require 'rubygems' require 'builder' # Base class for all other types of spreadsheets class GenericSpreadsheet attr_reader :default_sheet # sets the line with attribute names (default: 1) attr_accessor :header_line def initialize end # set the working sheet in the document def default_sheet=(sheet) if sheet.kind_of? Fixnum if sheet >= 0 and sheet <= sheets.length sheet = self.sheets[sheet-1] else raise RangeError end elsif sheet.kind_of?(String) raise RangeError if ! self.sheets.include?(sheet) else raise TypeError, "what are you trying to set as default sheet?" end @default_sheet = sheet check_default_sheet @first_row[sheet] = @last_row[sheet] = @first_column[sheet] = @last_column[sheet] = nil @cells_read[sheet] = false end # first non-empty column as a letter def first_column_as_letter(sheet=nil) GenericSpreadsheet.number_to_letter(first_column(sheet)) end # last non-empty column as a letter def last_column_as_letter(sheet=nil) GenericSpreadsheet.number_to_letter(last_column(sheet)) end # returns the number of the first non-empty row def first_row(sheet=nil) if sheet == nil sheet = @default_sheet end read_cells(sheet) unless @cells_read[sheet] if @first_row[sheet] return @first_row[sheet] end impossible_value = 999_999 # more than a spreadsheet can hold result = impossible_value @cell[sheet].each_pair {|key,value| y,x = key # _to_string(key).split(',') y = y.to_i result = [result, y].min if value } if @cell[sheet] result = nil if result == impossible_value @first_row[sheet] = result result end # returns the number of the last non-empty row def last_row(sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet read_cells(sheet) unless @cells_read[sheet] if @last_row[sheet] return @last_row[sheet] end impossible_value = 0 result = impossible_value @cell[sheet].each_pair {|key,value| y,x = key # _to_string(key).split(',') y = y.to_i result = [result, y].max if value } if @cell[sheet] result = nil if result == impossible_value @last_row[sheet] = result result end # returns the number of the first non-empty column def first_column(sheet=nil) if sheet == nil sheet = @default_sheet end read_cells(sheet) unless @cells_read[sheet] if @first_column[sheet] return @first_column[sheet] end impossible_value = 999_999 # more than a spreadsheet can hold result = impossible_value @cell[sheet].each_pair {|key,value| y,x = key # _to_string(key).split(',') x = x # .to_i result = [result, x].min if value } if @cell[sheet] result = nil if result == impossible_value @first_column[sheet] = result result end # returns the number of the last non-empty column def last_column(sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet read_cells(sheet) unless @cells_read[sheet] if @last_column[sheet] return @last_column[sheet] end impossible_value = 0 result = impossible_value @cell[sheet].each_pair {|key,value| y,x = key # _to_string(key).split(',') x = x.to_i result = [result, x].max if value } if @cell[sheet] result = nil if result == impossible_value @last_column[sheet] = result result end # returns a rectangular area (default: all cells) as yaml-output # you can add additional attributes with the prefix parameter like: # oo.to_yaml({"file"=>"flightdata_2007-06-26", "sheet" => "1"}) def to_yaml(prefix={}, from_row=nil, from_column=nil, to_row=nil, to_column=nil,sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet result = "--- \n" (from_row||first_row(sheet)).upto(to_row||last_row(sheet)) do |row| (from_column||first_column(sheet)).upto(to_column||last_column(sheet)) do |col| unless empty?(row,col,sheet) result << "cell_#{row}_#{col}: \n" prefix.each {|k,v| result << " #{k}: #{v} \n" } result << " row: #{row} \n" result << " col: #{col} \n" result << " celltype: #{self.celltype(row,col,sheet)} \n" if self.celltype(row,col,sheet) == :time result << " value: #{GenericSpreadsheet.integer_to_timestring( self.cell(row,col,sheet))} \n" else result << " value: #{self.cell(row,col,sheet)} \n" end end end end result end # write the current spreadsheet to stdout or into a file def to_csv(filename=nil,sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet if filename file =,"w") # do |file| write_csv_content(file,sheet) file.close else write_csv_content(STDOUT,sheet) end true end # find a row either by row number or a condition # Caution: this works only within the default sheet -> set default_sheet before you call this method # (experimental. see examples in the test_roo.rb file) def find(*args) # :nodoc result_array = false args.each {|arg,val| if arg.class == Hash arg.each { |hkey,hval| if hkey == :array and hval == true result_array = true end } end } column_with = {} 1.upto(last_column) do |col| column_with[cell(@header_line,col)] = col end result = #-- id