/ TODO / Replace ApplicationName .home .banners .container - if is_admin .row .col-md-10 %h3 Data Shared %small Equivalence between Maestrano's Connec!™ id and ApplicationName id for each of your entities - if @idmaps %table.table.table-condensed %th Entity name %th Connec!™ entity %th Connec!™ id %th SalesForce entity %th SalesForce id %th Message - @idmaps.each do |idmap| %tr %td= idmap.name %td= idmap.connec_entity ? idmap.connec_entity.humanize : nil %td= idmap.connec_id %td= idmap.external_entity ? idmap.external_entity.humanize : nil %td= idmap.external_id %td= idmap.message - else .spacer1 .row .col-md-12 %strong You don't have any data mapped yet - else .row.center -if current_user %h3 You don't have the necessary rights to access this page. - else %h3 You need to be logged in to access this page = button_to "Go back", home_index_path, method: :get, class: 'btn btn-warning'