// Initiate ModeTest and set defaults var MT = ModeTest; MT.modeName = 'css'; MT.modeOptions = {}; // Requires at least one media query MT.testMode( 'atMediaEmpty', '@media { }', [ 'def', '@media', null, ' ', 'error', '{', null, ' }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'atMediaMultiple', '@media not screen and (color), not print and (color) { }', [ 'def', '@media', null, ' ', 'keyword', 'not', null, ' ', 'attribute', 'screen', null, ' ', 'operator', 'and', null, ' (', 'property', 'color', null, '), ', 'keyword', 'not', null, ' ', 'attribute', 'print', null, ' ', 'operator', 'and', null, ' (', 'property', 'color', null, ') { }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'atMediaCheckStack', '@media screen { } foo { }', [ 'def', '@media', null, ' ', 'attribute', 'screen', null, ' { } ', 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'atMediaCheckStack', '@media screen (color) { } foo { }', [ 'def', '@media', null, ' ', 'attribute', 'screen', null, ' (', 'property', 'color', null, ') { } ', 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'atMediaCheckStackInvalidAttribute', '@media foobarhello { } foo { }', [ 'def', '@media', null, ' ', 'attribute error', 'foobarhello', null, ' { } ', 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { }' ] ); // Error, because "and" is only allowed immediately preceding a media expression MT.testMode( 'atMediaInvalidAttribute', '@media foobarhello { }', [ 'def', '@media', null, ' ', 'attribute error', 'foobarhello', null, ' { }' ] ); // Error, because "and" is only allowed immediately preceding a media expression MT.testMode( 'atMediaInvalidAnd', '@media and screen { }', [ 'def', '@media', null, ' ', 'error', 'and', null, ' ', 'attribute', 'screen', null, ' { }' ] ); // Error, because "not" is only allowed as the first item in each media query MT.testMode( 'atMediaInvalidNot', '@media screen not (not) { }', [ 'def', '@media', null, ' ', 'attribute', 'screen', null, ' ', 'error', 'not', null, ' (', 'error', 'not', null, ') { }' ] ); // Error, because "only" is only allowed as the first item in each media query MT.testMode( 'atMediaInvalidOnly', '@media screen only (only) { }', [ 'def', '@media', null, ' ', 'attribute', 'screen', null, ' ', 'error', 'only', null, ' (', 'error', 'only', null, ') { }' ] ); // Error, because "foobarhello" is neither a known type or property, but // property was expected (after "and"), and it should be in parenthese. MT.testMode( 'atMediaUnknownType', '@media screen and foobarhello { }', [ 'def', '@media', null, ' ', 'attribute', 'screen', null, ' ', 'operator', 'and', null, ' ', 'error', 'foobarhello', null, ' { }' ] ); // Error, because "color" is not a known type, but is a known property, and // should be in parentheses. MT.testMode( 'atMediaInvalidType', '@media screen and color { }', [ 'def', '@media', null, ' ', 'attribute', 'screen', null, ' ', 'operator', 'and', null, ' ', 'error', 'color', null, ' { }' ] ); // Error, because "print" is not a known property, but is a known type, // and should not be in parenthese. MT.testMode( 'atMediaInvalidProperty', '@media screen and (print) { }', [ 'def', '@media', null, ' ', 'attribute', 'screen', null, ' ', 'operator', 'and', null, ' (', 'error', 'print', null, ') { }' ] ); // Soft error, because "foobarhello" is not a known property or type. MT.testMode( 'atMediaUnknownProperty', '@media screen and (foobarhello) { }', [ 'def', '@media', null, ' ', 'attribute', 'screen', null, ' ', 'operator', 'and', null, ' (', 'property error', 'foobarhello', null, ') { }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagSelector', 'foo { }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'classSelector', '.foo { }', [ 'qualifier', '.foo', null, ' { }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'idSelector', '#foo { #foo }', [ 'builtin', '#foo', null, ' { ', 'error', '#foo', null, ' }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagSelectorUnclosed', 'foo { margin: 0 } bar { }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'property', 'margin', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'number', '0', null, ' } ', 'tag', 'bar', null, ' { }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagStringNoQuotes', 'foo { font-family: hello world; }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'property', 'font-family', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'variable-2', 'hello', null, ' ', 'variable-2', 'world', null, '; }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagStringDouble', 'foo { font-family: "hello world"; }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'property', 'font-family', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'string', '"hello world"', null, '; }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagStringSingle', 'foo { font-family: \'hello world\'; }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'property', 'font-family', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'string', '\'hello world\'', null, '; }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagColorKeyword', 'foo { color: black; }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'property', 'color', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'keyword', 'black', null, '; }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagColorHex3', 'foo { background: #fff; }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'property', 'background', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'atom', '#fff', null, '; }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagColorHex6', 'foo { background: #ffffff; }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'property', 'background', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'atom', '#ffffff', null, '; }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagColorHex4', 'foo { background: #ffff; }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'property', 'background', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'atom error', '#ffff', null, '; }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagColorHexInvalid', 'foo { background: #ffg; }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'property', 'background', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'atom error', '#ffg', null, '; }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagNegativeNumber', 'foo { margin: -5px; }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'property', 'margin', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'number', '-5px', null, '; }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagPositiveNumber', 'foo { padding: 5px; }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'property', 'padding', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'number', '5px', null, '; }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagVendor', 'foo { -foo-box-sizing: -foo-border-box; }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'meta', '-foo-', 'property', 'box-sizing', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'meta', '-foo-', 'string-2', 'border-box', null, '; }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagBogusProperty', 'foo { barhelloworld: 0; }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'property error', 'barhelloworld', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'number', '0', null, '; }' ] ); MT.testMode( 'tagTwoProperties', 'foo { margin: 0; padding: 0; }', [ 'tag', 'foo', null, ' { ', 'property', 'margin', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'number', '0', null, '; ', 'property', 'padding', 'operator', ':', null, ' ', 'number', '0', null, '; }' ] ); // //MT.testMode( // 'tagClass', // '@media only screen and (min-width: 500px), print {foo.bar#hello { color: black !important; background: #f00; margin: -5px; padding: 5px; -foo-box-sizing: border-box; } /* world */}', // [ // 'def', '@media', // null, ' ', // 'keyword', 'only', // null, ' ', // 'attribute', 'screen', // null, ' ', // 'operator', 'and', // null, ' ', // 'bracket', '(', // 'property', 'min-width', // 'operator', ':', // null, ' ', // 'number', '500px', // 'bracket', ')', // null, ', ', // 'attribute', 'print', // null, ' {', // 'tag', 'foo', // 'qualifier', '.bar', // 'header', '#hello', // null, ' { ', // 'property', 'color', // 'operator', ':', // null, ' ', // 'keyword', 'black', // null, ' ', // 'keyword', '!important', // null, '; ', // 'property', 'background', // 'operator', ':', // null, ' ', // 'atom', '#f00', // null, '; ', // 'property', 'padding', // 'operator', ':', // null, ' ', // 'number', '5px', // null, '; ', // 'property', 'margin', // 'operator', ':', // null, ' ', // 'number', '-5px', // null, '; ', // 'meta', '-foo-', // 'property', 'box-sizing', // 'operator', ':', // null, ' ', // 'string-2', 'border-box', // null, '; } ', // 'comment', '/* world */', // null, '}' // ] //);