# 0.6.2 * Fix IE 8 support (by Dmitry Klimensky). * Fix event name in debugger (by Andrey Krivko) ## 0.6.1 * Fix debugger scope (by Andrey Krivko) ## 0.6 (Ranger Able, 27th January 1951) * Add filters, which process block object before init was called. * Most build-in features was moved to filter to be disableable. * Listener `load on window` will call immediately, if page was already loaded. ## 0.5.1 * Fix block vitalizing, when multiple blocks was binded to same DOM node. ## 0.5 (RDS-1, 29th August 1949) * Current event target was moved from first argument to `event.el`. * Inside finder was moved from `@(selector)` to `@$(selector)`. * Remove old function style API. * Add `@@block` alias. * Add debugger extension. * Vitalize blocks on next tick after page ready. * Don’t vitalize blocks twice. * Method `evil.block.vitalize()` calls on `document` by default. * Allow to use GitHub master in Bundler. * Add Bower support. ## 0.4.2 (Zebra, 14th May 1948) * Don’t listen bubbled events as block event. * Change license to MIT. ## 0.4.1 (Yoke, 30th April 1948) * Allow to listen body and window events from object style. ## 0.4 (X-Ray, 14th April 1948) * Add new object style. ## 0.3.2 (Helen of Bikini, 25th July 1946) * Fix searching elements inside several blocks (by Andrei Miroshnik). ## 0.3.1 (Gilda, 1st July 1946) * Fix in multiple block copies on one page (by Andrei Miroshnik). ## 0.3 (Fat Man, 9th August 1945) * Add shortcut to Slim to set data-role and class. * Run callback on every block copy in page. ## 0.2 (Little Boy, 6th August 1945) * Support non-Rails applications in gem. ## 0.1 (The Gadget, 16th July 1945) * Initial release.