require_relative 'g10_options' require_relative 'patient_context_test' require_relative 'limited_scope_grant_test' require_relative 'restricted_resource_type_access_group' module ONCCertificationG10TestKit class SmartLimitedAppGroup < Inferno::TestGroup title 'Standalone Patient App - Limited Access' short_title 'Limited Access App' input_instructions %( The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that app users can restrict access granted to apps to a limited number of resources. Enter which resources the user will grant access to below, and during the launch process only grant access to those resources. Inferno will verify that access granted matches these expectations. All other inputs are locked to ensure the same app configuration as in the Standalone Patient App - Full Access test. ) description %( This scenario demonstrates the ability to perform a Patient Standalone Launch to a SMART on FHIR confidential client with limited access granted to the app based on user input. The tester is expected to grant the application access to a subset of desired resource types. The launch is performed using the same app configuration as in the Standalone Patient App test, demonstrating that the user is control over what scopes are granted to the app as required in the (g)(10) Standardized API criterion. * [SMART on FHIR (STU1)]( * [SMART on FHIR (STU2)]( ) id :g10_smart_limited_app run_as_group input_order :expected_resources, :use_pkce, :pkce_code_challenge_method, :url, :standalone_client_id, :standalone_client_secret, :smart_authorization_url, :smart_token_url group from: :smart_standalone_launch do title 'Standalone Launch With Limited Scope' description %( # Background The [Standalone Launch Sequence]( allows an app, like Inferno, to be launched independent of an existing EHR session. It is one of the two launch methods described in the SMART App Launch Framework alongside EHR Launch. The app will request authorization for the provided scope(s) from the authorization endpoint, and the user of the app will choose to either grant the app access to the requested scope(s), or to deny one or all of the requested scope(s). This test verifies the ability of a server to provide a user with the choice of which scopes to grant an app. Allowing users to choose which resource types to grant access to is a requirement of the ONC (g)(10) certification criteria. Prior to the test, the tester specifies which resource types will be granted, and then during the authorization process the tester grants access to those scopes. # Test Methodology Inferno will redirect the user to the authorization endpoint so that they may provide any required credentials and authorize the application. Upon successful authorization, Inferno will exchange the authorization code provided for an access token. Inferno verifies that the server only grants access to the resources specified by the user. For more information on the #{title}: * [Standalone Launch Sequence]( ) required_suite_options G10Options::SMART_1_REQUIREMENT config( inputs: { client_id: { locked: true }, client_secret: { locked: true, optional: false }, url: { locked: true }, requested_scopes: { locked: true }, code: { name: :limited_code }, state: { name: :limited_state }, patient_id: { name: :limited_patient_id }, access_token: { name: :limited_access_token }, # TODO: separate standalone/ehr discovery outputs smart_authorization_url: { locked: true, title: 'SMART Authorization Url' }, smart_token_url: { locked: true, title: 'SMART Token Url' }, received_scopes: { name: :limited_received_scopes }, smart_credentials: { name: :limited_smart_credentials } }, outputs: { code: { name: :limited_code }, token_retrieval_time: { name: :limited_token_retrieval_time }, state: { name: :limited_state }, id_token: { name: :limited_id_token }, refresh_token: { name: :limited_refresh_token }, access_token: { name: :limited_access_token }, expires_in: { name: :limited_expires_in }, patient_id: { name: :limited_patient_id }, encounter_id: { name: :limited_encounter_id }, received_scopes: { name: :limited_received_scopes }, intent: { name: :limited_intent }, smart_credentials: { name: :limited_smart_credentials } }, requests: { redirect: { name: :limited_redirect }, token: { name: :limited_token } }, options: { ignore_missing_scopes_check: true, redirect_message_proc: lambda do |auth_url| expected_resource_string = expected_resources .split(',') .map(&:strip) .map { |resource_type| "* #{resource_type}\n" } .join <<~MESSAGE ### #{self.class.parent.parent.title} [Follow this link to authorize with the SMART server](#{auth_url}). Tests will resume once Inferno receives a request at `#{config.options[:redirect_uri]}` with a state of `#{state}`. Access should only be granted to the following resources: #{expected_resource_string} MESSAGE end } ) input :expected_resources, title: 'Expected Resource Grant for Limited Access Launch', description: 'The user will only grant access to the following resources during authorization.', default: 'Patient, Condition, Observation' test from: :g10_patient_context, config: { inputs: { patient_id: { name: :limited_patient_id }, smart_credentials: { name: :limited_smart_credentials } } } test from: :g10_limited_scope_grant do config( inputs: { received_scopes: { name: :limited_received_scopes } } ) end end group from: :smart_standalone_launch_stu2, config: { inputs: { use_pkce: { default: 'true', locked: true }, pkce_code_challenge_method: { locked: true } } } do title 'Standalone Launch With Limited Scope' description %( # Background The [Standalone Launch Sequence]( allows an app, like Inferno, to be launched independent of an existing EHR session. It is one of the two launch methods described in the SMART App Launch Framework alongside EHR Launch. The app will request authorization for the provided scope from the authorization endpoint, ultimately receiving an authorization token which can be used to gain access to resources on the FHIR server. # Test Methodology Inferno will redirect the user to the the authorization endpoint so that they may provide any required credentials and authorize the application. Upon successful authorization, Inferno will exchange the authorization code provided for an access token. For more information on the #{title}: * [Standalone Launch Sequence]( ) required_suite_options G10Options::SMART_2_REQUIREMENT config( inputs: { client_id: { locked: true }, client_secret: { locked: true }, url: { locked: true }, requested_scopes: { locked: true }, code: { name: :limited_code }, state: { name: :limited_state }, patient_id: { name: :limited_patient_id }, access_token: { name: :limited_access_token }, # TODO: separate standalone/ehr discovery outputs smart_authorization_url: { locked: true, title: 'SMART Authorization Url' }, smart_token_url: { locked: true, title: 'SMART Token Url' }, received_scopes: { name: :limited_received_scopes }, smart_credentials: { name: :limited_smart_credentials } }, outputs: { code: { name: :limited_code }, token_retrieval_time: { name: :limited_token_retrieval_time }, state: { name: :limited_state }, id_token: { name: :limited_id_token }, refresh_token: { name: :limited_refresh_token }, access_token: { name: :limited_access_token }, expires_in: { name: :limited_expires_in }, patient_id: { name: :limited_patient_id }, encounter_id: { name: :limited_encounter_id }, received_scopes: { name: :limited_received_scopes }, intent: { name: :limited_intent }, smart_credentials: { name: :limited_smart_credentials } }, requests: { redirect: { name: :limited_redirect }, token: { name: :limited_token } }, options: { ignore_missing_scopes_check: true, redirect_message_proc: lambda do |auth_url| expected_resource_string = expected_resources .split(',') .map(&:strip) .map { |resource_type| "* #{resource_type}\n" } .join <<~MESSAGE ### #{self.class.parent.parent.title} [Follow this link to authorize with the SMART server](#{auth_url}). Tests will resume once Inferno receives a request at `#{config.options[:redirect_uri]}` with a state of `#{state}`. Access should only be granted to the following resources: #{expected_resource_string} MESSAGE end } ) input :expected_resources, title: 'Expected Resource Grant for Limited Access Launch', description: 'The user will only grant access to the following resources during authorization.', default: 'Patient, Condition, Observation' test from: :g10_patient_context, config: { inputs: { patient_id: { name: :limited_patient_id }, smart_credentials: { name: :limited_smart_credentials } } } test from: :g10_limited_scope_grant do config( inputs: { received_scopes: { name: :limited_received_scopes } } ) end end group from: :g10_restricted_resource_type_access, config: { inputs: { patient_id: { name: :limited_patient_id }, received_scopes: { name: :limited_received_scopes }, smart_credentials: { name: :limited_smart_credentials } } } end end