@website Feature: Form Module In order to place the forms from the form builder on the website a website editor will be able to place a form within a template @javascript Scenario: Add Form Given forms have been created with the form builder And I am editing content When I click a "Wide" component slot And select the "Contact Form" component Then I should see a form select element containing the exisitng forms When I select a form And I press "Save" within the component And I press "Publish" When I visit the content page Then I should see the form I selected Scenario: Submit Form Given content exists with a form added via the contact module When a website visitor visits the content Then they should see the form When they fill in and submit the form Then the email address of the form should receive an email detailing the information submitted And they should receive an email confirming the request has been sent And the response should be stored in the database along with the time submitted, IP address, and page it was submitted from Scenario: Spam Filter Given content exists with a form added via the contact module When a form response is deemed to be spam Then it should marked as spam And they should receive no emails Scenario: Validation Given content exists with a form added via the contact module When a website visitor visits the content And they submit the form Then it should be checked against the validation speficied in the form builder And it should be rejected if the the response does not meet the validation And the website visitor should see an error message