FHIR Connectathon 11 Testing - Track 2 - Terminology Services

Conventions Used

The execution of the TestScript resources contained in this folder are constrained by the following conventions:

FHIR Connectathon 11 Testing - Orlando, FL - January 2016

Track 2 - Terminology Services

The TestScript resources in this folder represent a conversion** of the TestScript originally used at the 1st Terminology Services Connectathon held in Washington, February 2014.

The original single TestScript has been separated into four (4) separate TestScript definitions - one for each original test suite. In addition, each of those TestScripts have two variations based on whether the FHIR client or server assigns the resource id of the required ValueSet resources created in the setup.

FHIR Resource ID Assigned by the Client

TestScript NameDescription
track2-terminology-ts-suite1-client-idTerminology test suite 1 where the FHIR client assigns the ValueSet resource id in the setup.
track2-terminology-ts-suite2-client-idTerminology test suite 2 where the FHIR client assigns the ValueSet resource id in the setup.
track2-terminology-ts-suite3-client-idTerminology test suite 3 where the FHIR client assigns the ValueSet resource id in the setup.
track2-terminology-ts-suite4-client-idTerminology test suite 4 where the FHIR client assigns the ValueSet resource id in the setup.

FHIR Resource ID Assigned by the Server

TestScript NameDescription
track2-terminology-ts-suite1-server-idTerminology test suite 1 where the FHIR server assigns the ValueSet resource id in the setup.
track2-terminology-ts-suite2-server-idTerminology test suite 2 where the FHIR server assigns the ValueSet resource id in the setup.
track2-terminology-ts-suite3-server-idTerminology test suite 3 where the FHIR server assigns the ValueSet resource id in the setup.
track2-terminology-ts-suite4-server-idTerminology test suite 4 where the FHIR server assigns the ValueSet resource id in the setup.

The main reasons for this separation are:

** This representation of the Terminology Services tests is not meant to be diffinitive and complete. This is one example of how these tests can be defined in the current DSTU-2 format of the TestScript resource. Constructive feedback, suggestions and critisms are welcome.

Richard Ettema, AEGIS.net