# frozen_string_literal: true # color({ id: :creation_layer_col, alpha: 1 }) # # b = box({ top: :auto, bottom: 0, id: :box_tool }) # # b.touch(:down) do # creation_layer = box({ top: 0, left: 0, id: :creation_layer, width: '100%', height: '100%', apply: :creation_layer_col }) # creation_layer.touch(:down) do |event| # left_found = event[:pageX].to_i # top_found = event[:pageY].to_i # box({ left: left_found, top: top_found ,id: "tutu_#{Universe.atomes.length}", color: :red}) # creation_layer.delete(true) # creation_layer.touch({ remove: :down }) # puts Universe.atomes.length # puts "=> #{Universe.user_atomes}" # end # end ###################### # frozen_string_literal: true class Atome def build_tool(&bloc) # alert params[:tool] a = Atome.instance_exec(&bloc) puts "===> a is : #{a[:action]}" # check below # wait 2 do # send a[:action] # end grab(:toolbox).box({color: :white, width: Intuition.style[:tool][:width], height: Intuition.style[:tool][:width]}) end end class Object def new(params, &bloc) # Genesis = Genesis.Genesis if params.key?(:atome) Universe.add_atomes_specificities params[:atome] Genesis.build_atome(params[:atome], &bloc) elsif params.key?(:particle) Atome.instance_variable_set("@main_#{params[:particle]}", bloc) # render indicate if the particle needs to be rendered # store tell the system if it need to store the particle value # type help the system what type of type the particle will receive and store Genesis.build_particle(params[:particle], { render: params[:render], return: params[:return], store: params[:store], type: params[:type] }, &bloc) elsif params.key?(:sanitizer) Genesis.build_sanitizer(params[:sanitizer], &bloc) elsif params.key?(:pre) Atome.instance_variable_set("@pre_#{params[:pre]}", bloc) elsif params.key?(:post) Atome.instance_variable_set("@post_#{params[:post]}", bloc) elsif params.key?(:after) Atome.instance_variable_set("@after_#{params[:after]}", bloc) elsif params.key?(:read) Atome.instance_variable_set("@read_#{params[:read]}", bloc) elsif params[:renderer] renderer_found = params[:renderer] if params[:specific] Universe.set_atomes_specificities(params) params[:specific] = "#{params[:specific]}_" end render_method = "#{renderer_found}_#{params[:specific]}#{params[:method]}" Genesis.build_render(render_method, &bloc) elsif params.key?(:callback) particle_targetted = params[:callback] Atome.define_method "#{particle_targetted}_callback" do bloc.call end elsif params.key?(:tool) A.build_tool(&bloc) end end end def record_tool grab(Universe.current_user).selection alert "must get selection to treat it " end module Intuition class << self def style size=39 style={} style[:toolbox]={width: size} style[:toolbox]={height: size} style[:tool]={width: size} style[:tool]={height: size} style end def intuition_int8 # tool taxonomy and list { capture: { int8: { french: :enregistrement, english: :record, german: :datensatz } }, communication: { french: :communication, english: :communication, german: :communication }, tool: { french: :outils, english: :tools, german: :werkzeuge }, view: { french: :vue, english: :view, german: :aussicht }, time: { french: :horloge, english: :clock, german: :Uhr }, find: { french: :trouve, english: :find, german: :finden }, home: { french: :accueil, english: :home, german: :zuhause }, code: { french: :code, english: :code, german: :code }, impulse: { french: :impulse, english: :impulse, german: :impulse }, } end def intuition_taxonomy end def impulse # tool start point [:capture, :communication, :tool, :view, :time, :find, :home] end end # def capture # categories=ATOME.methods_categories # [categories[:inputs]] # end # # def communication # categories=ATOME.methods_categories # [categories[:communications]] # end # # def toolz # categories=ATOME.methods_categories # [categories[:spatials],categories[:helpers],categories[:materials], # categories[:geometries],categories[:effects], # categories[:medias],categories[:hierarchies],categories[:utilities],categories[:events]] # end # # def tool_style(size = 33) # # styling # shadows = [{ x: size / 15, y: size / 15, thickness: 0, blur: size / 3, color: { red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.3 } }, { x: -size / 15, y: -size / 15, thickness: 0, blur: size / 6, color: { red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 0.3 } }] # style = { type: :tool, content: { points: 4 }, color: { red: 0.9, green: 0.9, blue: 0.9, alpha: 0.15 }, parent: :intuition, shadow: shadows, blur: { value: 6, invert: true } } # return style # end # # def open_tool(tool_id, widthness=3, orientation=:x, speed=0.6) # if orientation == :x # orientation = :width # value = grab(tool_id).width # else # orientation = :height # value = grab(tool_id).height # end # animate({ # start: { orientation => value }, # end: { orientation => value * widthness }, # duration: speed * 1000, # loop: 0, # curve: :easing, # target: tool_id # }) # notification "find why this id #{self.atome_id}, add annimation callback to set overflow when anim complete" # grab(tool_id).overflow(:visible) # end # # def close_tool(tool_id, widthness, orientation, speed) # if orientation == :x # orientation = :width # value = grab(tool_id).width # else # orientation = :height # value = grab(tool_id).height # end # animate({ # start: { orientation => value * widthness }, # end: { orientation => value }, # duration: speed * 1000, # loop: 0, # curve: :easing, # target: tool_id # }) # # grab(tool_id).overflow(:hidden) # end # # def create_tool(tool_name, size = 33, x_pos = 0, y_pos = 33, offsset=0) # tool_created = tool(self.tool_style(size).merge({ parent: :main_menu, atome_id: "tool_" + tool_name, id: "tool_" + tool_name, # width: size, height: size, smooth: size / 9, overflow: :hidden, x: x_pos, y: y_pos, z: 1, content: [] })) # icon=tool_created.shape({ path: tool_name, width: size - size / 2, height: size - size / 2, center: true }) # # name = intuition_list[tool_name][language] # particle({ atome_id: :tools_property_container, color: { red: 0.6, green: 0.6, blue: 0.6 } }) # # we get the plugin code only if the plugin hasn't been interpreted before (unless condition below) # unless grab(:intuition).content.include? tool_name # ATOME.reader("./medias/e_rubies/tools/#{tool_name}.rb") do |data| # # todo add a security parser here # # we set the variable tool that can be used to facilitate plugin creation # data="tool=grab(:#{tool_created.atome_id})\n"+data # compile(data) # # we add the tool to the intuition content so it won't be loaded twice # grab(:intuition).content |= [tool_name] # end # end # # end # tool_created.active({ exec: false }) # tool_created.inactive({ exec: false }) # icon.touch(stop: true) do # if tool_created.active[:exec] == true # tool_created.color(:transparent) # tool_created.active(exec: false, proc: tool_created.active[:proc] ) # tool_created.inactive(exec: true, proc: tool_created.inactive[:proc] ) # else # tool_created.color({alpha: 0.3}) # tool_created.active({ exec: true, proc: tool_created.active[:proc] }) # end # end # end # # # we get menu entry point # def open_intuition(position = {}) # position = { x: 0, yy: 0, size: 33, orientation: :vertical, offset: 0 }.merge(position) # # we get content language from view's language # if grab(:main_menu) # grab(:main_menu).delete # else # grab(:view).language # self.language(grab(:view).language) # orientation = position.delete(:orientation) # size = position.delete(:size) # offset = position.delete(:offset) # # positioning and scaling # if orientation == :vertical # requested_width = size # requested_height = (size+offset)* impulse.length # else # requested_width = (size+offset) * impulse.length # requested_height = size # end # tool({ atome_id: :main_menu, parent: :intuition, color: { alpha: 0 } }.merge(position).merge(width: requested_width, height: requested_height)) # impulse.each_with_index do |item, index| # if orientation == :vertical # create_tool(item, size, 0, index * (size+offset)) # else # create_tool(item, size, index * (size+offset), 0) # end # end # end # end end # atome class extension for eVe class Atome include Intuition # def atome(requested_property) # # add component list iin the content we maybe ahave to create a tool object because box can't handle this type of content # new_atome=self.tool({ atome_id: "#{self.atome_id}_#{requested_property}_atome_#{self.content.length}", x: 66}) # new_atome.touch({ stop: true, option: :down}) do # color(:red) # new_atome.height = new_atome.height*3 # end # new_atome.touch({ stop: true, option: :up}) do # color(:red) # new_atome.height = new_atome.height/3 # end # notification "now we have to add an object or a new property (style) to store complete tool style including size and # orientation so we can position the new atome correctly" # # alert self.content.class # # alert self.content.length # # alert tool_style # end end # # we initialise the toolbox here : # # # the launch bar # launch_bar = box({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 33, height: "100%", parent: :intuition, z: 0, color: { alpha: 0 } }) # launch_bar.touch({ option: :long }) do |evt| # size = 33 # yy_touch_position = grab(:view).convert(:height) - evt.page_y # if yy_touch_position < size # #if the long touch is within the wanted area( in this at bottom of the screen) we open the menu # # launch_bar.open_intuition({ x: size, yy: 6,offset: 6, orientation: :horizontal, size: size }) # launch_bar.open_intuition({ x: 6, yy: size,offset: 6, orientation: :vertical, size: size }) # end # end # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # tests below # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # list = molecule_analysis(@molecules_list) # notif list[:tools] # notif "======" # notif list[:molecules] # notif "======" # notif list[:atomes] # notif "======" # notif list[:molecules][:shadow] # let's build the toolbox grab(:intuition).box({id: :toolbox, top: :auto, bottom: 0, left: 0, width: Intuition.style[:toolbox][:width], height: 255}) # tool builder new({ tool: :capture }) do |params| tool = { id: :rec_01, name: :record, icon: :record, action: {open: [:sub_menu]}, code: :record_tool, position: { root: 1 }, # position can be multiple option: { opt1: :method_2 }, int8: { french: :enregistrement, english: :record, german: :datensatz } } tool end # Intuition::toolbox_style # Intuition.toolbox_style # puts A.impulse # def fill_toolzone(tools_ids) # # end # # fill_toolzone(%i[files edition select group link copy undo settings])