# EXECUTE HumanResources.uspGetEmployees @FirstName = N'Pilar', @LastName = N'Ackerman'; module Toolhound # Class to parse GitHub repository owner and name from # URLs and to generate URLs class Transaction < Base # self.table_name = :rental # self.primary_key = :int_rental_id def default_selects { # manufacturer: [:int_manufacturer_id ], # manufacturer_text: [:var_manufacturer, :var_phone, :var_fax, :var_url] # rental_item_detail: [:var_status, :status_date, ], # rental_detail: [:int_rental_id, :int_inventory_id, :int_quantity, :dec_daily, :dec_weekly, :dec_monthly, :dec_selling_price], } end def default_joins arr = [] # arr << "INNER JOIN tblManufacturerText ON (tblManufacturerText.intManufacturerID = tblManufacturer.intManufacturerID AND varLocaleID = '#{locale}')" # arr << "INNER JOIN tblRentalDetail ON (tblRentalDetail.intRentalDetailID = tblRentalItem.intRentalDetailID)" arr end def returns end # def insert(variables = {}) # vars = {created_user_id: 1, modified_user_id: 1, active: true, job: nil, created_date: nil, modified_date: nil} # # procedure("Job_Insert", vars) # end def remove(job_id) # procedure("Job_Delete", {job_id: job_id}) end end end