class Article < ActiveFedora::Base include CurationConcern::Model include CurationConcern::WithGenericFiles include CurationConcern::WithLinkedResources include CurationConcern::WithLinkedContributors include CurationConcern::Embargoable include ActiveFedora::RegisteredAttributes has_metadata "descMetadata", type: ArticleMetadataDatastream include CurationConcern::DoiAssignable class_attribute :human_readable_short_description self.human_readable_short_description = "Deposit or reference a preprint or published article." self.indefinite_article = 'an' self.contributor_label = 'Author' validates_presence_of :contributors, message: "Your #{human_readable_type.downcase} must have #{label_with_indefinite_article}." attribute :title, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false, label: "Title of your Article", validates: { presence: { message: 'Your article must have a title.' } } attribute :alternate_title, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: true attribute :contributor, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: true, label: "Contributing Author(s)", hint: "Who else played a non-primary role in the creation of your Article." attribute :repository_name, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false, label: "Repository Name", hint: "The physical location of the materials." attribute :contributor_institution, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false, label: "Contributor Institution", hint: "The Institution that is contributing the item to the repository." attribute :collection_name, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false, label: "Collection Name", hint: "The name of the collection that is being digitized." attribute :abstract, label: "Abstract or Summary of the Article", datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false, validates: { presence: { message: 'Your Article must have an abstract.' } } attribute :content_format, label: "Content Format", datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false attribute :date_digitized, label: "Digitized Date", datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false, hint: "The date the materials were digitized." attribute :recommended_citation, label: "Recommended Citation", datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: true attribute :date_created, default:"%Y-%m-%d"), label: "When did your finish your Article", hint: "This does not need to be exact, but your best guess.", datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false attribute :date_uploaded, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false attribute :date_modified, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false attribute :journal_information, label: "Journal Information", datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false attribute :subject, label: "Keyword(s) or phrase(s)", hint: "What words or phrases would be helpful for someone searching for your Article", datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: true attribute :language, hint: "What is the language(s) in which you wrote your work?", default: ['English'], datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: true attribute :publisher, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: true attribute :coverage_spatial, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false attribute :coverage_temporal, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false attribute :identifier, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false, editable: false attribute :issn, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false, editable: true attribute :rights, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false, default: "All rights reserved", validates: { presence: { message: 'You must select a license for your work.' } } attribute :requires, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: true attribute :files, multiple: true, form: {as: :file}, label: "Upload Files", hint: "CTRL-Click (Windows) or CMD-Click (Mac) to select multiple files." attribute :linked_resource_url, multiple: true end