require 'thread' class Sfp::BSig include Sfp::Helper::Net SleepTime = 5 MaxTries = 5 SatisfierPath = '/bsig/satisfier' Home = ((Process.euid == 0 and'/var')) ? '/var/sfpagent' : File.expand_path(Dir.home + '/.sfpagent')) SatisfierLockFile = "#{Home}/bsig.satisfier.lock.#{}" attr_reader :enabled, :status, :mode def initialize(p={}) @lock = @enabled = false @status = :stopped @lock_postprocess = end def stop @enabled = false end def start @enabled = true @lock.synchronize { return if @status == :running @status = :running } { begin register_satisfier_thread(:reset) system("rm -f #{Home}/operator.*.lock") system("rm -f #{Home}/bsig.satisfier.lock.*") "[main] BSig engine is running." puts "BSig Engine is running with PID #{$$}", 'w') { |f| f.write($$.to_s) } self.execute_model File.delete(SatisfierLockFile) if File.exist?(SatisfierLockFile) "[main] BSig engine has stopped." rescue Exception => exp Sfp::Agent.logger.error "Cannot start BSig engine => #{exp}\n#{exp.backtrace.join("\n")}" end @status = :stopped } end def execute_model "[main] Executing BSig model" previous_exec_status = exec_status = nil while @enabled begin wait_for_satisfier? bsig = Sfp::Agent.get_bsig if bsig.nil? exec_status = :no_bsig sleep SleepTime else bsig['operators'].sort! { |op1,op2| op1['pi'] <=> op2['pi'] } exec_status = achieve_local_goal(bsig['id'], bsig['goal'], bsig['operators'], 1, :main) if exec_status == :failure Sfp::Agent.logger.error "[main] Executing BSig model [Failed]" sleep SleepTime elsif exec_status == :no_flaw or exec_status == :pending sleep SleepTime end end if previous_exec_status != exec_status "[main] BSig engine - status: " + exec_status.to_s previous_exec_status = exec_status end rescue Exception => e Sfp::Agent.logger.error "[main] Error on executing BSig model\n#{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" sleep SleepTime end end end def wait_for_satisfier? total_satisfier = 1 loop do total_satisfier = (File.exist?(SatisfierLockFile) ? : 0) return if total_satisfier <= 0 or not @enabled sleep 1 end end # @param id BSig's id # @param goal goal state # @param operators an array of sorted (by 'pi') operators # @param pi current priority index value # @param mode 'main' thread or 'satisfier' thread # # @return # :no_flaw => there is no goal-flaw # :failure => there is a failure on achieving the goal # :pending => the selected operator is being executed # :repaired => some goal-flaws have been repaired, but the goal may have other flaws # def sequential_achieve_local_goal(id, goal, operators, pi, mode) operator = nil current = get_current_state flaws = compute_flaws(goal, current) return :no_flaw if flaws.length <= 0 operator = select_operator(flaws, operators, pi) return :failure if operator.nil? execute_operator(operator, id, operators, mode) end # @param id BSig's id # @param goal goal state # @param operators an array of sorted (by 'pi') operators # @param pi current priority index value # @param mode 'main' thread or 'satisfier' thread # # @return # :no_flaw => there is no goal-flaw # :failure => there is a failure on achieving the goal # :pending => the selected operator is being executed # :repaired => some goal-flaws have been repaired, but the goal may have other flaws # def achieve_local_goal(id, goal, operators, pi, mode) parallel_achieve_local_goal(id, goal, operators, pi, mode) end def parallel_achieve_local_goal(id, goal, operators, pi, mode) current = get_current_state flaws = compute_flaws(goal, current) "[#{mode}] flaws: #{flaws.inspect}" return :no_flaw if flaws.length <= 0 operators = select_operators(flaws, operators, pi) return :failure if operators == :failure "total operators: #{operators.length}" total = operators.length status = [] lock = operators.each do |operator| { begin stat = execute_operator(operator, id, operators, mode) "[#{mode}] Execute_operator: #{operator['name']}#{JSON.generate(operator['parameters'])} => #{stat}" rescue Exception => exp stat = :failure Sfp::Agent.logger.error "[#{mode}] Execute_operator: #{operator['name']}#{JSON.generate(operator['parameters'])} => #{stat} - #{exp}\n#{exp.backtrace.join("\n")}" end lock.synchronize { status << stat } } end wait? { status.length >= operators.length } "[#{mode}] exec