require 'helper' describe Feedlr::Error do let(:client) { true) } let(:feed_id) { 'feed/' } let(:error) { 'something wrong' } describe '#message' do it 'returns the error message' do error ='something wrong') expect(error.message).to eq('something wrong') end end describe '#rate_limit' do it 'returns a rate limit object' do error ='execution expired') expect(error.rate_limit).to be_a Feedlr::RateLimit end end Feedlr::Error.errors.each do |status, exception| context "when HTTP status is #{ status}" do it "raises #{ exception}" do stub_request(:post, '') .to_return(status: status, body: '{}') expect { client.feed(feed_id) }.to raise_error(exception) end end end describe '::parse_error' do context 'when body is a hash and has errorMessage' do it 'returns error status and body errorMessage' do body = { 'errorMessage' => error } status = '400' result = Feedlr::Error.send(:parse_error, status, body) expect(result).to eq("Error #{status} - #{body['errorMessage']}") end end context 'when body is a hash and has no errorMessage' do it 'returns error status and body errorMessage' do body = { 'noErrorMessage' => error } status = '400' result = Feedlr::Error.send(:parse_error, status, body) expect(result).to eq("Error #{status}") end end context 'when body is a not hash' do it 'returns error status and body errorMessage' do body = error status = '400' result = Feedlr::Error.send(:parse_error, status, body) expect(result).to eq("Error #{status} - #{body}") end end end end