App.views.MoipForm.addChild('PaymentCard', _.extend({ el: '#payment_type_cards_section', events: { 'keyup input[type="text"]' : 'creditCardInputValidator', 'keyup #payment_card_number' : 'onKeyupPaymentCardNumber', 'click input#credit_card_submit' : 'onSubmit', 'keyup #payment_card_cpf' : 'onUserDocumentKeyup' }, activate: function(options){ // Set credit card fields masks this.moipForm = this.parent; this.$('input#payment_card_date').mask('99/99'); this.$('input#payment_card_birth').mask('99/99/9999'); this.$('input#payment_card_cpf').mask("999.999.999-99"); this.$('input#payment_card_phone').mask("(99) 9999-9999?9"); }, onKeyupPaymentCardNumber: function(e){ this.$('input#payment_card_flag').val(this.getCardFlag($(e.currentTarget).val())) }, onSubmit: function(e) { var that = this; e.preventDefault(); $(e.currentTarget).hide();; // Get token and send payment that.moipForm.getMoipToken(function(){ var settings = { "Forma": "CartaoCredito", "Instituicao": that.$('input#payment_card_flag').val(), "Parcelas": "1", "Recebimento": "AVista", "CartaoCredito": { "Numero": that.$('input#payment_card_number').val(), "Expiracao": that.$('input#payment_card_date').val(), "CodigoSeguranca": that.$('input#payment_card_source').val(), "Portador": { "Nome": that.$('input#payment_card_name').val(), "DataNascimento": that.$('input#payment_card_birth').val(), "Telefone": that.$('input#payment_card_phone').val(), "Identidade": that.$('input#payment_card_cpf').val() } } }; MoipWidget(settings); }); }, hasContent: function(element) { var value = $(element).val().replace(/[\-\.\_\/\s]/g, ''); if(value && value.length > 0){ $(element).addClass("ok").removeClass("error") return true } else { $(element).addClass("error").removeClass("ok") return false } }, creditCardInputValidator: function() { var that = this; var all_ok = true; $.each($('#payment_type_cards_section input[type="text"]'), function(i, item){ all_ok = that.hasContent(item); }); $('input#credit_card_submit').attr('disabled', !all_ok); }, getCardFlag: function(number) { var cc = (number + '').replace(/\s/g, ''); //remove space if ((/^(34|37)/).test(cc) && cc.length == 15) { return 'AmericanExpress'; //AMEX begins with 34 or 37, and length is 15. } else if ((/^(51|52|53|54|55)/).test(cc) && cc.length == 16) { return 'Mastercard'; //MasterCard beigins with 51-55, and length is 16. } else if ((/^(4)/).test(cc) && (cc.length == 13 || cc.length == 16)) { return 'Visa'; //VISA begins with 4, and length is 13 or 16. } else if ((/^(300|301|302|303|304|305|36|38)/).test(cc) && cc.length == 14) { return 'Diners'; //Diners Club begins with 300-305 or 36 or 38, and length is 14. } else if ((/^(38)/).test(cc) && cc.length == 19) { return 'Hipercard'; } return 'Desconhecido'; } }, App.views.MoipForm.UserDocument));