => 'Customer dispute', '19' => 'Re-enter transaction', '20' => 'Invalid response', '21' => 'No action taken', '22' => 'Suspected malfunction', '23' => 'Unacceptable transaction fee', '24' => 'File update not supported', '25' => 'Unable to locate record', '26' => 'Duplicate record', '27' => 'File update field edit error', '28' => 'File update file locked', '29' => 'File update failed', '30' => 'Format error', '31' => 'Bank not supported', '33' => 'Expired card, pick-up', '34' => 'Suspected fraud, pick-up', '35' => 'Contact acquirer, pick-up', '36' => 'Restricted card, pick-up', '37' => 'Call acquirer security, pick-up', '38' => 'PIN tries exceeded, pick-up', '39' => 'No credit account', '40' => 'Function not supported', '41' => 'Lost card, pick-up', '42' => 'No universal account', '43' => 'Stolen card, pick-up', '44' => 'No investment account', '45' => 'Account closed', '46' => 'Identification required', '47' => 'Identification cross-check required', '48' => 'No customer record', '49' => 'Reserved for future Realtime use', '50' => 'Reserved for future Realtime use', '51' => 'Not sufficient funds', '52' => 'No checking account', '53' => 'No savings account', '54' => 'Expired card', '55' => 'Incorrect PIN', '56' => 'No card record', '57' => 'Transaction not permitted to cardholder', '58' => 'Transaction not permitted on terminal', '59' => 'Suspected fraud', '60' => 'Contact acquirer', '61' => 'Exceeds withdrawal limit', '62' => 'Restricted card', '63' => 'Security violation', '64' => 'Original amount incorrect', '65' => 'Exceeds withdrawal frequency', '66' => 'Call acquirer security', '67' => 'Hard capture', '68' => 'Response received too late', '69' => 'Advice received too late (the response from a request was received too late )', '70' => 'Reserved for future use', '71' => 'Reserved for future Realtime use', '72' => 'Reserved for future Realtime use', '73' => 'Reserved for future Realtime use', '74' => 'Reserved for future Realtime use', '75' => 'PIN tries exceeded', '76' => 'Reversal: Unable to locate previous message (no match on Retrieval Reference Number)/ Reserved for future Realtime use', '77' => 'Previous message located for a repeat or reversal, but repeat or reversal data is inconsistent with original message/ Intervene, bank approval required', '78' => 'Invalid/non-existent account – Decline (MasterCard specific)/ Intervene, bank approval required for partial amount', '79' => 'Already reversed (by Switch)/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', '80' => 'No financial Impact (Reserved for declined debit)/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', '81' => 'PIN cryptographic error found by the Visa security module during PIN decryption/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', '82' => 'Incorrect CVV/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', '83' => 'Unable to verify PIN/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', '84' => 'Invalid Authorization Life Cycle – Decline (MasterCard) or Duplicate Transaction Detected (Visa)/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', '85' => 'No reason to decline a request for Account Number Verification or Address Verification/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', '86' => 'Cannot verify PIN/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', '87' => 'Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', '88' => 'Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', '89' => 'Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', '90' => 'Cut-off in progress', '91' => 'Issuer or switch inoperative', '92' => 'Routing error', '93' => 'Violation of law', '94' => 'Duplicate Transmission (Integrated Debit and MasterCard)', '95' => 'Reconcile error', '96' => 'System malfunction', '97' => 'Reserved for future Realtime use', '98' => 'Exceeds cash limit', '99' => 'Reserved for future Realtime use', '1106' => 'Reserved for future Realtime use', '0A' => 'Reserved for future Realtime use', 'A0' => 'Reserved for future Realtime use', 'A1' => 'ATC not incremented', 'A2' => 'ATC limit exceeded', 'A3' => 'ATC configuration error', 'A4' => 'CVR check failure', 'A5' => 'CVR configuration error', 'A6' => 'TVR check failure', 'A7' => 'TVR configuration error', 