require 'pio/echo' describe Pio::Echo::Request do describe '.read' do When(:echo_request) { } context 'with an echo request message' do Given(:binary) { [1, 2, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0].pack('C*') } Then { echo_request.ofp_version == 1 } Then { echo_request.message_type == Pio::OpenFlow::Type::ECHO_REQUEST } Then { echo_request.message_length == 8 } Then { echo_request.transaction_id == 0 } Then { echo_request.xid == 0 } Then { echo_request.user_data.empty? } Then { echo_request.user_data == '' } Then { echo_request.body.empty? } Then { echo_request.body == '' } Then { echo_request.to_binary == [1, 2, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0].pack('C*') } end context 'with a hello message' do Given(:binary) { [1, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0].pack('C*') } Then do echo_request == Failure(Pio::ParseError, 'Invalid Echo Request message.') end end end describe '.new' do context 'with no arguments' do When(:echo_request) { } Then { echo_request.ofp_version == 1 } Then { echo_request.message_type == Pio::OpenFlow::Type::ECHO_REQUEST } Then { echo_request.message_length == 8 } Then { echo_request.transaction_id == 0 } Then { echo_request.xid == 0 } Then { echo_request.user_data.empty? } Then { echo_request.user_data == '' } Then { echo_request.body.empty? } Then { echo_request.body == '' } Then { echo_request.to_binary == [1, 2, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0].pack('C*') } end context 'with 123' do When(:echo_request) { } Then { echo_request.ofp_version == 1 } Then { echo_request.message_type == Pio::OpenFlow::Type::ECHO_REQUEST } Then { echo_request.message_length == 8 } Then { echo_request.transaction_id == 123 } Then { echo_request.xid == 123 } Then { echo_request.user_data.empty? } Then { echo_request.user_data == '' } Then { echo_request.body.empty? } Then { echo_request.body == '' } Then { echo_request.to_binary == [1, 2, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 123].pack('C*') } end context 'with transaction_id: 123' do When(:echo_request) { 123) } Then { echo_request.ofp_version == 1 } Then { echo_request.message_type == Pio::OpenFlow::Type::ECHO_REQUEST } Then { echo_request.message_length == 8 } Then { echo_request.transaction_id == 123 } Then { echo_request.xid == 123 } Then { echo_request.user_data.empty? } Then { echo_request.user_data == '' } Then { echo_request.body.empty? } Then { echo_request.body == '' } Then { echo_request.to_binary == [1, 2, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 123].pack('C*') } end context 'with xid: 123' do When(:echo_request) { 123) } Then { echo_request.ofp_version == 1 } Then { echo_request.message_type == Pio::OpenFlow::Type::ECHO_REQUEST } Then { echo_request.message_length == 8 } Then { echo_request.transaction_id == 123 } Then { echo_request.xid == 123 } Then { echo_request.user_data.empty? } Then { echo_request.user_data == '' } Then { echo_request.body.empty? } Then { echo_request.body == '' } Then { echo_request.to_binary == [1, 2, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 123].pack('C*') } end context "with transaction_id: 123, user_data: 'foobar'" do When(:echo_request) do 123, user_data: 'foobar') end Then { echo_request.ofp_version == 1 } Then { echo_request.message_type == Pio::OpenFlow::Type::ECHO_REQUEST } Then { echo_request.message_length == 14 } Then { echo_request.transaction_id == 123 } Then { echo_request.xid == 123 } Then { echo_request.user_data == 'foobar' } Then { echo_request.body == 'foobar' } Then do echo_request.to_binary == [1, 2, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0, 123, 102, 111, 111, 98, 97, 114].pack('C*') end end context 'with -1' do When(:result) { } Then do result == Failure(ArgumentError, 'Transaction ID should be an unsigned 32-bit integer.') end end context 'with 2**32' do When(:result) {**32) } Then do result == Failure(ArgumentError, 'Transaction ID should be an unsigned 32-bit integer.') end end context 'with :INVALID_ARGUMENT' do When(:result) { } Then { result == Failure(TypeError) } end end end