status: #{status.inspect}" status.each { |stat| return :failure if stat == :failure return :pending if stat == :pending } :repaired end def wait? until yield do sleep 1 end end def execute_operator(operator, id, operators, mode) return :pending if not lock_operator(operator) status = :failure begin "[#{mode}] Selected operator: #{operator['id']}:#{operator['name']}#{JSON.generate(operator['parameters'])}" next_pi = operator['pi'] + 1 pre_local, pre_remote = split_preconditions(operator) # debugging "[#{mode}] local-flaws: #{JSON.generate(pre_local)}, remote-flaws: #{JSON.generate(pre_remote)}" status = nil tries = MaxTries begin status = achieve_local_goal(id, pre_local, operators, next_pi, mode) if status == :no_flaw or status == :failure or not @enabled break elsif status == :pending sleep SleepTime tries += 1 elsif status == :repaired tries = MaxTries end tries -= 1 end until tries <= 0 and @enabled "[#{mode}] achieve_local_goal => #{status}" if status != :no_flaw or not achieve_remote_goal(id, pre_remote, next_pi, mode) or not invoke(operator, mode) status = :failure end rescue Exception => exp "[#{mode}] Execute #{operator['name']}{#{operator['parameters']}} [Error]" status = :failure end unlock_operator(operator) if not operator.nil? status end def achieve_remote_goal(id, goal, pi, mode) if goal.length > 0 agents = Sfp::Agent.get_agents status = [] lock = agents_goal = split_goal_by_agent(goal) agents_goal.each do |agent_name,agent_goal| { begin stat = achieve_remote_agent_goal(agents, agent_name, agent_goal, id, pi, mode) "[#{mode}] remote goal => #{agent_name}: #{agent_goal.inspect} - #{stat}" rescue Exception => exp stat = false Sfp::Agent.logger.error "[#{mode}] remote goal => #{agent_name}: #{agent_goal.inspect} - #{stat} - #{exp}\n#{exp.backtrace.join("\n")}" end lock.synchronize { status << stat } } end wait? { status.length >= agents_goal.length } "[#{mode}] achieve_remote_goal: #{status}" status.each { |stat| return false if !stat } end true end def achieve_remote_agent_goal(agents, name, goal, id, pi, mode) if agents.has_key?(name) return false if agents[name]['sfpAddress'].to_s == '' return false if not send_goal_to_agent(agents[name], id, goal, pi, name, mode) else return false if not verify_state_of_not_exist_agent(name, goal) end true end def verify_state_of_not_exist_agent(name, goal) state = { name => { 'created' => false } } goal.each { |var,val| return false if != val } true end def receive_goal_from_agent(id, goal, pi) register_satisfier_thread return false if not @enabled bsig = Sfp::Agent.get_bsig return false if bsig.nil? or id < bsig['id'] bsig['operators'].sort! { |op1,op2| op1['pi'] <=> op2['pi'] } status = nil tries = MaxTries begin status = achieve_local_goal(bsig['id'], goal, bsig['operators'], pi, :satisfier) if status == :no_flaw or status == :failure or not @enabled break elsif status == :pending sleep SleepTime tries += 1 elsif status == :repaired tries = MaxTries end tries -= 1 end until tries <= 0 return (status == :no_flaw) ensure unregister_satisfier_thread end def register_satisfier_thread(mode=nil), File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0644) { |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) value = (mode == :reset ? 0 : ( + 1)) f.rewind f.write(value.to_s) f.flush f.truncate(f.pos) } end def unregister_satisfier_thread, File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0644) { |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) value = - 1 f.rewind f.write(value.to_s) f.flush f.truncate(f.pos) } end # lock given operator by creating a lock file to avoid another thread # executing the same operator # # @param operator operator to be locked # def lock_operator(operator) @lock.synchronize { operator_lock_file = "#{Home}/operator.#{operator['id']}.#{operator['name']}.lock" return false if File.exist?(operator_lock_file), 'w') { |f| f.write('1') } return true } end # unlock given operator by deleting lock file in order to allow another thread # executing the operator # # @param operator operator to be unlocked # def unlock_operator(operator) @lock.synchronize { operator_lock_file = "#{Home}/operator.#{operator['id']}.#{operator['name']}.lock" File.delete(operator_lock_file) if File.exist?