'A8' => 'Reserved for future Realtime use', 'B1' => 'Surcharge amount not permitted on Visa cards or EBT Food Stamps/ Reserved for future Realtime use', 'B2' => 'Surcharge amount not supported by debit network issuer/ Reserved for future Realtime use', 'C1' => 'Unacceptable PIN', 'C2' => 'PIN Change failed', 'C3' => 'PIN Unblock failed', 'D1' => 'MAC Error', 'E1' => 'Prepay error', 'N1' => 'Network Error within the TXP platform', 'N0' => 'Force STIP/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', 'N3' => 'Cash service not available/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', 'N4' => 'Cash request exceeds Issuer limit/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', 'N5' => 'Ineligible for re-submission/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', 'N7' => 'Decline for CVV2 failure/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', 'N8' => 'Transaction amount exceeds preauthorized approval amount/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', 'P0' => 'Approved; PVID code is missing, invalid, or has expired', 'P1' => 'Declined; PVID code is missing, invalid, or has expired/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', 'P2' => 'Invalid biller Information/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', 'R0' => 'The transaction was declined or returned, because the cardholder requested that payment of a specific recurring or installment payment transaction be stopped/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', 'R1' => 'The transaction was declined or returned, because the cardholder requested that payment of all recurring or installment payment transactions for a specific merchant account be stopped/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', 'Q1' => 'Card Authentication failed/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', 'XA' => 'Forward to Issuer/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)', 'XD' => 'Forward to Issuer/ Reserved for client-specific use (declined)' } EXTENDED_RESPONSE_MESSAGES = { 'B40K' => 'Declined Post – Credit linked to unextracted settle transaction' } TRANSACTION_CODES = { authorize: 0, void_authorize: 2, purchase: 1, capture: 3, void_purchase: 6, void_capture: 6, refund: 4, credit: 5, void_refund: 13, void_credit: 13, verify: 9, purchase_echeck: 11, refund_echeck: 16, void_echeck: 16, wallet_sale: 14 } def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :gateway_id, :reg_key) super end def purchase(amount, payment_method, options = {}) if credit_card?(payment_method) action = :purchase request = build_xml_transaction_request do |doc| add_credit_card(doc, payment_method) add_contact(doc,, options) add_amount(doc, amount) add_order_number(doc, options) end elsif echeck?(payment_method) action = :purchase_echeck request = build_xml_transaction_request do |doc| add_echeck(doc, payment_method) add_contact(doc,, options) add_amount(doc, amount) add_order_number(doc, options) end else action = :wallet_sale wallet_id = split_authorization(payment_method).last request = build_xml_transaction_request do |doc| add_amount(doc, amount) add_wallet_id(doc, wallet_id) end end commit(action, request) end def authorize(amount, payment_method, options = {}) if credit_card?(payment_method) request = build_xml_transaction_request do |doc| add_credit_card(doc, payment_method) add_contact(doc,, options) add_amount(doc, amount) end else wallet_id = split_authorization(payment_method).last request = build_xml_transaction_request do |doc| add_amount(doc, amount) add_wallet_id(doc, wallet_id) end end commit(:authorize, request) end def capture(amount, authorization, options = {}) transaction_id = split_authorization(authorization)[1] request = build_xml_transaction_request do |doc| add_amount(doc, amount) add_original_transaction_data(doc, transaction_id) end commit(:capture, request) end def void(authorization, options = {}) action, transaction_id = split_authorization(authorization) request = build_xml_transaction_request do |doc| add_original_transaction_data(doc, transaction_id) end commit(void_type(action), request) end def refund(amount, authorization, options = {}) action, transaction_id = split_authorization(authorization) request = build_xml_transaction_request