# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'hostlist_expression' require 'oj' require 'open3' require 'yaml' require 'inifile' require 'ansible_spec/vendor/hash' if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup) >= Gem::Version.new('2.1') require 'ansible/vault' end module AnsibleSpec # param: inventory file of Ansible # param: return_type 'groups' or 'groups_parent_child_relationships' # return: Hash {"group" => ["",""]} # return: Hash {"group" => [{"name" => "","uri" => "", "port" => 22},...]} # return: Hash {"pg" => ["server", "databases"]} def self.load_targets(file, return_type = 'groups') if not ['groups', 'groups_parent_child_relationships'].include?(return_type) raise ArgumentError, "Variable return_type must be value 'groups' or 'groups_parent_child_relationships'" end if File.executable?(file) return get_dynamic_inventory(file) end f = File.open(file).read groups = Hash.new group = '' hosts = Hash.new hosts.default = Hash.new f.each_line{|line| line = line.chomp # skip next if line.start_with?('#') #comment next if line.empty? == true #null # get group if line.start_with?('[') && line.end_with?(']') group = line.gsub('[','').gsub(']','') groups["#{group}"] = Array.new next end # get host host_name = line.split[0] if group.empty? == false if groups.has_key?(line) groups["#{group}"] << line next elsif host_name.include?("[") && host_name.include?("]") # www[01:50].example.com # db-[a:f].example.com hostlist_expression(line,":").each{|h| host = hosts[h.split[0]] groups["#{group}"] << get_inventory_param(h).merge(host) } next else # 1つのみ、かつ:を含まない場合 # # ansible_ssh_host= ... host = hosts[host_name] groups["#{group}"] << get_inventory_param(line).merge(host) next end else if host_name.include?("[") && host_name.include?("]") hostlist_expression(line, ":").each{|h| hosts[h.split[0]] = get_inventory_param(h) } else hosts[host_name] = get_inventory_param(line) end end } # parse children [group:children] search = Regexp.new(":children".to_s) groups_parent_child_relationships = Hash.new groups.keys.each{|k| unless (k =~ search).nil? # get parent child relationships k_parent = k.gsub(search,'') groups_parent_child_relationships["#{k_parent}"] = groups["#{k}"] # get group parent & merge parent groups.merge!(get_parent(groups,search,k)) # delete group children if groups.has_key?("#{k}") && groups.has_key?("#{k.gsub(search,'')}") groups.delete("#{k}") end end } return_value = groups # default if return_type == 'groups' return_value = groups elsif return_type == 'groups_parent_child_relationships' return_value = groups_parent_child_relationships end return return_value end # param hash {"server"=>[""], "databases"=>[""], "pg:children"=>["server", "databases"]} # param search ":children" # param k "pg:children" # return {"server"=>[""], "databases"=>[""], "pg"=>["", ""]} def self.get_parent(hash,search,k) k_parent = k.gsub(search,'') arry = Array.new hash["#{k}"].each{|group| arry = arry + hash["#{group}"] } h = Hash.new h["#{k_parent}"] = arry return h end # param filename # {"databases":{"hosts":["aaa.com","bbb.com"],"vars":{"a":true}}} # {"webservers":["aaa.com","bbb.com"]} # return: Hash {"databases"=>[{"uri" => "aaa.com", "port" => 22}, {"uri" => "bbb.com", "port" => 22}]} def self.get_dynamic_inventory(file) if file[0] == "/" file_path = file else file_path = "./#{file}" end res = Hash.new so, se, st = Open3.capture3(file_path) dyn_inv = Oj.load(so.to_s) res["hosts_childrens"] = dyn_inv.select do |property, value| value.instance_of?(Hash) && value.has_key?("children") end if dyn_inv.key?('_meta') # assume we have an ec2.py created dynamic inventory dyn_inv = dyn_inv.tap{ |h| h.delete("_meta") } end dyn_inv.each{|k,v| res["#{k.to_s}"] = Array.new unless res.has_key?