(operator_lock_file) } end def split_goal_by_agent(goal) agent_goal = {} goal.each { |var,val| _, agent_name, _ = var.split('.', 3) agent_goal[agent_name] = {} if not agent_goal.has_key?(agent_name) agent_goal[agent_name][var] = val } agent_goal end def send_goal_to_agent(agent, id, goal, pi, agent_name, mode) begin data = { 'id' => id, 'goal' => JSON.generate(goal), 'pi' => pi } "[#{mode}] Request goal to #{agent_name}@#{agent['sfpAddress']}:#{agent['sfpPort']} [WAIT]" code, _ = put_data(agent['sfpAddress'], agent['sfpPort'], SatisfierPath, data) "[#{mode}] Request goal to #{agent_name}@#{agent['sfpAddress']}:#{agent['sfpPort']} #{code}" (code == '200') rescue Exception => exp "[#{mode}] Request goal to #{agent_name} - error: #{exp}\n#{exp.bracktrace.join("\n")}" return true if check_not_created_agent(agent_name, goal) false end end def check_not_created_agent(agent_name, goal) state = Sfp::Agent.get_state vms = {} Sfp::Agent.runtime.cloudfinder.clouds.each { |cloud| cloud.sub!(/^\$\./, '') cloud_ref = "$.#{Sfp::Agent.whoami?}.#{cloud}" ref = "#{cloud_ref}.vms" vms = vms.each { |name,status| vms[name] = {'created' => true} } if vms.is_a?(Hash) } if Sfp::Agent.runtime if not vms.has_key?(agent_name) state = {agent_name => {'created' => false, 'in_cloud' => nil}} goal.each { |var,val| return false if != val } return true end false end def get_current_state state = Sfp::Agent.get_state fail "BSig engine cannot get current state" if state == false Sfp::Agent.runtime.cloudfinder.clouds.each { |cloud| cloud.sub!(/^\$\./, '') cloud_ref = "$.#{Sfp::Agent.whoami?}.#{cloud}" ref = "#{cloud_ref}.vms" vms = if vms.is_a?(Hash) vms.each { |name,status| state[name] = { 'created' => true, 'in_cloud' => cloud_ref, 'sfpAddress' => status['ip'], 'sfpPort' => Sfp::Agent::DefaultPort } } end } if Sfp::Agent.runtime state end def compute_flaws(goal, current) return goal.clone if current.nil? flaws = {} goal.each { |var,val| current_value = if current_value.is_a?(Sfp::Unknown) _, agent_name, _ = var.split('.', 3) if agent_name != Sfp::Agent.whoami? s = {agent_name => {'created' => false, 'in_cloud' => nil}} current_value = end end if current_value.is_a?(Sfp::Undefined) flaws[var] = val if not val.is_a?(Sfp::Undefined) else current_value.sort! if current_value.is_a?(Array) flaws[var]= val if current_value != val end } flaws end # @param flaws a map of flaws (variable-value) that should be repaired # @param operators a sorted-list of operators (sorted by 'pi') # @param pi minimum priority-index value # # @return a list of applicable operators, or symbol :failure if all flaws # cannot be repaired by available operators # def select_operators(flaws, operators, pi) selected_operators = [] repaired = {} operators.each do |op| next if op['pi'] < pi if can_repair?(op, flaws) and # can the operator repair the flaws? not threat_operators?(op, selected_operators) # does the operator threat other selected operators? selected_operators << op op['effect'].each { |var,val| repaired[var] = val if flaws[var] == val } end break if repaired.length >= flaws.length end return :failure if repaired.length < flaws.length selected_operators end # @param flaws a map of flaws (variable-value) that should be repaired # @param operators a sorted-list of operators (sorted by 'pi') # @param pi minimum priority-index value # # @return an operator that can repair the flaws # def select_operator(flaws, operators, pi) operators.each do |op| next if op['pi'] < pi return op if can_repair?(op, flaws) end nil end # An operator can repair the flaws iff there is an effect that fixes the flaw # def can_repair?(operator, flaws) operator['effect'].each { |variable,value| return true if flaws[variable] == value } false end # Check if an operator threats a set of operators. # # @param operator operator to be checked # @param operators a set of operators # def threat_operators?(operator, operators) operators.each do |op| return true if threat?(operator, op) end false end # Return true if operator1 threats operator2: there is an effect's variable of operator1 # is in condition's or effect's variable of operator2 # def threat?(operator1, operator2) operator1['effect'].each_key do |variable1| return true if operator2['condition'].keys.include?