do |doc| add_amount(doc, amount) unless action == 'purchase_echeck' add_original_transaction_data(doc, transaction_id) end commit(refund_type(action), request) end def credit(amount, payment_method, options = {}) request = build_xml_transaction_request do |doc| add_pan(doc, payment_method) add_amount(doc, amount) end commit(:credit, request) end def verify(credit_card, options = {}) request = build_xml_transaction_request do |doc| add_credit_card(doc, credit_card) add_contact(doc,, options) end commit(:verify, request) end def store(payment_method, options = {}) store_customer_request = build_xml_payment_storage_request do |doc| store_customer_details(doc,, options) end do |r| r.process { commit(:store, store_customer_request) } return r unless r.success? && r.params['custId'] customer_id = r.params['custId'] store_payment_method_request = build_xml_payment_storage_request do |doc| doc['v1'].cust do add_customer_id(doc, customer_id) doc['v1'].pmt do doc['v1'].type 0 # add add_credit_card(doc, payment_method) end end end r.process { commit(:store, store_payment_method_request) } end end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r((<[^>]+pan>)[^<]+(<))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<[^>]+sec>)[^<]+(<))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<[^>]+id>)[^<]+(<))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<[^>]+regKey>)[^<]+(<))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<[^>]+acctNr>)[^<]+(<))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2') end private CURRENCY_CODES = { |_h, k| raise"Unsupported currency: #{k}") } CURRENCY_CODES['USD'] = '840' def headers { 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml' } end def commit(action, request) request = add_transaction_code_to_request(request, action) raw_response = begin ssl_post(url, request, headers) rescue ActiveMerchant::ResponseError => e e.response.body end response = parse(raw_response) succeeded = success_from(response) succeeded, message_from(succeeded, response), response, error_code: error_code_from(succeeded, response), authorization: authorization_from(action, response), avs_result: response['avsRslt']), cvv_result:['secRslt']), test: test? ) end def url test? ? test_url : live_url end def parse(xml) response = {} doc = Nokogiri::XML(xml).remove_namespaces! doc.css('Envelope Body *').each do |node| # is more readable, but uniq_name is occasionally necessary uniq_name = [,].join('_') response[uniq_name] = node.text response[] = node.text end response end def success_from(response) fault = response['Fault'] approved_transaction = APPROVAL_CODES.include?(response['rspCode']) found_contact = response['FndRecurrProfResponse'] return !fault && (approved_transaction || found_contact) end def error_code_from(succeeded, response) return if succeeded response['errorCode'] || response['rspCode'] end def message_from(succeeded, response) return 'Succeeded' if succeeded if response['rspCode'] code = response['rspCode'] extended_code = response['extRspCode'] message = RESPONSE_MESSAGES[code] extended = EXTENDED_RESPONSE_MESSAGES[extended_code] ach_response = response['achResponse'] [message, extended, ach_response].compact.join('. ') else response['faultstring'] end end def authorization_from(action, response) authorization = response['tranNr'] || response['pmtId'] # guard so we don't return something like "purchase|" return unless authorization [action, authorization].join(AUTHORIZATION_FIELD_SEPARATOR) end # -- helper methods ---------------------------------------------------- def credit_card?(payment_method) payment_method.respond_to?(:verification_value) end def echeck?(payment_method) payment_method.respond_to?