("#{k.to_s}") if v.is_a?(Array) # {"webservers":["aaa.com","bbb.com"]} v.each {|host| res["#{k.to_s}"] << {"uri"=> host, "port"=> 22} } elsif v.has_key?("hosts") && v['hosts'].is_a?(Array) v['hosts'].each {|host| res["#{k.to_s}"] << {"uri"=> host, "port"=> 22} } end } return res end # param ansible_ssh_port=22 # return: hash def self.get_inventory_param(line) host = Hash.new # 初期値 host['name'] = line host['port'] = 22 host['connection'] = "ssh" if line.include?(":") # host['uri'] = line.split(":")[0] host['port'] = line.split(":")[1].to_i return host end # ansible_ssh_port=22 line.split.each{|v| unless v.include?("=") host['uri'] = v else key,value = v.split("=") host['port'] = value.to_i if key == "ansible_ssh_port" or key == "ansible_port" host['private_key'] = value if key == "ansible_ssh_private_key_file" host['user'] = value if key == "ansible_ssh_user" or key == "ansible_user" host['uri'] = value if key == "ansible_ssh_host" or key == "ansible_host" host['pass'] = value if key == "ansible_ssh_pass" host['connection'] = value if key == "ansible_connection" end } return host end # param: none # return: playbook, inventoryfile def self.load_ansiblespec() f = '.ansiblespec' y = nil if File.exist?(f) y = YAML.load_file(f) end if ENV["PLAYBOOK"] playbook = ENV["PLAYBOOK"] elsif y.is_a?(Array) && y[0]['playbook'] playbook = y[0]['playbook'] else playbook = 'site.yml' end if ENV["INVENTORY"] inventoryfile = ENV["INVENTORY"] elsif y.is_a?(Array) && y[0]['inventory'] inventoryfile = y[0]['inventory'] else inventoryfile = 'hosts' end if File.exist?(playbook) == false puts 'Error: ' + playbook + ' is not Found. create site.yml or ./.ansiblespec See https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec' exit 1 elsif File.exist?(inventoryfile) == false puts 'Error: ' + inventoryfile + ' is not Found. create hosts or ./.ansiblespec See https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec' exit 1 end return playbook, inventoryfile end # param: role # return: ["role1", "role2"] def self.load_dependencies(role, rolepath='roles') role_queue = [role] deps = [] until role_queue.empty? role = role_queue.pop() path = File.join(rolepath, role, "meta", "main.yml") if File.exist?(path) dependencies = YAML.load_file(path).fetch("dependencies", []) unless dependencies.nil? new_deps = dependencies.map { |h| h["role"] || h } role_queue.concat(new_deps) deps.concat(new_deps) end end end return deps end # param: playbook # return: json # {"name"=>"Ansible-Sample-TDD", "hosts"=>"server", "user"=>"root", "roles"=>["nginx", "mariadb"]} def self.load_playbook(f) playbook = YAML.load_file(f) # e.g. comment-out if playbook === false puts "Error: No data in #{f}" exit end properties = Array.new playbook.each do |site| if site.has_key?("include") YAML.load_file(site["include"]).each { |site| properties.push site } elsif site.has_key?("import_playbook") YAML.load_file(site["import_playbook"]).each { |site| properties.push site } else properties.push site end end properties.each do |property| property["roles"] = flatten_role(property["roles"]) end if name_exist?(properties) return properties else fail "Please insert name on playbook '#{f}'" end end # flatten roles (Issue 29) # param: Array # e.g. ["nginx"] # e.g. [{"role"=>"nginx"}] # e.g. [{"role"=>"nginx", "dir"=>"/opt/b", "port"=>5001}] # return: Array # e.g.["nginx"] def self.flatten_role(roles) ret = Array.new if roles roles.each do |role| if role.is_a?(String) ret << role elsif role.is_a?(Hash) ret << role["role"] if role.has_key?("role") end end end return ret end # Issue 27 # param: array # return: boolean # true: name is exist on playbook # false: name is not exist on playbook def self.name_exist?(array) array.all? do |site| site.has_key?