class RuneBlog::Default # This will all become much more generic later. BlogHeader = <<-TEXT Fake Blog, Fake Title, Fake Author

Yet another blog... by Kilgore Trout

If you're the kind of person who likes this sort of thing, then this is the sort of thing a person like you will like.

Don't you feel more like you do now than before you read this?

TEXT BlogTrailer = <<-TEXT TEXT def RuneBlog.post_template(title: "No title", date: nil, view: "test_view", teaser: "No teaser", body: "No body") <<-TEXT .mixin liveblog .title #{title} .pubdate #{date} .views #{view} .tags .teaser #{teaser} .end #{body} TEXT end def RuneBlog.teaser_template(title: "No title", date: nil, view: "test_view", teaser: "No teaser", body: "No body", slug: nil) <<-TEXT


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