(:routing_number) end def split_authorization(authorization) authorization.split(AUTHORIZATION_FIELD_SEPARATOR) end def void_type(action) action == 'purchase_echeck' ? :void_echeck : :"void_#{action}" end def refund_type(action) action == 'purchase_echeck' ? :refund_echeck : :refund end # -- request methods --------------------------------------------------- def build_xml_transaction_request build_xml_request('SendTranRequest') do |doc| yield doc end end def build_xml_payment_storage_request build_xml_request('UpdtRecurrProfRequest') do |doc| yield doc end end def build_xml_payment_update_request merchant_product_type = 5 # credit card build_xml_request('UpdtRecurrProfRequest', merchant_product_type) do |doc| yield doc end end def build_xml_payment_search_request build_xml_request('FndRecurrProfRequest') do |doc| yield doc end end def build_xml_request(wrapper, merchant_product_type = nil) 'UTF-8') do |xml| xml['soapenv'].Envelope('xmlns:soapenv' => SOAPENV_NAMESPACE) do xml['soapenv'].Body do xml['v1'].send(wrapper, 'xmlns:v1' => V1_NAMESPACE) do add_merchant(xml) yield(xml) end end end end.doc.root.to_xml end def add_transaction_code_to_request(request, action) # store requests don't get a transaction code return request if action == :store doc = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(request) merc_nodeset = doc.xpath('//v1:merc', 'v1' => V1_NAMESPACE) merc_nodeset.after "<tranCode>#{TRANSACTION_CODES[action]}</tranCode>" doc.root.to_xml end def add_merchant(doc, product_type = nil) doc['v1'].merc do doc['v1'].id @options[:gateway_id] doc['v1'].regKey @options[:reg_key] doc['v1'].inType '1' doc['v1'].prodType product_type if product_type end end def add_amount(doc, money) doc['v1'].reqAmt amount(money) end def add_order_number(doc, options) return unless options[:order_id] doc['v1'].authReq { doc['v1'].ordNr options[:order_id] } end def add_credit_card(doc, payment_method) doc['v1'].card { doc['v1'].pan payment_method.number doc['v1'].sec payment_method.verification_value if payment_method.verification_value? doc['v1'].xprDt expiration_date(payment_method) } end def add_echeck(doc, payment_method) doc['v1'].achEcheck { doc['v1'].bankRtNr payment_method.routing_number doc['v1'].acctNr payment_method.account_number } end def expiration_date(payment_method) yy = format(payment_method.year, :two_digits) mm = format(payment_method.month, :two_digits) yy + mm end def add_pan(doc, payment_method) doc['v1'].card do doc['v1'].pan payment_method.number end end def add_contact(doc, fullname, options) doc['v1'].contact do doc['v1'].fullName fullname unless fullname.blank? doc['v1'].coName options[:company_name] if options[:company_name] doc['v1'].title options[:title] if options[:title] if (billing_address = options[:billing_address]) if billing_address[:phone] doc['v1'].phone do doc['v1'].type(options[:phone_number_type] || '4') doc['v1'].nr billing_address[:phone].gsub(/\D/, '') end end doc['v1'].addrLn1 billing_address[:address1] if billing_address[:address1] doc['v1'].addrLn2 billing_address[:address2] unless billing_address[:address2].blank? doc['v1'].city billing_address[:city] if billing_address[:city] doc['v1'].state billing_address[:state] if billing_address[:state] doc['v1'].zipCode billing_address[:zip].delete('-') if billing_address[:zip] doc['v1'].ctry 'US' end doc['v1'].email options[:email] if options[:email] doc['v1'].type options[:contact_type] if options[:contact_type] doc['v1'].stat options[:contact_stat] if options[:contact_stat] if (shipping_address = options[:shipping_address]) doc['v1'].ship do doc['v1'].fullName fullname unless fullname.blank? doc['v1'].addrLn1 shipping_address[:address1] if shipping_address[:address1] doc['v1'].addrLn2 shipping_address[:address2] unless shipping_address[:address2].blank? doc['v1'].city shipping_address[:city] if shipping_address[:city] doc['v1'].state shipping_address[:state] if shipping_address[:state] doc['v1'].zipCode shipping_address[:zip].delete('-') if shipping_address[:zip] doc['v1'].phone shipping_address[:phone].gsub(/\D/, '') if shipping_address[:phone] doc['v1'].email shipping_address[:email] if shipping_address[:email] end end end end def add_name(doc, payment_method) doc['v1'].contact do doc['v1'].fullName unless end end def add_original_transaction_data(doc, authorization) doc['v1'].origTranData do doc['v1'].tranNr authorization end end def store_customer_details(doc, fullname, options) options[:contact_type] = 1 # recurring options[:contact_stat] = 1 # active doc['v1'].cust do doc['v1'].type 0 # add add_contact(doc, fullname, options) end end def add_customer_id(doc, customer_id) doc['v1'].contact do doc['v1'].id customer_id end end def add_wallet_id(doc, wallet_id) doc['v1'].recurMan do doc['v1'].id wallet_id end end end end end