("name") end end # param: none # return: hash_behaviour def self.get_hash_behaviour() f = '.ansiblespec' y = nil if File.exist?(f) y = YAML.load_file(f) end hash_behaviour = 'replace' if ENV["HASH_BEHAVIOUR"] hash_behaviour = ENV["HASH_BEHAVIOUR"] elsif y.is_a?(Array) && y[0]['hash_behaviour'] hash_behaviour = y[0]['hash_behaviour'] end if !['replace','merge'].include?(hash_behaviour) puts "Error: hash_behaviour '" + hash_behaviour + "' should be 'replace' or 'merge' See https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec" exit 1 end return hash_behaviour end # param: none # return: file path def self.get_ssh_config_file() ssh_config_file = nil cfg = AnsibleSpec::AnsibleCfg.new ssh_args = cfg.get('ssh_connection', 'ssh_args') if ssh_args array = ssh_args.split(" ") if array.index("-F") && array[array.index("-F") + 1] ssh_config_file = array[array.index("-F") + 1] end end if ENV["SSH_CONFIG_FILE"] ssh_config_file = ENV["SSH_CONFIG_FILE"] end return nil if ssh_config_file.nil? if File.exist?(ssh_config_file) return ssh_config_file else return nil end end # param: hash # param: variable file # param: flag to extention # true: .yml extension is optional # false: must have .yml extention def self.load_vars_file(vars, path, check_no_ext = false) vars_file = path if check_no_ext && !File.exist?(vars_file) vars_file = path+".yml" end if File.exist?(vars_file) if File.directory?(vars_file) Dir.glob(File.join(vars_file, '*')).each { |f| vars = load_vars_file(vars, f) } else # you can use Ansible::Vault when use ruby 2.1.0 and higher. # Ansible::Vault support Ruby 2.1.0 and higher. if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION.dup) >= Gem::Version.new('2.1') if Ansible::Vault.encrypted?(vars_file) yaml = load_encrypted_file(vars_file) else yaml = YAML.load_file(vars_file) end vars = merge_variables(vars, yaml) else # Ruby 1.9 and 2.0 yaml = YAML.load_file(vars_file) vars = merge_variables(vars, yaml) end end end return vars end # param: variable file # return: be merged hash def self.load_encrypted_file(vars_file) cfg = AnsibleSpec::AnsibleCfg.new vault_password_file = cfg.get('defaults', 'vault_password_file') if vault_password_file vault_password = File.open(vault_password_file).read.chomp yaml = YAML.load(Ansible::Vault.read(path: vars_file, password: vault_password)) end return yaml end # param: target hash # param: be merged hash def self.merge_variables(vars, hash) hash_behaviour = get_hash_behaviour() if hash.kind_of?(Hash) if hash_behaviour=="merge" vars.deep_merge!(hash) else vars.merge!(hash) end end return vars end # return: json # {"name"=>"Ansible-Sample-TDD", "hosts"=>[""], "user"=>"root", "roles"=>["nginx", "mariadb"]} def self.get_properties() playbook, inventoryfile = load_ansiblespec # load inventory file and playbook hosts mapping hosts = load_targets(inventoryfile) properties = load_playbook(playbook) properties.each do |var| var["hosts_childrens"] = hosts["hosts_childrens"] var["group"] = var["hosts"] if var["hosts"].to_s == "all" var["hosts"] = hosts.values.flatten elsif hosts.has_key?("#{var["hosts"]}") var["hosts"] = hosts["#{var["hosts"]}"] elsif var["hosts"].instance_of?(Array) tmp_host = var["hosts"] var["hosts"] = [] tmp_host.each do |v| if hosts.has_key?("#{v}") hosts["#{v}"].map {|target_server| target_server["hosts"] = v} var["hosts"].concat hosts["#{v}"] end end if var["hosts"].size == 0 properties = properties.compact.reject{|e| e["hosts"].length == 0} #puts "#{var["name"]} roles no hosts matched for #{var["hosts"]}" end else puts "no hosts matched for #{var["hosts"]}" var["hosts"] = [] end end return properties end # param: none # return: vars_dirs_path def self.get_vars_dirs_path() f = '.ansiblespec' y = nil if File.exist?