# encoding: utf-8 require 'boson/runner' module Desi class Runner < Boson::Runner def self.verbosity_option option :verbose, type: :boolean, desc: "Display information messages", default: STDOUT.tty? option :quiet, type: :boolean, desc: "Do not output anything", default: !STDOUT.tty? end desc "List locally installed Elastic Search releases" verbosity_option def list(options = {}) puts "Local ES installs (current one is tagged with '*'):" unless quiet?(options) Desi::LocalInstall.new.releases.sort.reverse.each do |v| puts v end end desc "List latest ElasticSearch releases (latest 5 by default)" verbosity_option option :limit, type: :numeric, desc: "Number of releases to show (0 for all)", default: 5 def releases(options = {}) limit = options[:limit] releases = Desi::Upstream.new.releases.each_with_index. take_while {|rel, i| i < limit || limit == 0 }.map(&:first) if quiet?(options) releases else puts "Here are #{limit == 0 ? 'all the' : "the #{limit} latest"} releases" releases.each {|rel| puts " - #{rel.name} (#{rel.release_date})" } end end desc "Install ES (to latest stable version by default)" verbosity_option def install(version_or_full_name = nil, options = {}) release = if version_or_full_name Desi::Upstream.new.find_release(version_or_full_name) else puts " * No release specified, will fetch latest." unless quiet?(options) Desi::Upstream.new.latest_release end puts " * fetching release #{release}" unless quiet?(options) package = Desi::Downloader.new(verbose: !quiet?(options)).download!(release) puts " * #{release} installed" if Desi::Installer.new(package).install! && !quiet?(options) end desc "Start Elastic Search (do nothing if already active)" verbosity_option def start(options = {}) Desi::ProcessManager.new(verbose: !quiet?(options)).start end desc "Start or restart Elastic Search (restart if already active)" verbosity_option def restart(options = {}) Desi::ProcessManager.new(verbose: !quiet?(options)).restart end desc "Stop Elastic Search" verbosity_option def stop(options = {}) Desi::ProcessManager.new(verbose: !quiet?(options)).stop end desc "Show current status" verbosity_option option "--host", type: :string, desc: "Elastic Search cluster URL", default: '' def status(options = {}) Desi::ProcessManager.new(verbose: !quiet?(options), host: options[:host]).status end desc "List indices" verbosity_option option "--host", type: :string, desc: "Elastic Search cluster URL", default: '' option "--delete", type: :boolean, desc: "Delete the specified indices (You've been warned!)", default: false option "--empty", type: :boolean, desc: "Delete all documents from the specified indices", default: false def indices(pattern = nil, options = {}) index_manager = Desi::IndexManager.new(verbose: !quiet?(options), host: options[:host]) if options[:delete] index_manager.delete!(pattern) elsif options[:empty] index_manager.empty!(pattern) else index_manager.list(pattern) end end # desc "Upgrade to latest ElasticSearch version" # def upgrade # end # desc "Switch currently active ES version to VERSION" # option :version, type: :string # def switch # end private def quiet?(opts = {}) opts[:quiet] || !opts[:verbose] end end end