require 'ransack/helpers/form_builder' module Ransack module Helpers FormBuilder.class_eval do def attribute_select(options = {}, html_options = {}) raise ArgumentError, "attribute_select must be called inside a search FormBuilder!" unless object.respond_to?(:context) options[:include_blank] = true unless options.has_key?(:include_blank) # Set default associations set on model with 'has_ransackable_associations' if options[:associations].nil? options[:associations] = object.context.klass.ransackable_associations end bases = [''] + association_array(options[:associations]) if bases.size > 1 @object_name, :name, @template.grouped_options_for_select(attribute_collection_for_bases(bases)), objectify_options(options), @default_options.merge(html_options) ) else collection = object.context.searchable_attributes(bases.first).map do |c| [ attr_from_base_and_column(bases.first, c), Translate.attribute(attr_from_base_and_column(bases.first, c), :context => object.context) ] end @template.collection_select( @object_name, :name, collection, :first, :last, objectify_options(options), @default_options.merge(html_options) ) end end def predicate_select(options = {}, html_options = {}) options = Ransack.options[:default_predicates] || {} if options.blank? options[:compounds] = true if options[:compounds].nil? keys = predicate_keys(options) # If condition is newly built with build_condition(), # then replace the default predicate with the first in the ordered list @object.predicate_name = keys.first if @object.default? @template.collection_select( @object_name, :p, {|k| [k, Translate.predicate(k)]}, :first, :last, objectify_options(options), @default_options.merge(html_options) ) end def attribute_collection_for_bases(bases) do |base| klass = object.context.traverse(base) foreign_keys = map_to({}) {|r, h| h[r.foreign_key.to_sym] = r.class_name } ajax_options = Ransack.options[:ajax_options] || {} if base.present? model = object.context.traverse(base).model_name end begin [ Translate.association(base, :context => object.context), object.context.searchable_attributes(base).map do |c, type| # Don't show 'id' column for base model next nil if base.blank? && c == 'id' attribute = attr_from_base_and_column(base, c) attribute_label = Translate.attribute(attribute, :context => object.context) # Set model name as label for 'id' column on that model's table. if c == 'id' foreign_klass = object.context.traverse(base).model_name # Check that model can autocomplete. If not, skip this id column. next nil unless foreign_klass.constantize._ransack_can_autocomplete attribute_label = I18n.translate(foreign_klass, :default => foreign_klass) else foreign_klass = foreign_keys[c.to_sym] end # Add column type as data attribute html_options = {:'data-type' => type} # Set 'base' attribute if attribute is on base model html_options[:'data-root-model'] = true if base.blank? if foreign_klass # If field is a foreign key, set up 'data-ajax-*' attributes for auto-complete controller = foreign_klass.tableize html_options[:'data-ajax-entity'] = I18n.translate(controller, :default => controller) if ajax_options[:url] html_options[:'data-ajax-url'] = ajax_options[:url].sub(':controller', controller) else html_options[:'data-ajax-url'] = "/#{controller}.json" end html_options[:'data-ajax-type'] = ajax_options[:type] || 'GET' html_options[:'data-ajax-key'] = ajax_options[:key] || 'query' end [ attribute_label, attribute, html_options ] end.compact ] rescue UntraversableAssociationError => e nil end end.compact end end end end