(f) y = YAML.load_file(f) end if ENV["VARS_DIRS_PATH"] vars_dirs_path = ENV["VARS_DIRS_PATH"] elsif y.is_a?(Array) && y[0]['vars_dirs_path'] vars_dirs_path = y[0]['vars_dirs_path'] else vars_dirs_path = '' end return vars_dirs_path end def self.find_group_vars_file(hosts_childrens, hosts) target_host = hosts_childrens.select { |key, value| value["children"].include?(hosts) } target_host.keys[0] end # query replace jinja2 templates with target values # param: hash (cf. result self.get_variables) # param: number of iterations if found_template # return: hash def self.resolve_variables(vars, max_level=100) vars_yaml = vars.to_yaml level = 0 begin found_template = false level += 1 # query replace jinja2 templates in yaml # replace in-place (gsub!) # use non-greedy regex (.*?) vars_yaml.gsub!(/{{.*?}}/) do |template| # grab target variable # ignore whitespaces (\s*) # use non-greedy regex (.*?) target = template.gsub(/{{\s*(.*?)\s*}}/, '\1') # lookup value of target variable value = vars[target] # return lookup value if it exists # or leave template alone if value.nil? template else found_template = true value end end end while found_template and level <= max_level return YAML.load(vars_yaml) end def self.get_variables(host, group_idx, hosts=nil) vars = {} p = self.get_properties # roles default p[group_idx]['roles'].each do |role| vars = load_vars_file(vars ,"roles/#{role}/defaults/main.yml") end # get parent directory of group_vars and host_vars directories vars_dirs_path = get_vars_dirs_path if vars_dirs_path != '' vars_dirs_path = "#{vars_dirs_path}/" end # all group vars = load_vars_file(vars ,"#{vars_dirs_path}group_vars/all", true) # each group vars if p[group_idx].has_key?('group') # get groups parent child relationships playbook, inventoryfile = load_ansiblespec groups_rels = load_targets(inventoryfile, return_type='groups_parent_child_relationships') # get parental lineage g = p[group_idx]['group'] groups_stack = Array.new groups_stack << g groups_rels.keys.each{|k| groups_stack << k if (groups_rels[k].include?(g)) } # get vars from parents groups then child group groups_parents_then_child = groups_stack.reverse.flatten groups_parents_then_child.each{|group| vars = load_vars_file(vars ,"#{vars_dirs_path}group_vars/#{group}", true) } end # each host vars vars = load_vars_file(vars ,"#{vars_dirs_path}host_vars/#{host}", true) # site vars if p[group_idx].has_key?('vars') vars = merge_variables(vars, p[group_idx]['vars']) end # roles vars p[group_idx]['roles'].each do |role| vars = load_vars_file(vars ,"roles/#{role}/vars/main.yml") end # multiple host and children dependencies group vars unless hosts.nil? || p[group_idx]["hosts_childrens"].nil? hosts_childrens = p[group_idx]["hosts_childrens"] next_find_target = hosts while(!next_find_target.nil? && hosts_childrens.size > 0) vars = load_vars_file(vars ,"#{vars_dirs_path}group_vars/#{next_find_target}", true) group_vars_file = find_group_vars_file(hosts_childrens,next_find_target) next_find_target = group_vars_file hosts_childrens.delete(group_vars_file) end end return resolve_variables(vars) end class AnsibleCfg def initialize @cfg = self.class.load_ansible_cfg end def roles_path rp = (self.get('defaults', 'roles_path') or '').split(':') rp << 'roles' # Roles is always searched end class << self def find_ansible_cfgs() files = [] ["/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg", File.expand_path("~/.ansible.cfg"), "./ansible.cfg", ENV["ANSIBLE_CFG"], ].each do |f| files << f if f and File.exists? f end end def load_ansible_cfg() cfg = IniFile.new self.find_ansible_cfgs.each do |file| cfg = cfg.merge(IniFile.new :filename => file) end cfg.to_h end end def get(section, key) s = @cfg[section] if s return s[key] else return nil end end end end