# encoding: utf-8 module Mongoid #:nodoc: module Extensions #:nodoc: module String #:nodoc: # This module contains convenience methods for string inflection and # conversion. module Inflections ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect| inflect.singular("address", "address") inflect.singular("addresses", "address") inflect.irregular("canvas", "canvases") end # Represents how special characters will get converted when creating a # composite key that should be unique and part of a url. CHAR_CONV = { " " => "-", "!" => "-excl-", "\"" => "-bckslsh-", "#" => "-hash-", "$" => "-dol-", "%" => "-perc-", "&" => "-and-", "'" => "-quo-", "(" => "-oparen-", ")" => "-cparen-", "*" => "-astx-", "+" => "-plus-", "," => "-comma-", "-" => "-", "." => "-period-", "/" => "-fwdslsh-", ":" => "-colon-", ";" => "-semicol-", "<" => "-lt-", "=" => "-eq-", ">" => "-gt-", "?" => "-ques-", "@" => "-at-", "[" => "-obrck-", "\\" => "-bckslsh-", "]" => "-clbrck-", "^" => "-carat-", "_" => "-undscr-", "`" => "-bcktick-", "{" => "-ocurly-", "|" => "-pipe-", "}" => "-clcurly-", "~" => "-tilda-" } REVERSALS = { "asc" => "desc", "ascending" => "descending", "desc" => "asc", "descending" => "ascending" } # Convert the string to a collection friendly name. # # @example Collectionize the string. # "namespace/model".collectionize # # @return [ String ] The string in collection friendly form. def collectionize tableize.gsub("/", "_") end # Convert this string to a key friendly string. # # @example Convert to key. # "testing".identify # # @return [ String ] The key friendly string. def identify if Mongoid.parameterize_keys key = "" each_char { |c| key += (CHAR_CONV[c] || c.downcase) }; key else self end end # Get the inverted sorting option. # # @example Get the inverted option. # "asc".invert # # @return [ String ] The string inverted. def invert REVERSALS[self] end # Get the string as a getter string. # # @example Get the reader/getter # "model=".reader # # @return [ String ] The string stripped of "=". def reader writer? ? gsub("=", "") : self end # Is this string a writer? # # @example Is the string a setter method? # "model=".writer? # # @return [ true, false ] If the string contains "=". def writer? include?("=") end end end end end