if args[0].class == Fixnum rownum = args[0] if @header_line tmp = {} else tmp = [] end 1.upto(self.row(rownum).size) {|j| x = '' column_with.each { |key,val| if val == j x = key end } if @header_line tmp[x] = cell(rownum,j) else tmp[j-1] = cell(rownum,j) end } if @header_line result = [ tmp ] else result = tmp end #-- :all elsif args[0] == :all if args[1].class == Hash args[1].each {|key,val| if key == :conditions column_with = {} 1.upto(last_column) do |col| column_with[cell(@header_line,col)] = col end conditions = val first_row.upto(last_row) do |i| # are all conditions met? found = 1 conditions.each { |key,val| if cell(i,column_with[key]) == val found *= 1 else found *= 0 end } if found > 0 tmp = {} 1.upto(self.row(i).size) {|j| x = '' column_with.each { |key,val| if val == j x = key end } tmp[x] = cell(i,j) } if result_array result << self.row(i) else result << tmp end end end end # :conditions } end end result end # returns all values in this row as an array # row numbers are 1,2,3,... like in the spreadsheet def row(rownumber,sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet read_cells(sheet) unless @cells_read[sheet] result = [] first_column(sheet).upto(last_column(sheet)) do |col| result << cell(rownumber,col,sheet) end result end # returns all values in this column as an array # column numbers are 1,2,3,... like in the spreadsheet def column(columnnumber,sheet=nil) if columnnumber.class == String columnnumber = Excel.letter_to_number(columnnumber) end sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet read_cells(sheet) unless @cells_read[sheet] result = [] first_row(sheet).upto(last_row(sheet)) do |row| result << cell(row,columnnumber,sheet) end result end # reopens and read a spreadsheet document def reload ds = @default_sheet initialize(@filename) if self.class == Openoffice or self.class == Excel initialize(@spreadsheetkey,@user,@password) if self.class == Google self.default_sheet = ds #@first_row = @last_row = @first_column = @last_column = nil end # true if cell is empty def empty?(row, col, sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet read_cells(sheet) unless @cells_read[sheet] or self.class == Excel row,col = normalize(row,col) return true unless cell(row, col, sheet) return true if celltype(row, col, sheet) == :string && cell(row, col, sheet).empty? return true if row < first_row(sheet) || row > last_row(sheet) || col < first_column(sheet) || col > last_column(sheet) false end # recursively removes the current temporary directory # this is only needed if you work with zipped files or files via the web def remove_tmp if File.exists?(@tmpdir) FileUtils::rm_r(@tmpdir) end end # Returns information of the spreadsheet document and all sheets within # this document. def info result = "File: #{File.basename(@filename)}\n"+ "Number of sheets: #{sheets.size}\n"+ "Sheets: #{{|sheet| sheet+", "}.to_s[0..-3]}\n" n = 1 sheets.each {|sheet| self.default_sheet = sheet result << "Sheet " + n.to_s + ":\n" unless first_row result << " - empty -" else result << " First row: #{first_row}\n" result << " Last row: #{last_row}\n" result << " First column: #{GenericSpreadsheet.number_to_letter(first_column)}\n" result << " Last column: #{GenericSpreadsheet.number_to_letter(last_column)}" end result << "\n" if sheet != sheets.last n += 1 } result end def to_xml xml_document = '' xml = => xml_document, :indent => 2) xml.instruct! :xml, :version =>"1.0", :encoding => "utf-8" xml.spreadsheet { self.sheets.each do |sheet| self.default_sheet = sheet xml.sheet(:name => sheet) { |x| if first_row and last_row and first_column and last_column # sonst gibt es Fehler bei leeren Blaettern first_row.upto(last_row) do |row| first_column.upto(last_column) do |col| unless empty?(row,col) x.cell(cell(row,col), :row =>row, :column => col, :type => celltype(row,col)) end end end end } end } xml_document end protected def file_type_check(filename, ext, name) new_expression = { '.ods' => '', '.xls' => '', '.xlsx' => '', '.xml' => '' } case ext when '.ods', '.xls', '.xlsx', '.xml' correct_class = "use #{new_expression[ext]} to handle #{ext} spreadsheet files" else raise "unknown file type: #{ext}" end if File.extname(filename).downcase != ext case @file_warning when :error warn correct_class raise TypeError, "#{filename} is not #{name} file" when :warning warn "are you sure, this is #{name} spreadsheet file?" warn correct_class when :ignore # ignore else raise "#{@file_warning} illegal state of file_warning" end end end # konvertiert einen Key in der Form "12,45" (=row,column) in # ein Array mit numerischen Werten ([12,45]) # Diese Methode ist eine temp. Loesung, um zu erforschen, ob der # Zugriff mit numerischen Keys schneller ist. def