module VagrantPlugins module Scp module Command class Scp < Vagrant.plugin(2, :command) def self.synopsis "copies data into a box via SCP" end def execute # Parse the arguments file_1, file_2 = parse_args() return if file_2.nil? # Extract host info # # We want to get the name of the vm, from a [host_1]:file_1 [host_2]:file_2 description host = [file_1, file_2].map{|file_spec| file_spec.match(/^([^:]*):/)[1] rescue nil}.compact.first # Get the info about the target VM with_target_vms(host) do |machine| ssh_info = machine.ssh_info raise Vagrant::Errors::SSHNotReady if ssh_info.nil? if file_1.include? ':' source_files = "#{ssh_info[:username]}@#{ssh_info[:host]}:#{file_1.split(':').last}" target_files = file_2 else source_files = file_1 target_files = "#{ssh_info[:username]}@#{ssh_info[:host]}:#{file_2.split(':').last}" end # Run the SCP command = [ "scp", '-r', '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', "-o port=#{ssh_info[:port]}", "-i '#{ssh_info[:private_key_path][0]}'", source_files, target_files ].join(' ') system(command) end end def parse_args opts = do |o| o.banner = "Usage: vagrant scp [vm_name]" o.separator "" o.separator "Options:" o.separator "" end argv = parse_options(opts) return argv if argv and argv.length == 2, prefix: false) if argv return nil, nil end end end end end