require 'rest-client' require 'lita-onewheel-beer-base' require 'open-uri' require 'pdf-reader' module Lita module Handlers class OnewheelBeerBtu < OnewheelBeerBase route /^btu$/i, :taps_list, command: true, help: {'btu' => 'Display the current taps.'} route /^btu ([\w ]+)$/i, :taps_deets, command: true, help: {'btu 4' => 'Display the tap 4 deets, including prices.'} route /^btu ([<>=\w.\s]+)%$/i, :taps_by_abv, command: true, help: {'btu >4%' => 'Display beers over 4% ABV.'} route /^btu ([<>=\$\w.\s]+)$/i, :taps_by_price, command: true, help: {'btu <$5' => 'Display beers under $5.'} route /^btu (roulette|random)$/i, :taps_by_random, command: true, help: {'btu roulette' => 'Can\'t decide? Let me do it for you!'} route /^btuabvlow$/i, :taps_low_abv, command: true, help: {'btuabvlow' => 'Show me the lowest abv keg.'} route /^btuabvhigh$/i, :taps_high_abv, command: true, help: {'btuabvhigh' => 'Show me the highest abv keg.'} def taps_list(response) beers = self.get_source reply = 'BTU taps: ' beers.each do |tap, datum| reply += "#{tap}) " reply += datum[:name] + ' ' reply += '- ' + datum[:abv].to_s + '% ' reply += ' ' # reply += datum[:ibu].to_s + ' IBU ' end reply = reply.strip.sub /,\s*$/, '' "Replying with #{reply}" response.reply reply end def send_response(tap, datum, response) reply = "BTU's tap #{tap}) " reply += "#{datum[:name]} - " reply += datum[:abv].to_s + '% ABV ' reply += datum[:ibu].to_s + ' IBU ' reply += "- #{datum[:desc]}" "send_response: Replying with #{reply}" response.reply reply end def get_source # Lita.logger.debug 'get_source started' # unless (response = redis.get('page_response')) # 'No cached result found, fetching.' # response = RestClient.get('') # redis.setex('page_response', 18000, response) # end parse_response pull_pdf end def pull_pdf reader = '') reader.pages[0].text.split /\n/ end # This is the worker bee- decoding the pdf into our "standard" document. def parse_response(response) gimme_what_you_got = {} tap = 1 beer_name = nil beer_abv = nil beer_ibu = nil beer_desc = '' response.each_with_index do |line, index| line.strip! if index >= 2 if line.empty? unless beer_name.nil? gimme_what_you_got[tap] = { brewery: 'BTU', name: beer_name.to_s, desc: beer_desc.to_s.strip, abv: beer_abv.to_f, ibu: beer_ibu, search: "#{beer_name} #{beer_desc}" } tap += 1 beer_name = nil beer_desc = '' beer_abv = nil beer_ibu = nil end next end if beer_name.nil? beer_name = line next end if (matchdata = line.match(/(.+)\sIBUS\s([0-9.]+)\%\s*ABV/)) beer_ibu = matchdata[1] beer_abv = matchdata[2] next end beer_desc += line + ' ' end end gimme_what_you_got end Lita.register_handler(self) end end end