// Once, javascript is written in a modular format, all initialization // code should be called from here. Hyrax = { initialize: function () { this.popovers(); this.permissions(); this.notifications(); this.transfers(); this.workEditor(); this.fileManager(); this.selectWorkType(); this.datatable(); this.adminSetEditor(); this.collectionEditor(); this.adminStatisticsGraphs(); this.tinyMCE(); this.perPage(); this.sidebar(); this.batchSelect(); }, // Add WYSIWYG editor functionality to editable content blocks tinyMCE: function() { if (typeof tinyMCE === "undefined") return; tinyMCE.init({ selector: 'textarea.tinymce' }); }, // The AdminSet edit page adminSetEditor: function() { var AdminSetControls = require('hyrax/admin/admin_set_controls'); var controls = new AdminSetControls($('#admin-set-controls')); }, // The Collection edit page collectionEditor: function() { var CollectionControls = require('hyrax/collections/editor'); var controls = new CollectionControls($('#collection-controls')); }, // Pretty graphs on the dashboard page adminStatisticsGraphs: function() { var AdminGraphs = require('hyrax/admin/graphs'); new AdminGraphs(Hyrax.statistics); }, // Sortable/pageable tables datatable: function () { // This keeps the datatable from being added to a table that already has it. // This is a problem when turbolinks is active. if ($('.dataTables_wrapper').length === 0) { $('.datatable').DataTable(); } }, // The work edit page workEditor: function () { var element = $("[data-behavior='work-form']") if (element.length > 0) { var Editor = require('hyrax/editor'); new Editor(element) } }, // Popover help modals. Used on the user profile page. popovers: function () { $("a[data-toggle=popover]").popover({html: true}) .click(function () { return false; }); }, // Add access grants for a user/group to a work/fileset/collection // TODO: This could get moved to workEditor() or similar permissions: function () { var PermissionsControl = require('hyrax/permissions/control'); // On the edit work page new PermissionsControl($("#share"), 'tmpl-work-grant'); // On the edit fileset page new PermissionsControl($("#permission"), 'tmpl-file-set-grant'); // On the batch edit page new PermissionsControl($("#form_permissions"), 'tmpl-work-grant'); // On the edit collection page new PermissionsControl($("#collection_permissions"), 'tmpl-collection-grant'); }, // ActionCable for user notifications. This is displayed in the navbar. notifications: function() { // Do not create a consumer if user is not logged in if ($("meta[name='current-user']").length === 0) return; var consumer = ActionCable.createConsumer("<%= Hyrax::Engine.routes.url_helpers.notifications_endpoint_path %>"); consumer.subscriptions.create("Hyrax::NotificationsChannel", { connected: function(data) { this.perform("update_locale", { locale: $('html').attr('lang') }); }, received: function(data) { var Notification = require('hyrax/notification'); new Notification($('.notify-number')).update(data.notifications_count, data.notifications_label); } }); }, // Search for a user to transfer a work to transfers: function () { $("#proxy_deposit_request_transfer_to").userSearch(); }, // Popover menu to select the type of work when starting a deposit selectWorkType: function () { var SelectWorkType = require('hyrax/select_work_type'); $("[data-behavior=select-work]").each(function () { new SelectWorkType($(this)); }); }, // Minimize/maximize the dashboard sidebar sidebar: function () { $('.sidebar-toggle').on('click', function() { $('.sidebar, .main-content').toggleClass('maximized') }) }, // Add and reorder files attached to works fileManager: function () { var FileManager = require('hyrax/file_manager'); new FileManager(); }, // Per Page select will submit its form to change records shown perPage: function () { var PerPage = require('hyrax/per_page'); $('#per_page').each(function () { new PerPage($(this)); }); }, // Saved so that inline javascript can put data somewhere. statistics: {}, // initialized in hyrax/config.js config: {}, // Adds selected items to the batch before any batch operation is performed batchSelect: function () { var BatchSelect = require('hyrax/batch_select'); BatchSelect.initialize_batch_selected(); } };