require 'active_support/all' # Provides ::fetch and ::merge methods which allows # to perform fetch/merge operations deeply in Hash # through a path in the form of 'a.b.c' or an array # of segments ['a', 'b', 'c']. module HashOp module Deep # Examples: # h = {a: {b: {c: 1}}} # HashOp::Deep.fetch(h, :a) # => {:b=>{:c=>1}} # HashOp::Deep.fetch(h, :'a.b') # => {:c=>1} # HashOp::Deep.fetch(h, :'a.b.c') # => 1 # HashOp::Deep.fetch(h, [:a]) # => {:b=>{:c=>1}} # HashOp::Deep.fetch(h, [:a, :b, :c]) # => 1 # HashOp::Deep.fetch(h, :'b.c.a') # => nil # def fetch(hash, path) fail ArgumentError, "First argument must be an Hash (was #{hash})" unless hash.is_a?(Hash) if [String, Symbol] fetch_with_deep_key(hash, path) elsif path.is_a? Array fetch_with_segments(hash, path) else fail ArgumentError, 'Invalid attribute, must be a String or an Array' end end module_function :fetch # Examples: # h = {} # h = HashOp::Deep.merge(h, :a, 1) # => { :a => 1 } # h = HashOp::Deep.merge(h, :'a.b', 2) # => { :a => { :b => 2 } # h = HashOp::Deep.merge(h, :b, 3) # => { :a => { :b => 2 }, :b => 3 } def merge(hash, path, value) fail ArgumentError, 'First argument must be an Hash' unless hash.is_a? Hash if [String, Symbol] merge_with_deep_key(hash, path, value) elsif path.is_a? Array merge_with_segments(hash, path, value) else raise 'Invalid attribute, must be a String or an Array' end end module_function :merge # Example: # hash = { a: { :b => 1, 'c' => 2 }, d: 0 } # HashOp::Deep.paths(hash) # => [[:a, :b], [:a, 'c' ], [:d]] def paths(hash) r = [] hash.each do |key, value| if value.is_a?(Hash) paths(value).each do |deep_key| r << [key] + Array(deep_key) end else r << Array(key) end end r.uniq end module_function :paths private def fetch_with_deep_key(hash, deep_key) segments = deep_key.to_s.split('.')!(&:to_sym) if deep_key.is_a? Symbol fetch_with_segments(hash, segments) end module_function :fetch_with_deep_key def fetch_with_segments(hash, segments) return hash if segments.empty? result = hash[segments.first] if result.is_a? Hash fetch_with_segments(result, segments[1..-1]) elsif result.is_a? Array do |item| fetch_with_segments(item, segments[1..-1]) end else result end end module_function :fetch_with_segments def merge_with_deep_key(hash, deep_key, value) segments = deep_key.to_s.split('.')!(&:to_sym) if deep_key.is_a? Symbol merge_with_segments(hash, segments, value) end module_function :merge_with_deep_key def merge_with_segments(hash, segments, value) current_segment = segments.first remaining_segments = segments[1..-1] return value if segments.empty? current_value = hash[current_segment] new_value = ( if remaining_segments.length > 0 if current_value.is_a? Hash merge_with_segments(current_value, remaining_segments, value) elsif current_value.is_a? Array do |item| merge_with_segments(item, remaining_segments, value) end else build_with_segments remaining_segments, value end else value end ) hash.merge current_segment => new_value end module_function :merge_with_segments def build_with_segments(segments, value) return value if segments.empty? { segments.first => build_with_segments(segments[1..-1], value) } end module_function :build_with_segments end end