key_to_num(str) r,c = str.split(',') r = r.to_i c = c.to_i [r,c] end # siehe: key_to_num def key_to_string(arr) "#{arr[0]},#{arr[1]}" end private # converts cell coordinate to numeric values of row,col def normalize(row,col) if row.class == String if col.class == Fixnum # ('A',1): # ('B', 5) -> (5, 2) row, col = col, row else raise ArgumentError end end if col.class == String col = GenericSpreadsheet.letter_to_number(col) end return row,col end # def open_from_uri(uri) # require 'open-uri' ; # tempfilename = File.join(@tmpdir, File.basename(uri)) # f =,"wb") # begin # open(uri) do |net| # f.write( # end # rescue # raise "could not open #{uri}" # end # f.close # File.join(@tmpdir, File.basename(uri)) # end # OpenURI::HTTPError # def open_from_uri(uri) # require 'open-uri' # #existiert URL? # r = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(uri)) # raise "URL nicht verfuegbar" unless r.is_a? Net::HTTPOK # tempfilename = File.join(@tmpdir, File.basename(uri)) # f =,"wb") # open(uri) do |net| # f.write( # end # # rescue # # raise "could not open #{uri}" # # end # f.close # File.join(@tmpdir, File.basename(uri)) # end def open_from_uri(uri) require 'open-uri' response = '' begin open(uri, "User-Agent" => "Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}") { |net| response = tempfilename = File.join(@tmpdir, File.basename(uri)) f =,"wb") f.write(response) f.close } rescue OpenURI::HTTPError raise "could not open #{uri}" end File.join(@tmpdir, File.basename(uri)) end def open_from_stream(stream) tempfilename = File.join(@tmpdir, "spreadsheet") f =,"wb") f.write(stream[7..-1]) f.close File.join(@tmpdir, "spreadsheet") end # convert a number to something like 'AB' (1 => 'A', 2 => 'B', ...) def self.number_to_letter(n) letters="" while n > 0 num = n%26 letters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[num-1,1] + letters n = n.div(26) end letters end # convert letters like 'AB' to a number ('A' => 1, 'B' => 2, ...) def self.letter_to_number(letters) result = 0 while letters && letters.length > 0 character = letters[0,1].upcase num = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".index(character) raise ArgumentError, "invalid column character '#{letters[0,1]}'" if num == nil num += 1 result = result * 26 + num letters = letters[1..-1] end result end def unzip(filename) ret = nil do |zip| ret = process_zipfile_packed zip end ret end # check if default_sheet was set and exists in sheets-array def check_default_sheet sheet_found = false raise ArgumentError, "Error: default_sheet not set" if @default_sheet == nil if sheets.index(@default_sheet) sheet_found = true end if ! sheet_found raise RangeError, "sheet '#{@default_sheet}' not found" end #raise ArgumentError, "Error: default_sheet not set" if @default_sheet == nil end def process_zipfile_packed(zip, path='') ret=nil if zip.file.file? path # extract and return filename @tmpdir = "oo_"+$$.to_s unless File.exists?(@tmpdir) FileUtils::mkdir(@tmpdir) end file =, path),"wb") file.write( file.close return File.join(@tmpdir, path) else unless path.empty? path += '/' end zip.dir.foreach(path) do |filename| ret = process_zipfile_packed(zip, path + filename) end end ret end def write_csv_content(file=nil,sheet=nil) file = STDOUT unless file if first_row(sheet) # sheet is not empty # first_row(sheet).upto(last_row(sheet)) do |row| 1.upto(last_row(sheet)) do |row| 1.upto(last_column(sheet)) do |col| file.print(",") if col > 1 onecell = cell(row,col,sheet) onecelltype = celltype(row,col,sheet) file.print one_cell_output(onecelltype,onecell,empty?(row,col,sheet)) end file.print("\n") end # sheet not empty end end def one_cell_output(onecelltype,onecell,empty) str = "" if empty str += '' else case onecelltype when :string if onecell == "" str << '' else onecell.gsub!(/"/,'""') str << ('"'+onecell+'"') end when :float,:percentage if onecell == onecell.to_i str << onecell.to_i.to_s else str << onecell.to_s end when :formula if onecell.class == String if onecell == "" str << '' else onecell.gsub!(/"/,'""') str << '"'+onecell+'"' end elsif onecell.class == Float if onecell == onecell.to_i str << onecell.to_i.to_s else str << onecell.to_s end else raise "unhandled onecell-class "+onecell.class.to_s end when :date str << onecell.to_s when :time str << GenericSpreadsheet.integer_to_timestring(onecell) else raise "unhandled celltype "+onecelltype.to_s end end str end # converts an integer value to a time string like '02:05:06' def self.integer_to_timestring(content) return content if String === content h = (content/3600.0).floor content = content - h*3600 m = (content/60.0).floor content = content - m*60 s = content sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",h,m,s) end end