(variable1) or operator2['effect'].keys.include?(variable1) end false end def split_preconditions(operator) local = {} remote = {} if not operator.nil? myself = Sfp::Agent.whoami? operator['condition'].each { |var,val| _, agent_name, _ = var.split('.', 3) if agent_name == myself local[var] = val else remote[var] = val end } end [local, remote] end def invoke(operator, mode) "[#{mode}] Invoking #{operator['name']}{#{operator['parameters']}}" begin status = Sfp::Agent.execute_action(operator) if status if operator['name'] =~ /^\$(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.(create_vm)/ postprocess_create_vm(operator) elsif operator['name'] =~ /^\$(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.(delete_vm)/ postprocess_delete_vm(operator) end end rescue Exception => e Sfp::Agent.logger.error "Error in invoking operator #{operator['name']}{#{operator['parameters']}}\n#{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" return false end status end def postprocess_delete_vm(operator) @lock_postprocess.synchronize { _, agent_name, _ = operator['parameters']['$.vm'].split('.', 3) "Postprocess delete VM #{agent_name}" # update agents database (automatically broadcast to other agents) Sfp::Agent.set_agents({agent_name => nil}) } end def postprocess_create_vm(operator) @lock_postprocess.synchronize { refs = operator['name'].split('.') vms_ref = refs[0..-2].join('.') + '.vms' _, agent_name, _ = operator['parameters']['$.vm'].split('.', 3) "Postprocess create VM #{agent_name}" # update proxy component's state state = Sfp::Agent.get_state return false if not state.is_a?(Hash) # get VM's address vms = return false if !vms.is_a?(Hash) or !vms[agent_name].is_a?(Hash) or vms[agent_name]['ip'].to_s.strip == '' data = {agent_name => {'sfpAddress' => vms[agent_name]['ip'], 'sfpPort' => Sfp::Agent::DefaultPort}} # update agents database Sfp::Agent.set_agents(data) # get new agent's model and BSig model from cache database model = Sfp::Agent.get_cache_model(agent_name) model['model']['in_cloud'] = refs[0..-2].join('.') model['model']['sfpAddress'] = vms[agent_name]['ip'] model['model']['sfpPort'] = Sfp::Agent::DefaultPort if not model.nil? address = data[agent_name]['sfpAddress'] port = data[agent_name]['sfpPort'] # push required modules push_modules(model, address, port) # push agent database to new agent code, _ = put_data(address, port, '/agents', {'agents' => JSON.generate(Sfp::Agent.get_agents)}) # push new agent's model code, _ = put_data(address, port, '/model', {'model' => JSON.generate({agent_name => model['model']})}) # push new agent's BSig model code, _ = put_data(address, port, '/bsig', {'bsig' => JSON.generate(model['bsig'])}) if code == '200' return (code == '200') end } false end def push_modules(agent_model, address, port) name = agent_model['_self'] finder = {:agent => agent_model}.accept(finder) schemata = { |x| x.sub(/^\$\./, '').downcase } modules_dir = Sfp::Agent.config[:modules_dir] install_module = File.expand_path('../../../bin/install_module', __FILE__) begin # get modules list code, body = get_data(address, port, '/modules') raise Exception, "Unable to get modules list from #{name}" if code.to_i != 200 modules = JSON[body] list = '' schemata.each { |m| list += "#{m} " if File.exist?("#{modules_dir}/#{m}") and (not modules.has_key?(m) or modules[m] != get_local_module_hash(m, modules_dir).to_s) } return true if list == '' if system("cd #{modules_dir}; #{install_module} #{address} #{port} #{list} 1>/dev/null 2>/tmp/install_module.error") "Push modules #{list}to #{name} [OK]" else Sfp::Agent.logger.warn "Push modules #{list}to #{name} [Failed]" end return true rescue Exception => e Sfp::Agent.logger.warn "[WARN] Cannot push module to #{name} - #{e}" end false end # return the list of Hash value of all modules # def get_local_module_hash(name, modules_dir) module_dir = File.expand_path("#{modules_dir}/#{name}") if module_dir if `which md5sum`.strip.length > 0 return `find #{module_dir} -type f -exec md5sum {} + | awk '{print $1}' | sort | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'`.strip elsif `which md5`.strip.length > 0 return `find #{module_dir} -type f -exec md5 {} + | awk '{print $4}' | sort | md5`.strip end end nil end end